Road Tripping


HB Heisman
Dec 20, 2012
I'll be in Iowa in less than a month. The wife and I are road tripping up to bury my Mom and see my Dad. We are going to be looking around the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area to see how she likes it. Going to stay right down on campus.

Fun fact: I have never been to Iowa City in my life except for driving through. All these years...all the little kid wrestling tournaments, my Dad being a Hawk football fan (he and my bro finally saw their first game)...and of course, me being a wrestling fan. We just didn't have the money to go to games...although my Dad always seemed to come through for Iowa vs ISU at Hilton even though he would have 10X rather be watching basketball.

So IC, I hope you have your "A" game on enough for my wife to really like it. Would love to see the room and maybe even be lucky enough to see a practice. On the way back, we are going to stop in C Springs to see if the lads (and lasses) are working out.

So Coach Zadick, if you're reading this, hope you have two chairs and a bucket of beer waiting? ;)

Info note: While at the OTC, I plan to broker peace between Ramos and Iowa, give Frank a spiffy haircut if he wants it, steal a pair of JB's shoes, shine Cael's head...hasn't been as glossy lately, and have a dip and a beer with Daniel Dennis. Could be done...time management folks.
I heard this story of a young guy having a great time at a strip club in Ames some time ago. Maybe you should make a trip out west for a beer.
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I heard this story of a young guy having a great time at a strip club in Ames some time ago. Maybe you should make a trip out west for a beer.

I'll be in Ames, it's where we are burying my Mom. My Dad lives in Slater.

No more strip clubs for me...too much glitter.
I was there for the OTT's and ate at several very nice restaurants. 2 outstanding ones right in downtown IC:


Atlas World Grill
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We will be spending the night...looking for a good spot to take my wife out for our anniversary.

Start out at Clinton Street Social Club (formerly Jake's, but don't tell her that, not that she'll 'get it' :) ). Have a cocktail r two (they're good) and appetizer. Make your way to Joseph's (nicer), Atlas (still nice), or Pullman (bit more casual, still nice, good food). Chocolate cake at Atlas for dessert. Wander around the Pentacrest for a bit. Enjoy the sunset over the west campus. Sit on the steps of the Old Capitol. Walk down to the IMU and walk along the river. Breakfast at Bluebird.
Start out at Clinton Street Social Club (formerly Jake's, but don't tell her that, not that she'll 'get it' :) ). Have a cocktail r two (they're good) and appetizer. Make your way to Joseph's (nicer), Atlas (still nice), or Pullman (bit more casual, still nice, good food). Chocolate cake at Atlas for dessert. Wander around the Pentacrest for a bit. Enjoy the sunset over the west campus. Sit on the steps of the Old Capitol. Walk down to the IMU and walk along the river. Breakfast at Bluebird.

Thanks Wendy and Fortunata for the suggestions. Sounds like a great date...22 years together.
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Hey Chief, if you do happen to catch a work out, be sure to take a notebook and pen with you to take notes, and take some pics. I hear the Brands love that kind of stuff from the spectators.......
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Hey Chief, if you do happen to catch a work out, be sure to take a notebook and pen with you to take notes, and take some pics. I hear the Brands love that kind of stuff from the spectators.......

Thanks Joe, I'll do that!! ;) I'll also ask him how long the goes are too.
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Let me know when you and your wife will be in Ames and I will see to it that you get a free supper at Hickory Park Restaurant. This is a promise. Just let me know.

For not being KC, that's some pretty good BBQ. Thanks bro...folks in Iowa are the best.
Start out at Clinton Street Social Club (formerly Jake's, but don't tell her that, not that she'll 'get it' :) ). Have a cocktail r two (they're good) and appetizer. Make your way to Joseph's (nicer), Atlas (still nice), or Pullman (bit more casual, still nice, good food). Chocolate cake at Atlas for dessert. Wander around the Pentacrest for a bit. Enjoy the sunset over the west campus. Sit on the steps of the Old Capitol. Walk down to the IMU and walk along the river. Breakfast at Bluebird.
Didn't Jakes turn into a gay bar? Maybe that was a few years ago not sure.
Didn't Jakes turn into a gay bar? Maybe that was a few years ago not sure. maybe for a summer. Clinton St Social Club is a bit swankier, at least as far as menus go. I'm sure if you look closely, you can still see flecks of puke splatter on the steps.
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I have a few questions for you to ask while you are in there.

First put in a call to the Iowa wrestling office and see if Tom can come in a little early so he will have time to answer everything.
1. How is Stoll doing
2. What are his "off the record" thoughts on how Ramos acted
3. Why didn't he replace M* with Jay
4. Does he want Jackson to get a lifetime contract
5. Who will win between Turk and Topher
6. Is the Bull going to RS
7. Did Patrick Downeys dad try getting Iowa to take him. Did he threaten bodily harm when they said no?
8. Why didn't Gman wrestle at Universities
9. Why doesn't he allow his wrestlers to have fun
10. Final question for me is what date and time are wrestle offs this year.

After you get the info shake his hand and inform him that Terry is better looking. Thanks bro for getting this for us.
I have a few questions for you to ask while you are in there.

First put in a call to the Iowa wrestling office and see if Tom can come in a little early so he will have time to answer everything.
1. How is Stoll doing
2. What are his "off the record" thoughts on how Ramos acted
3. Why didn't he replace M* with Jay
4. Does he want Jackson to get a lifetime contract
5. Who will win between Turk and Topher
6. Is the Bull going to RS
7. Did Patrick Downeys dad try getting Iowa to take him. Did he threaten bodily harm when they said no?
8. Why didn't Gman wrestle at Universities
9. Why doesn't he allow his wrestlers to have fun
10. Final question for me is what date and time are wrestle offs this year.

After you get the info shake his hand and inform him that Terry is better looking. Thanks bro for getting this for us.

I'll get past question 1 and Stoll will come over and throw me around, bad leg and all. Then bounce me. Probably the safest question would be, How you doing coach? Haha. Good list though although I'd have to add, "Were you serious about taking Dennis's hand or arm when he asked how long goes were?" Half-jokingly I might add.
I also heard the coaches love to get advice from people attending the practices.

You guys...the real inside story here is that the coaches love it when a spectator sprints out of the stands to help coach up one of the wrasslers. It's easier on the coaches if the fans just jump in and instruct the grapplers. Try it, I think you will remember it forever! :D
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Sorry for your loss, Chief.

When you go to the room, make sure you have your best Hacksaw Duggan outfit on, and make sure to yell "Hoooooo!!!" and "USA!!" as loud as you can. If they don't pay attention to you then, then they just don't like people in general.

If you do make it to the OTC, please make the hair for Frank thing numero uno please! That thing on top of his head just looks angry.

And if you do get TnT's attention, just order food in and set up a table.....IN THE MIDDLE OF CARVER WITH THE MAT OUT!!!! If that doesn't scream romantic, then call me a born again Packer's fan!

In all seriousness, I hope that your stay in Iowa is a good one, even though under tough circumstances.

And an early Happy Anniversary to you good sir!
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In Des Moines you have to go to Jethro's for some BBQ. Best I've ever had and it has been on Man vs Food. In IC you have stop at the Vine for a beer or lunch. It is Hawkeye themed, has solid food, and just down the strret from the Gable statue. I'm not sure it's fancy enough for an anniversary dinner though... don't want your wife mad me!
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Please translate. In Iowa is puke on the front steps the sign of a good restaurant? And if so how do you mark a bad restaurant?


Back in the day (maybe as of 5 years ago and earlier, but I've lost track of time), the bar called Jake's occupied the location that is currently Clinton St Social Club. It's upstairs, so you have to walk up a relatively long and narrow stairway (it's really not that bad, but it is if you've been drinking). Jake's was known for heavy drinking and people stumbling down/puking on the stairs (mid 90s to 2010ish?). It's now a very nice gathering place with great cocktails and food (and a bucket of is Iowa, after all). There is no puke there anymore, and no, of course puke is not used as the sign of a good restaurant in Iowa.
Chief, I'm very sorry for your loss.. If you have some extra time I could put together a little outing in Cedar Rapids/Mount Vernon that only a wrestling geek could love - beverages included.
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Chief, I'm very sorry for your loss.. If you have some extra time I could put together a little outing in Cedar Rapids/Mount Vernon that only a wrestling geek could love - beverages included.

As long as it involves corn nuggets at Chameleon's. :D

Back in the day (maybe as of 5 years ago and earlier, but I've lost track of time), the bar called Jake's occupied the location that is currently Clinton St Social Club. It's upstairs, so you have to walk up a relatively long and narrow stairway (it's really not that bad, but it is if you've been drinking). Jake's was known for heavy drinking and people stumbling down/puking on the stairs (mid 90s to 2010ish?). It's now a very nice gathering place with great cocktails and food (and a bucket of is Iowa, after all). There is no puke there anymore, and no, of course puke is not used as the sign of a good restaurant in Iowa.
Silly me, I should have known. I am officially uncool in Iowa.
I suppose that's not new news.