Ronald Reagan and CNN


HR Legend
Sep 26, 2009
I know how much liberals now love me so I wanted to post something you might find interesting. Cnn just had a 4 part documentary on Russian and American espionage. It basically compared Oleg Gordievsky, who worked with British and American intelligence versus Aldrich Ames, a loser who worked at the CIA and worked for the Soviets.

When I was growing up, and I know you bigots will hate this, in the US, all my friends were super rich liberals. Mostly medical and legal professional fathers and mothers. So, I too thought Reagan sucked and I still remember getting teary eyed when Carter lost.

Watching this documentary, you'll like it if you like real espionage and what these people actually did, I realized Ronald Reagan was an amazing man. The dude was far more intellectually capable than I thought and far more compassionate than I assumed. He and Thatcher reached out to Gorbachov. It's because of Reagan and Gorbachov Europe isn't teeming with nuclear tipped missiles.

I miss that 80s Republican. There used to be some of Fox in the early days. Educated people like Fred Barnes, Mort Kondracki etc.

Anyways, check out the series if it's back on. I owe you an apology Ronnie. Peace out.