

HB King
Dec 7, 2006
Watched this movie again for the first time in several years. One thing that doesn't make sense is how Mike parlays his $10K loan from Petrovsky into $60K at Teddy KBG's club. The first game he doubled his money to $20K. Then Teddy goaded him into playing a second game and Mike somehow ended up with more than $60K. The only thing that makes sense would be if Teddy had to re-buy and they didn't include that in the movie. But why would he re-buy unless he lost his $20K and if he lost $20K then Mike would have been up to $40K and it seems like he would have taken the money and ran.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Gretchen Mol was smoking hot in her prime.


Good movie, Ed Norton plays a cocky a-hole really well. But I don't have an answer.
I like the end of this post, much more than the math stuff.
The math part was just foreplay, but I really am curious how Mike ended up with $60K. Obviously Teddy must have done a $20K re-buy, but it seems as though a development like that would have merited inclusion in the scene. It would have been a great opportunity for Teddy to lose his temper again and maybe get into a shouting match with Gramma while Mike laughed to himself.

Also, lest I forget, Famke Janssen provided some nice additional eye candy.


If you haven't already seen Mol in all her resplendent glory as The Notorious Bettie Page, do yourself a favor and check it out. I'd post pics but the mods wouldn't appreciate it.
He lays down a monster

You should have paid me off on dat one.

It hurts doesn't it? Your hopes dashed, your dreams down the %$#%*) toilet. You can't believe what fell.

John Malkovich was great in that movie. A cartoon character but also very believable that he could be a menacing Russian bad guy.
I always thought the Oreos were such an obvious tell. Did nobody else really figure that out before him?

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