Rush Limbaugh

I'm just leaving this here. Sure, let's bastardize history.

I don't know, maybe really think about it for once. People have always been told if you want to change your government, vote. Well, there's a lot of people this year that feel that option was taken from them. And now because a very small group of dumbasses did something stupid yesterday, that's no reason to roll over, bend over like so many are doing today. Thankfully Sam and Tom didn't roll or bend, they kept pushing their ideas, because the Democrats proved that 1) you can win an election by avoiding any issues that really affect the country, 2) they can win an election based solely on popularity, and 3) they may have won an election by selectively messing with states voting processes. Probably too much for you to chew on.
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When the individual states allow voting changes without the
proper authorization, then you have an illegal mess.

Hopefully, this is cleaned up by 2022 and 2024. Each voter
must be assured that his or her vote counts.
I don't know, maybe really think about it for once. People have always been told if you want to change your government, vote. Well, there's a lot of people this year that feel that option was taken from them. And now because a very small group of dumbasses did something stupid yesterday, that's no reason to roll over, bend over like so many are doing today. Thankfully Sam and Tom didn't roll or bend, they kept pushing their ideas, because the Democrats proved that 1) you can win an election by avoiding any issues that really affect the country, 2) they can win an election based solely on popularity, and 3) they may have won an election by selectively messing with states voting processes. Probably too much for you to chew on.

Titan....what freedoms are we losing here? I believe we as individuals are losing our Constitutional freedoms slowly....but these freedoms are being trimmed by Republicans, conservatives and corporatists via legislation and indirectly at the ballot box. This is occurring at both the Federal and the State level. But what freedoms have been taken from you by the left? by Dems? by Progressives? Actual freedoms Titan.....not fear=mongering campaigns.
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I don't know, maybe really think about it for once. People have always been told if you want to change your government, vote. Well, there's a lot of people this year that feel that option was taken from them. And now because a very small group of dumbasses did something stupid yesterday, that's no reason to roll over, bend over like so many are doing today. Thankfully Sam and Tom didn't roll or bend, they kept pushing their ideas, because the Democrats proved that 1) you can win an election by avoiding any issues that really affect the country, 2) they can win an election based solely on popularity, and 3) they may have won an election by selectively messing with states voting processes. Probably too much for you to chew on.

Regarding #1-Issues like covid?
Regarding #2-the fuk you talking about?
Regarding #3-please provide evidence...any actual evidence... To support your assertion.
I don't know, maybe really think about it for once. People have always been told if you want to change your government, vote. Well, there's a lot of people this year that feel that option was taken from them. And now because a very small group of dumbasses did something stupid yesterday, that's no reason to roll over, bend over like so many are doing today. Thankfully Sam and Tom didn't roll or bend, they kept pushing their ideas, because the Democrats proved that 1) you can win an election by avoiding any issues that really affect the country, 2) they can win an election based solely on popularity, and 3) they may have won an election by selectively messing with states voting processes. Probably too much for you to chew on.

Who wasn't allowed to vote?
I don't know, maybe really think about it for once. People have always been told if you want to change your government, vote. Well, there's a lot of people this year that feel that option was taken from them. And now because a very small group of dumbasses did something stupid yesterday, that's no reason to roll over, bend over like so many are doing today. Thankfully Sam and Tom didn't roll or bend, they kept pushing their ideas, because the Democrats proved that 1) you can win an election by avoiding any issues that really affect the country, 2) they can win an election based solely on popularity, and 3) they may have won an election by selectively messing with states voting processes. Probably too much for you to chew on.
Titan....FYI....Michigan's legislature is Republican controlled...Wisconsin's legislature is Republican controlled....Pennsylvania's legislature is Republican controlled....Arizona's legislature is Republican controlled....and the Georgia legislature is controlled by Republicans. Those damn Democrats must be crafty rascals, huh?
The advertisers on Rush's radio program pay big bucks
to sell their wares. In return Rush gets big bucks for
bringing in a large audience. This is capitalism at work.
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I don't know, maybe really think about it for once. People have always been told if you want to change your government, vote. Well, there's a lot of people this year that feel that option was taken from them. And now because a very small group of dumbasses did something stupid yesterday, that's no reason to roll over, bend over like so many are doing today. Thankfully Sam and Tom didn't roll or bend, they kept pushing their ideas, because the Democrats proved that 1) you can win an election by avoiding any issues that really affect the country, 2) they can win an election based solely on popularity, and 3) they may have won an election by selectively messing with states voting processes. Probably too much for you to chew on.

Lots to unpack here...but it reeks of victimhood.

Boo-f**king-hoo. How about you win an election when the Chief Executive has inflamed passions and 81M Americans said “enough”?

Jesus, there’s a huge segment of America that feels that they’re entitled or that they’ve had something taken from them. Nut up and shut up.
Titan....FYI....Michigan's legislature is Republican controlled...Wisconsin's legislature is Republican controlled....Pennsylvania's legislature is Republican controlled....Arizona's legislature is Republican controlled....and the Georgia legislature is controlled by Republicans. Those damn Democrats must be crafty rascals, huh?
They're just a helluva lot smarter. ;)
Lots to unpack here...but it reeks of victimhood.

Boo-f**king-hoo. How about you win an election when the Chief Executive has inflamed passions and 81M Americans said “enough”?

Jesus, there’s a huge segment of America that feels that they’re entitled or that they’ve had something taken from them. Nut up and shut up.
They need to tug on those bootstraps harder.
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I don't know, maybe really think about it for once. People have always been told if you want to change your government, vote. Well, there's a lot of people this year that feel that option was taken from them. And now because a very small group of dumbasses did something stupid yesterday, that's no reason to roll over, bend over like so many are doing today. Thankfully Sam and Tom didn't roll or bend, they kept pushing their ideas, because the Democrats proved that 1) you can win an election by avoiding any issues that really affect the country, 2) they can win an election based solely on popularity, and 3) they may have won an election by selectively messing with states voting processes. Probably too much for you to chew on.

Covid is affecting the country, the current President kind of f'd up dealing with it, party of the reason he got the boot

Waiting for the proof of fraud, I mean Trump was spewing yesterday more people voted in Wayne County Michigan than registered voters. 1.4 million registered voters in Wayne county There were 800,000 votes cast in Wayne company

Again why is Trump lying about these things?
I don't know, maybe really think about it for once. People have always been told if you want to change your government, vote. Well, there's a lot of people this year that feel that option was taken from them. And now because a very small group of dumbasses did something stupid yesterday, that's no reason to roll over, bend over like so many are doing today. Thankfully Sam and Tom didn't roll or bend, they kept pushing their ideas, because the Democrats proved that 1) you can win an election by avoiding any issues that really affect the country, 2) they can win an election based solely on popularity, and 3) they may have won an election by selectively messing with states voting processes. Probably too much for you to chew on.

People think this because Trump made it his calling card months before the election occurred. He colluded with Fox News and then Republican senators. Your theory is bullsh*t. How do I dare say that. Because last night even Lindsey Douche-Graham admitted there was no fraud in Penn/ Wisc / Ga.
So did Trump’s AG and the SCOTUS that Trump stacked.
you want to look at takingaway the actual ballot box you need to look at Republican gerrymandering. Go to Harris county Texas and ask them how it is to vote at the Ballot box.
When the individual states allow voting changes without the
proper authorization, then you have an illegal mess.

Hopefully, this is cleaned up by 2022 and 2024. Each voter
must be assured that his or her vote counts.

What changes were made without authorization? Please limit the response to changes that were upheld in court. Thanks.
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I don't know, maybe really think about it for once.

I really thought about it, and here’s what I’ve concluded:

No matter how many trusted sources of journalism, no matter how many Republican lawmakers, no matter how many courts at every level, and no matter how many election officials tell you that the 2020 election was secure, you’ll subscribe to crazy conspiracy peddled by known con artists because it paints the guy you worship in a good light and if Trump looks good, you feel good.

Is it even worth talking to you if you won’t listen to reason and leave your cult?
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Rush is an idiot. Not sure why you tagged me in this one...
This is what has lied to the Idiot MAGAt cult for 25 years, this is why much is threatened as yesterday was the first time our Capitol was overran since the war of 1812 and the Capitol police just let them in to do it. Nothing here, no worries. We didn't just have a Des Moines police officer identified as a partaker there or anything too? Nah we good!
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I don't know, maybe really think about it for once. People have always been told if you want to change your government, vote. Well, there's a lot of people this year that feel that option was taken from them. And now because a very small group of dumbasses did something stupid yesterday, that's no reason to roll over, bend over like so many are doing today. Thankfully Sam and Tom didn't roll or bend, they kept pushing their ideas, because the Democrats proved that 1) you can win an election by avoiding any issues that really affect the country, 2) they can win an election based solely on popularity, and 3) they may have won an election by selectively messing with states voting processes. Probably too much for you to chew on.

They lost the election. Their votes were not denied and dipshits like Limbaugh are one the chief orchestrators of these false realities that are tearing the country apart.
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I don't know, maybe really think about it for once. People have always been told if you want to change your government, vote. Well, there's a lot of people this year that feel that option was taken from them. And now because a very small group of dumbasses did something stupid yesterday, that's no reason to roll over, bend over like so many are doing today. Thankfully Sam and Tom didn't roll or bend, they kept pushing their ideas, because the Democrats proved that 1) you can win an election by avoiding any issues that really affect the country, 2) they can win an election based solely on popularity, and 3) they may have won an election by selectively messing with states voting processes. Probably too much for you to chew on.
Rush made himself a millionaire by hosting a radio talk
show for many decades. He was more interested in
promoting his ultra conservative views than helping
to make America a better place to live.
Those aren't his views. He's feeding a bunch of in-bred idiots what they want to hear.
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There is our Presidential Medal of Freedom Winner on the ****ing night of the State of the Union address for all to see. Nah...All is good here per @WisestIowan
I almost fell out of my chair when I heard that he was awarded the Medal of Freedom. Black NASA Mathematician, Katherine Johnson was awarded that award also from President Obama. If it wasn’t for her trajectory calculations, Astronaut John Glenn would be still flying in space at 17,500 mph. What the hell has Rush Limbaugh done?
I almost fell out of my chair when I heard that he was awarded the Medal of Freedom. Black NASA Mathematician, Katherine Johnson was awarded that award also from President Obama. If it wasn’t for her trajectory calculations, Astronaut John Glenn would be still flying in space at 17,500 mph. What the hell has Rush Limbaugh done?
You saw it yesterday on display at the Capitol.
They lost the election. Their votes were not denied and dipshits like Limbaugh are one the chief orchestrators of these false realities that are tearing the country apart.
With Biden and Heels up All the conservative host will have lots of material for years.