Saddam's boys playing big part in ISIL


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Middle East The hidden hand behind the Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein's. CONFRONTING
THE 'CALIPHATE'| This is part of an occasional series about the
militant group Islamic State and its violent collision with the United
States and others intent on halting the group's rapid rise.
By Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein’s.'

- When Abu Hamza, a former Syrian rebel, agreed to join the Islamic
State, he did so assuming he would become a part of the group's promised
Islamist utopia, which has lured foreign jihadists from around the
Instead, he found himself being supervised by an Iraqi
emir and receiving orders from shadowy Iraqis who moved in and out of
the battlefield in Syria. When Abu Hamza disagreed with fellow
commanders at an Islamic State meeting last year, he said, he was placed
under arrest on the orders of a masked Iraqi man who had sat silently
through the proceedings, listening and taking notes.
Abu Hamza,
who became the group's ruler in a small community in Syria, never
discovered the Iraqis' real identities, which were cloaked by code names
or simply not revealed. All of the men, however, were former Iraqi
officers who had served under Saddam Hussein, including the masked man,
who had once worked for an Iraqi intelligence agency and now belonged to
the Islamic State's own shadowy security service, he said.
account, and those of others who have lived with or fought against the
Islamic State over the past two years, underscore the pervasive role
played by members of Iraq's former Baathist army in an organization more
typically associated with flamboyant foreign jihadists and the gruesome
videos in which they star.
Even with the influx of thousands of
foreign fighters, almost all of the leaders of the Islamic State are
former Iraqi officers, including the members of its shadowy military and
security committees, and the majority of its emirs and princes,
according to Iraqis, Syrians and analysts who study the group. They
have brought to the organization the military expertise and some of the
agendas of the former Baathists, as well as the smuggling networks
developed to avoid sanctions in the 1990s and which now facilitate the
Islamic State's illicit oil trading
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:

Middle East
The hidden hand behind the Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein's.
THE 'CALIPHATE'| This is part of an occasional series about the
militant group Islamic State and its violent collision with the United
States and others intent on halting the group's rapid rise.

By Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein’s.'

- When Abu Hamza, a former Syrian rebel, agreed to join the Islamic
State, he did so assuming he would become a part of the group's promised
Islamist utopia, which has lured foreign jihadists from around the

Instead, he found himself being supervised by an Iraqi
emir and receiving orders from shadowy Iraqis who moved in and out of
the battlefield in Syria. When Abu Hamza disagreed with fellow
commanders at an Islamic State meeting last year, he said, he was placed
under arrest on the orders of a masked Iraqi man who had sat silently
through the proceedings, listening and taking notes.

Abu Hamza,
who became the group's ruler in a small community in Syria, never
discovered the Iraqis' real identities, which were cloaked by code names
or simply not revealed. All of the men, however, were former Iraqi
officers who had served under Saddam Hussein, including the masked man,
who had once worked for an Iraqi intelligence agency and now belonged to
the Islamic State's own shadowy security service, he said.

account, and those of others who have lived with or fought against the
Islamic State over the past two years, underscore the pervasive role
played by members of Iraq's former Baathist army in an organization more
typically associated with flamboyant foreign jihadists and the gruesome
videos in which they star.

Even with the influx of thousands of
foreign fighters, almost all of the leaders of the Islamic State are
former Iraqi officers, including the members of its shadowy military and
security committees, and the majority of its emirs and princes,
according to Iraqis, Syrians and analysts who study the group.They
have brought to the organization the military expertise and some of the
agendas of the former Baathists, as well as the smuggling networks
developed to avoid sanctions in the 1990s and which now facilitate the
Islamic State's illicit oil trading
Many thanks for the link Devil, that's a great piece.

When I saw Liz Sly's name at the top I knew it would be right. She's been covering Iraq and the Middle East for years, I used to read her reports in the Chicago Tribune. She's a reporter who seriously knows what she is talking about.
Rose petals will be thrown under the feet of our troops, and the war will be paid for by Iraqi oil revenues. Or, something like that is what Donald Rumsfeld promised us.
The neo-cons experiment in nation building just keeps on giving.
lol @ the a-holes who turn this into a political thread.Political expediency takes precedence over national security in the eyes of some it seems.

Some of you need to wake up and realize this issue transcends political boundaries. These people are a threat to Western Civilization as a whole despite what you want to believe.
Originally posted by SalAunese:
lol @ the a-holes who turn this into a political thread.Political expediency takes precedence over national security in the eyes of some it seems. 

Some of you need to wake up and realize this issue transcends political boundaries.  These people are a threat to Western Civilization as a whole despite what you want to believe.

You're going to need to clarify if you are a D or R so these people know whether to agree with you or shout you down in disagreement.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by SalAunese:
lol @ the a-holes who turn this into a political thread.Political expediency takes precedence over national security in the eyes of some it seems.Â

Some of you need to wake up and realize this issue transcends political boundaries. Â These people are a threat to Western Civilization as a whole despite what you want to believe.

You're going to need to clarify if you are a D or R so these people know whether to agree with you or shout you down in disagreement.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
He's spouting the Fox News slant - the whole "threat to Western Civilization" hyperbole - so you can be pretty sure he's only complaining about the Ds and didn't even notice the political comments from the right. BAU for Sal.
Originally posted by Speedway1:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:

It's Obama's war now!
Yes IT IS!! Furthermore if Obama hadn't pulled out this wouldn't have happened.
If the Rs and Ds in Congress hadn't agreed with Bush's plan to arm and bribe these guys as part of the surge, maybe we wouldn't be fighting them now. If Bush hadn't thrown his weight behind a Shi'ia government, maybe these Sunnis and Baathists wouldn't be fighting now. If Bush had been able to get a SOFA that left more troops in Iraq, that might have helped, as well.

Yes, this is certainly Obama's war, too. But he's still dealing with the mess Bush created. You guys who backed getting us into this mess don't get to wash your hands and walk away. YOU did this.
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by SalAunese:
lol @ the a-holes who turn this into a political thread.Political expediency takes precedence over national security in the eyes of some it seems.Â

Some of you need to wake up and realize this issue transcends political boundaries. Â These people are a threat to Western Civilization as a whole despite what you want to believe.

You're going to need to clarify if you are a D or R so these people know whether to agree with you or shout you down in disagreement.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by SalAunese:
lol @ the a-holes who turn this into a political thread.Political expediency takes precedence over national security in the eyes of some it seems.Â

Some of you need to wake up and realize this issue transcends political boundaries. Â These people are a threat to Western Civilization as a whole despite what you want to believe.

You're going to need to clarify if you are a D or R so these people know whether to agree with you or shout you down in disagreement.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
He's spouting the Fox News slant - the whole "threat to Western Civilization" hyperbole - so you can be pretty sure he's only complaining about the Ds and didn't even notice the political comments from the right. BAU for Sal.
"Spouting the Fox News slant?" You're a classic idiot..FYI, I do not watch Fox News. Morons like you are part of the problem, not the solution. Political expediency above all. Take the blinders off. You're obviously incapable of "getting it" and I pity the poor institution that has to refer to you as an alum because you obviously didn't learn anything there or skipped class the day they touched upon critical thinking. Then again, there's no bigger fool than an old school, angry liberal who doesn't have a clue. You're almost as bad as Strummingram, but at least you two only exist on HROT and have little to zero input in real life. The majority of Americans are middle of the road and have a bullshit detector that goes both ways..some of you dont

This post was edited on 4/6 7:51 PM by SalAunese
Originally posted by SalAunese:

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by SalAunese:
lol @ the a-holes who turn this into a political thread.Political expediency takes precedence over national security in the eyes of some it seems.Â

Some of you need to wake up and realize this issue transcends political boundaries. Â These people are a threat to Western Civilization as a whole despite what you want to believe.

You're going to need to clarify if you are a D or R so these people know whether to agree with you or shout you down in disagreement.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
He's spouting the Fox News slant - the whole "threat to Western Civilization" hyperbole - so you can be pretty sure he's only complaining about the Ds and didn't even notice the political comments from the right. BAU for Sal.
"Spouting the Fox News slant?" You're a classic idiot..FYI, I do not watch Fox News. Morons like you are part of the problem, not the solution. Political expediency above all. Take the blinders off. You're obviously incapable of "getting it" and I pity the poor institution that has to refer to you as an alum because you obviously didn't learn anything there or skipped class the day they touched upon critical thinking. Then again, there's no bigger fool than an old school, angry liberal who doesn't have a clue. You're almost as bad as Strummingram, but at least you two only exist on HROT and have little to zero input in real life. The majority of Americans are middle of the road and have a bullshit detector that goes both ways..some of you dont

This post was edited on 4/6 7:51 PM by SalAunese
What, is Fox too advanced for your cretin view of reality? There are few people on this board who so reliably demonstrate total ignorance of what's going on around the world.
lol @ you talking about reality.

You're quite divorced from it.

Why don't you go spout off some more talking points while you're at it? Self-awareness isn't exactly your strong suit

This post was edited on 4/7 12:24 AM by SalAunese
Originally posted by SalAunese:
lol @ you talking about reality.

You're quite divorced from it.

Why don't you go spout off some more talking points while you're at it? Self-awareness isn't exactly your strong suit

This post was edited on 4/7 12:24 AM by SalAunese
That's the best you've got? Lame.

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