Scalping has been very, very tough for weekend games.
heck I couldn’t even scalp up at the Barn...literally zero sellers outside.
Minnesota’s prices were ridiculous too. $90 for good to decent seats. $60 for bleacher seats and $45 for obstructed view and end seating. I get they jack their Iowa prices up, but damn.
I wish Iowa would price their seats according to location. But having experienced that pricing in Minnesota, I’ll lay low about bitching about the Hawkeyes’ for a while.
Yeah, I would love to go Saturday but I can't justify over $100 which is what the per ticket price is on StubHub.
Just a word of advice. Ticket prices always go down closer to the game time. There are season ticket holders just throwing a crazy price out there to see if someone will bite.
My advice, check the prices the morning of the game. If the ticket seller really wants to sell, you will get them for well under $100 per seat.
This year is pretty different. I think the hassle of weekday game has created extreme demand for weekend games which is awesome. I’ve sold my season tickets on Stubhub so I track demand and pricing and almost all tickets are gone by game time, without a huge drop.
another interesting thing I noticed is that some sellers own huge blocks of tickets on the ends. They have like 16 or 20 tickets for sale, but they are not great seats.
Could those large blocks of tickets actually be the University Ticket office selling through a re-seller app?