Scotus jumps the Appeals Court and takes case to help Trump's dumbass lawyers


HB Heisman
Nov 17, 2021
Scotus, or Scrotum as they should be called, would do everything in their power to delay delay delay when it was Dumpster's neck on the line the last few years. delay the immunity case for months to run out the clock

Now when a District judge takes the Orange's terrible lawyers to the woodshed because the lawyers were inept or lying to delay Scotus jumps in ahead of the Appeals court to give a couple of day stay on important funding held up by the Dumpster admin. It was mainly the Chief Justice who wrote the stay later than 6 pm.

What wast the rush? The lawyers were totally ill prepared to face the judge on Monday or more likely just playing the stupid card.

Just another example of corruption by going out the way to subvert the normal chain of events to help the mouth breather.
Scotus, or Scrotum as they should be called, would do everything in their power to delay delay delay when it was Dumpster's neck on the line the last few years. delay the immunity case for months to run out the clock

Now when a District judge takes the Orange's terrible lawyers to the woodshed because the lawyers were inept or lying to delay Scotus jumps in ahead of the Appeals court to give a couple of day stay on important funding held up by the Dumpster admin. It was mainly the Chief Justice who wrote the stay later than 6 pm.

What wast the rush? The lawyers were totally ill prepared to face the judge on Monday or more likely just playing the stupid card.

Just another example of corruption by going out the way to subvert the normal chain of events to help the mouth breather.
Scotus, or Scrotum as they should be called, would do everything in their power to delay delay delay when it was Dumpster's neck on the line the last few years. delay the immunity case for months to run out the clock

Now when a District judge takes the Orange's terrible lawyers to the woodshed because the lawyers were inept or lying to delay Scotus jumps in ahead of the Appeals court to give a couple of day stay on important funding held up by the Dumpster admin. It was mainly the Chief Justice who wrote the stay later than 6 pm.

What wast the rush? The lawyers were totally ill prepared to face the judge on Monday or more likely just playing the stupid card.

Just another example of corruption by going out the way to subvert the normal chain of events to help the mouth breather.

Is this kind like how Roe v Wade got thrust on the American people as policy even though no one voted for it?
In think it has more to do with the fact that the SCOTUS sees the lower court’s obvious encroachment on executive power. They may be simply seeking to put a stop to all this before the whole system is ground to a halt by multiple small state district courts unconstitutionally putting a stay on every single XO Trump signs.

Think that is possible? Agreement with the result notwithstanding?
SCOTUS “buys” the argument that they can stop the funding dead in its tracks with a word but it will take days - maybe WEEKS - to get it flowing again.
Uh not quite everybody, or at least not yet. It’s an administrative stay with 2 day response and, I gather, a little procedural hair