Seating chart for B1G Wrestling Championships Haha! Wow!


HR All-State
Sep 22, 2007
That can't be right, can it? Iowa and Minny combined are allowed as much room as PSU? Iowa and Minny with what appears to be far less room than other schools? I realize many other schools don't sell their tix so the point is kind of moot but this seems odd.
That's the first thing I noticed. Iowa and minny have the same allotment as PSU. That's crazy. What the hell is 4A? Put minny in 4A, give iowa minny and MSUs spots and make MSU standing room.
You guys do realize where this is being held, right? PSU will have the 2nd largest contingent after tOSU.

I do get that you guys think that wrestling just popped on the radar 5 years ago in PA, but PSU has a large contingent that travels well and a large wrestling-rabid population about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Columbus. It's a 10 hour trip to Iowa. 2 weeks before Nationals are being held in St. Louis.

They are not assigning these sections at random - they are doing it by demand. If B1Gs were in Minneapolis I would think that you would see a very large Iowa section.

This post was edited on 2/26 10:28 AM by dicemen99
Originally posted by dicemen99:
You guys do realize where this is being held, right? PSU will have the 2nd largest contingent after tOSU.

I do get that you guys think that wrestling just popped on the radar 5 years ago in PA, but PSU has a large contingent that travels well and a large wrestling-rabid population about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Columbus. It's a 10 hour trip to Iowa. 2 weeks before Nationals are being held in St. Louis.

They are not assigning these sections at random - they are doing it by demand. If B1Gs were in Minneapolis I would think that you would see a very large Iowa section.

This post was edited on 2/26 10:28 AM by dicemen99
Iowa ALWAYS travels well. Always has and always will. There is a track record. True PSU may have the second most fans there; however, Iowa will NOT be worst than 3rd highest.....period.
I am glad MSU section is as big as IA and MN; the only fans they will have are their wrestlers' friends and relatives.
your argument holds no water when you look at MSU and Indiana getting the same size as Iowa and Minnesota. I can probably guarantee that the demand for MSU and Indiana (and Purdue for that matter) is not equal to Iowa's and Minnesota's fans.

Does this mean next year we can have PSU and OSU in the top 5 rows of Carver? I mean, really, it's going to be full of Hawk fans, and maybe some Goofs and Husker fans...but PSU won't travel that far so they should only get maybe 2 rows?

If this was about demand, then the charts would look a lot differently.
Originally posted by dicemen99:
You guys do realize where this is being held, right? PSU will have the 2nd largest contingent after tOSU.

I do get that you guys think that wrestling just popped on the radar 5 years ago in PA, but PSU has a large contingent that travels well and a large wrestling-rabid population about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Columbus. It's a 10 hour trip to Iowa. 2 weeks before Nationals are being held in St. Louis.

They are not assigning these sections at random - they are doing it by demand. If B1Gs were in Minneapolis I would think that you would see a very large Iowa section.

This post was edited on 2/26 10:28 AM by dicemen99
On boy, another condescending post from diceman.
Originally posted by LutherAce:
your argument holds no water when you look at MSU and Indiana getting the same size as Iowa and Minnesota. I can probably guarantee that the demand for MSU and Indiana (and Purdue for that matter) is not equal to Iowa's and Minnesota's fans.

Does this mean next year we can have PSU and OSU in the top 5 rows of Carver? I mean, really, it's going to be full of Hawk fans, and maybe some Goofs and Husker fans...but PSU won't travel that far so they should only get maybe 2 rows?

If this was about demand, then the charts would look a lot differently.
Agreed....however all of the posts above that I was responding to indicated displeasure with the fact that PSU would have more than IA and Minny (they have as much as both combined).

I would agree with you that Iowa and Minny should have more than MSU, Indy and Purdue (probably combined). Wasn't addressing that.

My guess is that there is a minimum that each school is assigned and:

1) tOSU gets a ton allocated as the host
2) PSU has a very high demand because of the proximity and they assigned two sections (if a section = minimum)
3) Because of the distance, there is not enough demand from Iowa to be assigned two sections. Considering Nationals is two weeks later in a location where Iowa fans will travel in force, and there is a finite amount of money to be spent on wrestling for most people - this is probably a good assumption and does not disparage Iowa's ability to travel, which AGREED, is the best in D1.
4) The other schools will not come close to selling out their allocation and their will be plenty of seats available should any schools fans need them.

It is my sincere hope that the tone was satisfactory for pablow.
This post was edited on 2/26 12:22 PM by dicemen99
"They are not assigning these sections at random - they are doing it by demand."

You just said that they are assigning sections by demand - see above quote...
Originally posted by #10Hawk:
"They are not assigning these sections at random - they are doing it by demand."

You just said that they are assigning sections by demand - see above quote...
I'm not sure what you are trying to say.

The posters were claiming that PSU having as much as Iowa/Minny combined was an issue. This is not random, it is by demand.

The assignment of a minimum amount to each school (which I am assuming) is also not random.

If anyone had brought up Iowa's allocation in comparison to MSU/Indiana/Purdue BEFORE my original post - I would have agreed with them. The poster's weren't - they specifically addressed PSU's allocation.

Is this hard to follow or are you just trying to twist my words here because I'm a PSU fan?

Was that tone sufficiently condescending enough for you, pablow? LOL
I was talking about the MSU section being as big as MN or IA. I don't think there is a high demand for MSU wrestling right now (and Indiana, Wisconsin etc.). PSU having two sections this year is realistic to me due to proximity of the place and PSU fans traveling well.
Originally posted by #10Hawk:
I was talking about the MSU section being as big as MN or IA. I don't think there is a high demand for MSU wrestling right now (and Indiana, Wisconsin etc.). PSU having two sections this year is realistic to me due to proximity of the place and PSU fans traveling well.
We agree. Sorry for being touchy about that.
I thought the reason they don't announce that until about a month before the tourney even though tickets went on sale in the Fall was they based it on how many people bought all-session tickets. Is that wrong?

I simply assumed not as many Hawkeye fans were traveling to Columbus.
The last time it was in tOSU, over half the fans were from Iowa. I realize that was before PSU and tOSU were considered "powers" in the B1G like they are now, but it wasn'ty even close. Granted a few might not make the trip because they'd rather wait for St. Loius, but there will be way more than that section will hold. Oh well, spread us out around the arena, we'll make more noise that way. Most of the B1G venues put Iowa fans in the seats the other schools don't sell after the Iowa section is full, so MSU, IN., WI., MD. Purdue, Nebby, IL, probably Rutgers, will all be Iowa sections. PSU and tOSU will get to hear us from all sides.
I don't think this is an Iowa/PSU issue. So many weak wrestling schools having as many or more seats as Iowa and Minny is the real head scratcher.
Like you Dice but you always bring that chip in with you. Is it really that far-fetched for Iowa fans to bitch that we have what looks to be one of the smaller allotment of seats in the arena in a year that we are one of the favorites? Also, isn't PA states that weekend?
On Saturday Ohio State sections will have plenty of empty seats. Ohio's high school regionals/district (final state qualifying tournament) tournaments are day 1 of Big Tens. High school wrestlers and coaches will be busy.
You would think the conference would address stuff like this. Wrestling is not going to make the money from TV, people in the seat matter, treating the most loyal fans like crap is not going to promote the sport, this is clearly a bush league move by Ohio State, and it does not speak well of them.
Originally posted by Azchief32:
Like you Dice but you always bring that chip in with you. Is it really that far-fetched for Iowa fans to bitch that we have what looks to be one of the smaller allotment of seats in the arena in a year that we are one of the favorites? Also, isn't PA states that weekend?
Yes, PA states IS that weekend, good point. Nice touch with the 'stateS' - you know your PA wrestling.

I would say I have had a bit of a chip lately - probably due to my interaction with a couple of HR posters. I wouldn't exactly call it a "chip" either - more like a little snarky lately. There are some great posters here who know their stuff and then there are some others who obviously watch a lot of Iowa wrestling and are great fans but...

This is a great board because it is the most active in the Rivals network. As I've posted before, it comes with the territory that the posters will run the gamut as will all boards. I get that this is the Iowa board, but, I'm sorry, don't tell me that I know nothing about Iowa wrestling because I live in PA (this is not directed to you Azchief). I mean how could anyone involved in wrestling over a long period of time NOT have an informed opinion about the Iowa Hawkeyes? Shit, my lil brother came home from the 17 day intensive camp in '85 with a cheap tilt that shaped his career, what Italian wrestler from the east coast didn't follow Rico Chiapparelli, GABLE, I mean, come on.

Sometimes I have opinions (how knowledgeable is relative and debatable) which I try to present in an unbiased form (again this is debatable, lol) on topics which I find interesting. I'm looking for give and take on these - isn't that what makes these boards interesting? Azchief - I'm sure you have seen some of my posts on BWI (and possible Scout) and sometimes they take a negative slant in terms of the B&W which doesn't always go over well there either.

As far as this topic - yeah, I probably was picking a little bit of a fight - as I've stated I agree with most all here except the couple of early posts that took the line that it was a horrendous decision to give PSU twice the allotment as Iowa at B1Gs. Yeah, I was feeling a bit snarky and took a couple jabs.

I will buy anybody who is too butt hurt about it a beer in St. Louis. Have to be Wednesday, Thursday or Friday as I am leaving on Saturday morning.
Originally posted by dicemen99:

I will buy anybody who is too butt hurt about it a beer in St. Louis. Have to be Wednesday, Thursday or Friday as I am leaving on Saturday morning.

Well.............we do have a Brewery in town,,......,
The Iowa section will be full and there will be PLENTY more Iowa fans scattered around the arena... Just like always. Wouldn't shock me in the least if Iowa has just as many fans(or very comparable)as PSU or even the host school.

No reason for anyone's panties to be in a bunch about this "seating chart"... It's like this every year, except when Carver hosts of course.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yeah- no real reason to stay around for Saturday.

Originally posted by dicemen99:

I will buy anybody who is too butt hurt about it a beer in St. Louis. Have to be Wednesday, Thursday or Friday as I am leaving on Saturday morning.
Originally posted by dicemen99:

Originally posted by Azchief32:
Like you Dice but you always bring that chip in with you. Is it really that far-fetched for Iowa fans to bitch that we have what looks to be one of the smaller allotment of seats in the arena in a year that we are one of the favorites? Also, isn't PA states that weekend?
Yes, PA states IS that weekend, good point. Nice touch with the 'stateS' - you know your PA wrestling.

I would say I have had a bit of a chip lately - probably due to my interaction with a couple of HR posters. I wouldn't exactly call it a "chip" either - more like a little snarky lately. There are some great posters here who know their stuff and then there are some others who obviously watch a lot of Iowa wrestling and are great fans but...

This is a great board because it is the most active in the Rivals network. As I've posted before, it comes with the territory that the posters will run the gamut as will all boards. I get that this is the Iowa board, but, I'm sorry, don't tell me that I know nothing about Iowa wrestling because I live in PA (this is not directed to you Azchief). I mean how could anyone involved in wrestling over a long period of time NOT have an informed opinion about the Iowa Hawkeyes? Shit, my lil brother came home from the 17 day intensive camp in '85 with a cheap tilt that shaped his career, what Italian wrestler from the east coast didn't follow Rico Chiapparelli, GABLE, I mean, come on.

Sometimes I have opinions (how knowledgeable is relative and debatable) which I try to present in an unbiased form (again this is debatable, lol) on topics which I find interesting. I'm looking for give and take on these - isn't that what makes these boards interesting? Azchief - I'm sure you have seen some of my posts on BWI (and possible Scout) and sometimes they take a negative slant in terms of the B&W which doesn't always go over well there either.

As far as this topic - yeah, I probably was picking a little bit of a fight - as I've stated I agree with most all here except the couple of early posts that took the line that it was a horrendous decision to give PSU twice the allotment as Iowa at B1Gs. Yeah, I was feeling a bit snarky and took a couple jabs.

I will buy anybody who is too butt hurt about it a beer in St. Louis. Have to be Wednesday, Thursday or Friday as I am leaving on Saturday morning.
I don't mind if tO$U (home team) has a lot of seats. PSU, Minne, and Iowa also have a big following so it just seems that whoever allocated these does not know the sport and just wanted to be "equal." Also, I think PA states outranks the B1G for PA fans...BWI has multiple threads going on regions/districts etc so I expect there might be less than you think. Hope not because it's being held in a good wrestling state next to another good one so it should be pretty intense.

I've always liked you as a poster...and most of the PSU guys that come over here. You are one up on us re: Clark/Goolibon. Sure, we get a few D-Bags from your area this time of year but its to be expected. If we don't win it, there will be a crapload of Minne, PSU, Missouri, OSU etc folks coming over here to give us the business. They do this even when we are not the favorite. Its just to be expected if you are Iowa. Its maybe why people are a bit testy this year versus having a nice debate about Clark/JG during freestyle season.

As for BWI, I like posting over there except when they have their five minutes of hate going on Stache. Now, Gilman is going to to fit nicely on that dart board. Especially loved the guys who take the opinion that Terry Brands should be sanctioned by the NCAA because he is a House of Pain song during matches. Anyways, you know the regulars here...the one's that jump in your sh*t either haven't seen your posts, or will reflexively do it because you are a PSU guy. Finally, what happened to not being there Saturday night?
I wonder if msu158 will be in attendance since msu will be right next to the iowa section?
When I first saw the seating chart several weeks ago, it surprised me too. Been to many B1G's, and expected the Iowa section (based on my experiences), and even the Minny section, to be larger. Suspect maybe part of the adjacent section is actually Iowa seats, and that the seating chart is distorted.

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