
Gold Member
Feb 15, 2010
Des Moines
I know there's already a ticket thread, but we need to make this happen, guys. This game could be a turning point in the season. This could give us so much momentum going forward. Imagine the feeling these kids would feel if they saw Kinnick sold out Saturday night! We can do it. If you're on the fence, buy tickets. I'll be there and hope to see you as well!

Oh, and Greenwood as honorary captain? Get the water works ready.
It's going be tough. I will be there with a group of 4 and I did not go to Illinois State. Hope it gets full but either way it will be an electric crowd
Hoping for a lot of walk ups. We shall see I guess. Corners still have a lot of seats.
I don't care how you feel about the coaches... if you support the student athletes and guys like Brett Greenwood you better be at the game if you can.

I'm also emotionally invested in this team again and love it. Go Hawks!
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I don't care how you feel about the coaches... if you support the student athletes and guys like Brett Greenwood you better be at the game if you can.

I'm also emotionally invested in this team again and love it. Go Hawks!

I know there's already a ticket thread, but we need to make this happen, guys. This game could be a turning point in the season. This could give us so much momentum going forward. Imagine the feeling these kids would feel if they saw Kinnick sold out Saturday night! We can do it. If you're on the fence, buy tickets. I'll be there and hope to see you as well!

Oh, and Greenwood as honorary captain? Get the water works ready.
Anybody know how many tickets have ben sold....heard 62,000 on Wednesday...
I unfortunately cannot be there in my seats due to my nephews wedding in Virginia and it's killing me. I gave my seats to a friend who will be there with his wife.

Looks like it will be perfect football weather, hope Kinnock can be sold out.

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