Senator Blue Sky Cruz' first Lie.........


HB King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
Imagine a world where you file your income tax on the back of a post card!
Imagine the world without an IRS!

What a muckin' foron statement that is!
How's he gonna do it? Via "executive order"? Congress would never allow it to happen....nor would his suporters.

Anyone who believes this crap....well, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Ted Cruz proves simple people have simple solutions to complex issues. His followers swallow this stuff hook, line and sinker.
Originally posted by joelbc1:
Imagine a world where you file your income tax on the back of a post card!
Imagine the world without an IRS!

What a muckin' foron statement that is!
How's he gonna do it? Via "executive order"? Congress would never allow it to happen....nor would his suporters.

Anyone who believes this crap....well, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Ted Cruz proves simple people have simple solutions to complex issues. His followers swallow this stuff hook, line and sinker.
So all this crap about you wanting to reform the tax system is out the window now, right?

Thought so.
Ted Cruz is far from simple. Do I think he can win, nope, but his background and education is really top notch.

Princeton grad and did very well on the college debate circuit. Also has a law degree from Harvard.

Allen Dershowitz called the guy off the charts brilliant.
Originally posted by joelbc1:
Imagine a world where you file your income tax on the back of a post card!
Imagine the world without an IRS!
joel: where's the lie? Just because you can't imagine something doesn't necessarily make it a lie.
Originally posted by hawkitd:

Originally posted by joelbc1:
Imagine a world where you file your income tax on the back of a post card!
Imagine the world without an IRS!
joel: where's the lie? Just because you can't imagine something doesn't necessarily make it a lie.
If the man wants to be taken seriously hawk, then he needs to be serious with his ideas and not selling pie in the sky ideas like this simplistic, unrealistic idea of tax reform. You and I BOTH know, that unless there is a violence in the streets over-throw revolution, taxes in the USA are never going to be filed on the back of a post card. Further, unless God HIMSELF intervenes, there will always be a needs for an IRS, simply because people cheat when given a chance to cheat, and unfortunately, organizations like the IRS are around because they can ferret out tax cheats.
BTW./...where I worked for 30+ years, the organization has 2 full time IRS agents on campus 365 days a year to verify proper financial conduct as far as the organization (in healthcare) was concerned. In fact, the organzation furnished the office(s) for these two employees of the IRS.
With tax laws like ours, it is disingenuous for a serious POTUS candidate to say he can change them overnight. I, like most here, want a simpler tax form and a simpler tax code, However, I am real enough to understand something like this won't happen for many, many decades.
Cruz is selling blue sky with statements like this. His function is to get as many folks pissed off at the government as he can and he uses any method available to do so. This is his first example as a candidate.
Cruz should understand better than most that laws need passage thru Congress and he has led the charge in making Congress as obtuse and unproductive as it can be. Now, he has "the ideas" to fix it? Other than "executive order" I see not how he does it.
Crus is a snake oil salesman.
Originally posted by joelbc1:

Originally posted by hawkitd:

Originally posted by joelbc1:
Imagine a world where you file your income tax on the back of a post card!
Imagine the world without an IRS!
joel: where's the lie? Just because you can't imagine something doesn't necessarily make it a lie.
If the man wants to be taken seriously hawk, then he needs to be serious with his ideas and not selling pie in the sky ideas like this simplistic, unrealistic idea of tax reform. You and I BOTH know, that unless there is a violence in the streets over-throw revolution, taxes in the USA are never going to be filed on the back of a post card. Further, unless God HIMSELF intervenes, there will always be a needs for an IRS, simply because people cheat when given a chance to cheat, and unfortunately, organizations like the IRS are around because they can ferret out tax cheats.
BTW./...where I worked for 30+ years, the organization has 2 full time IRS agents on campus 365 days a year to verify proper financial conduct as far as the organization (in healthcare) was concerned. In fact, the organzation furnished the office(s) for these two employees of the IRS.
With tax laws like ours, it is disingenuous for a serious POTUS candidate to say he can change them overnight. I, like most here, want a simpler tax form and a simpler tax code, However, I am real enough to understand something like this won't happen for many, many decades.
Cruz is selling blue sky with statements like this. His function is to get as many folks pissed off at the government as he can and he uses any method available to do so. This is his first example as a candidate.
Cruz should understand better than most that laws need passage thru Congress and he has led the charge in making Congress as obtuse and unproductive as it can be. Now, he has "the ideas" to fix it? Other than "executive order" I see not how he does it.
Crus is a snake oil salesman.
But wait, Joel....just last week you said you're be for a flat tax. Cruz comes out and says basically the same thing(simplified code).....and you attack him for it.

Thanks for the unintended comedy.
Originally posted by joelbc1:

Originally posted by hawkitd:

Originally posted by joelbc1:
Imagine a world where you file your income tax on the back of a post card!
Imagine the world without an IRS!
joel: where's the lie? Just because you can't imagine something doesn't necessarily make it a lie.
If the man wants to be taken seriously hawk, then he needs to be serious with his ideas and not selling pie in the sky ideas like this simplistic, unrealistic idea of tax reform. You and I BOTH know, that unless there is a violence in the streets over-throw revolution, taxes in the USA are never going to be filed on the back of a post card. Further, unless God HIMSELF intervenes, there will always be a needs for an IRS, simply because people cheat when given a chance to cheat, and unfortunately, organizations like the IRS are around because they can ferret out tax cheats.
BTW./...where I worked for 30+ years, the organization has 2 full time IRS agents on campus 365 days a year to verify proper financial conduct as far as the organization (in healthcare) was concerned. In fact, the organzation furnished the office(s) for these two employees of the IRS.
With tax laws like ours, it is disingenuous for a serious POTUS candidate to say he can change them overnight. I, like most here, want a simpler tax form and a simpler tax code, However, I am real enough to understand something like this won't happen for many, many decades.
Cruz is selling blue sky with statements like this. His function is to get as many folks pissed off at the government as he can and he uses any method available to do so. This is his first example as a candidate.
Cruz should understand better than most that laws need passage thru Congress and he has led the charge in making Congress as obtuse and unproductive as it can be. Now, he has "the ideas" to fix it? Other than "executive order" I see not how he does it.
Crus is a snake oil salesman.
A Snake Oil salesman? And Obama wasn't? Cruz 1000 times more Patriotic than Obama.
Originally posted by Speedway1:

A Snake Oil salesman? And Obama wasn't? Cruz 1000 times more Patriotic than Obama.
Speedway...How can I argue with logic like that? Does Cruz have a Super Bowl ring or something? Does he hang more flags than Obama? Does he "Pledge Allegiance" more than Obama? Just how does one measure "patriotism" nowadays?
Congress has a lot of power in tax law. They'll never give it up. Carving out exemptions and loopholes greases the members re-election efforts.
Well lets not forget that Obama said that they were the ones we were waiting for. He was going to lower the oceans and make temperatures come down because he made himself king.

joel is a joke. Cruz wants to reform the tax code and that's "pie in the sky", Obama wants to lower the oceans and that's reasonable to him.

What a putz.
Originally posted by IMCC965:
Well lets not forget that Obama said that they were the ones we were waiting for. He was going to lower the oceans and make temperatures come down because he made himself king.

joel is a joke. Cruz wants to reform the tax code and that's "pie in the sky", Obama wants to lower the oceans and that's reasonable to him.

What a putz.
IMCC....Obama wanted to cut the tax rates and rewrite the tax laws too...but rem,meber who opposed him every step of the way?
A POTUS can't do it himself unless he expands the power of executive order......Cruz "may" want to change the tax code too...but wanting and doing are two different things. His idea (altho certainly not his idea) may sound ideal but it ain't happening. IF it would however, his idea of abandoning the IRS is certainly certainly would never happen. IMCC.....people are basically greedy and will cheat for money (a basic human instinct)....Having a hammer like the IRS is a necessary evil to keep all of us in line. If we ever get rid of the IRS, we could get rid of bank and insurance regulators, most forms of contracts and rules of behavior.
I'd like to live in the world of just has never existed as man has been on the planet.
Btw, I am on my phone, so addressing Joel's typical cornucopia of stupid exhibited in this post will have to wait. In the interim, here is a list of countries that live in Ted world. You know, that thing that has never existed in the time of man.

Also Joel, please link where Obama want to rewrite the tax code.

Ted World
Originally posted by joelbc1:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
Well lets not forget that Obama said that they were the ones we were waiting for. He was going to lower the oceans and make temperatures come down because he made himself king.

joel is a joke. Cruz wants to reform the tax code and that's "pie in the sky", Obama wants to lower the oceans and that's reasonable to him.

What a putz.
IMCC....Obama wanted to cut the tax rates and rewrite the tax laws too...but rem,meber who opposed him every step of the way?
A POTUS can't do it himself unless he expands the power of executive order......Cruz "may" want to change the tax code too...but wanting and doing are two different things. His idea (altho certainly not his idea) may sound ideal but it ain't happening. IF it would however, his idea of abandoning the IRS is certainly certainly would never happen. IMCC.....people are basically greedy and will cheat for money (a basic human instinct)....Having a hammer like the IRS is a necessary evil to keep all of us in line. If we ever get rid of the IRS, we could get rid of bank and insurance regulators, most forms of contracts and rules of behavior.
I'd like to live in the world of just has never existed as man has been on the planet.
MAN!! You keep making these statements that really show just how far you are in the progressive tank for big government. We DON'T NEED a branch of the government controlling us at the threat of jail time or the barrel of a gun. If you like that kind of govt. enforcement, there are plenty of third-world countries awaiting your arrival. Perhaps you could try Venezuela for a year or two and see how that goes. With your value system, it would be a good match and you should fall in love with heavy-handed government to keep you in line.
Originally posted by Noble Hawk:
Btw, I am on my phone, so addressing Joel's typical cornucopia of stupid exhibited in this post will have to wait. In the interim, here is a list of countries that live in Ted world. You know, that thing that has never existed in the time of man.

Also Joel, please link where Obama want to rewrite the tax code.
Jeeebus Noble....he ran for election twice! Changing the tax code was a major piece of his (successful) campaigns.....both times!
Pull your head out of where ever it is!
Originally posted by joelbc1:
Imagine a world where you file your income tax on the back of a post card!
Imagine the world without an IRS!

What a muckin' foron statement that is!
How's he gonna do it? Via "executive order"? Congress would never allow it to happen....nor would his suporters.

Anyone who believes this crap....well, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Ted Cruz proves simple people have simple solutions to complex issues. His followers swallow this stuff hook, line and sinker.
This is your brain on liberalism. It's so inspiring, isn't it?!
Quite an impressive list of countries you have accummlated their Noble........Liking eastern Europe are you? Enjoy!
I don't object to a new tax code as long as it isn't a cobbled POS like the one we have now. Cruz' idea (and really not his idea) of doing taxes on a post card is a wee bit far fetched. And, IF we in the US would adopt a policy of PUBLICLY hanging banksters at high noon in the town square for their sins of greed, I imagine there would be no need for an IRS. Until then my friend...."we the people" need the hammer to keep us ALL in line.
Like most everything else, the actions of a damned few cause the majority of us some discomfort.
I think this fits in with the thread title a little bit.

Ted Cruz: I stopped liking rock music after 9/11"I didn't like how rock music responded" VIDEO
One day after launching his 2016 presidential campaign, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz made the rounds on the morning news shows, where he talked up his conservative credentials and his plans to rescue America from the tyranny of Nobama. During Cruz's appearance on "CBS This Morning," co-host Gayle King also afforded Cruz an opportunity to discuss how he occupies his time when he's not shutting down the government or campaigning to strip gay people of their rights. The Tea Party favorite revealed that he just finished the third season of "House of Cards," and assured viewers that Washington isn't as murderous as the Netflix series portrays.

And music?
"You know, music is interesting. I grew up listening to classic rock, and I'll tell you sort of an odd story. My music tastes changed on 9/11," Cruz said.
The senator continued: "And it's a very strange - I actually intellectually find this very curious. But on 9/11, I didn't like how rock music responded. And country music collectively, the way they responded, it resonated with me. And I have to say, it just as a gut level - I had an emotional reaction that says, 'These are my people.' And so ever since 2001, I listen to country music."
Cruz didn't specify what he didn't like about how rock responded to the attacks, whichthe founder of the university where he launched his campaign blamed on "the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America."
Watch Cruz explain his change in musical tastes below, courtesy of "CBS This Morning":
Ted Cruz going on Obamacare
(CNN)Ted Cruz is going on Obamacare.
The newly announced Republican presidential candidate told CNN's Dana Bash on Tuesday that he will sign up for health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act -- a law he has been on a crusade to kill.
"We'll be getting new health insurance and we'll presumably do it through my job with the Senate, and so we'll be on the federal exchange with millions of others on the federal exchange," Cruz said.
Asked whether he would accept the government contribution available to lawmakers and congressional staffers for their health care coverage through the ACA, Cruz said he will "follow the text of the law."
"I strongly oppose the exemption that President Obama illegally put in place for members of Congress because (Senate Minority Leader) Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats didn't want to be under the same rules as the American people," Cruz said, before repeating: "I believe we should follow the text of the law."
Under the Affordable Care Act, members of Congress and some designated congressional staffers are required to obtain health care coverage through the D.C. Health Link Small Business Market. The Office of Personnel Management's guidelines state that lawmakers and their staff receive a "government contribution" if they get health care coverage through the ACA.
But some lawmakers have declined to accept the contribution, saying they do not want to get special treatment. After the interview, a Cruz spokesperson clarified that he wouldn't take the contribution.

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