Senators write Vice President Kamala Harris over her mismanagement of a $42 billion program to expand Internet.

Dec 31, 2014
After 1️⃣,0️⃣3️⃣8️⃣ days “not a single person has been connected to the internet using the $42.45 billion.

How many liberal consultants and lobbyists for DEI considerations got paid millions though?

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She was never the Internet Czar. In fact, no one has ever even told her what the internet was. She was responsible for taking care of the southern triangle of the internet anyway.
You don't have to REALLY go far back in the memory banks to remind yourself this lady was known as a colossal failure prior to the MSM whitewashing her.

On sale now. Written by Pulitzer Prize winning authors.
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spending federal dollars on anything is exhausting

bringing a new, multi-billion dollar infrastructure investment program even moreso

this is essentially the time line that was written into the legislation

if you don't like the timeline, fine...but that's because of anything kamala did or didn't do
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Again I ask, where the the responsibility and authority given to Harris to manage this money? Is that the job of the VPOTUS?

I don't mind trying to get on her on guilt by association to Biden, that's fair game because she likely supported his positions. But stop with this blaming her for everything that happened during his term by trying to suggest she had some direct hand in it.
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Again I ask, where the the responsibility and authority given to Harris to manage this money? Is that the job of the VPOTUS?

I don't mind trying to get on her on guilt by association to Biden, that's fair game because she likely supported his positions. But stop with this blaming her for everything that happened during his term by trying to suggest she had some direct hand in it.

They literally tell you in the links and provide quotes from the POTUS & VPOTUS.

“In 2021, you were specifically tasked by President Biden to lead the administration's efforts to expand broadband services to unserved Americans.2 And at the time, you stated, "we can bring broadband to rural America today."3”

Remarks by President Biden in Address to a Joint Session of Congress (Apr. 28, 2021) (discussing the broadband infrastructure plan that later passed as BEAD in the IIJA and stating *THE PRESIDENT: ... And I am asking the Vice President to lead this effort, if she would - THE VICE PRESIDENT: Of course. THE PRESIDENT: - because I know it will get done."); see also Margeurite Reardon, CNET, President Biden Taps Kamala Harris to Lead Effort to Close Digital Divide (Apr. 29, 2021).

During his first address to a joint session of Congress, Biden said Wednesday that the vice president would lead his effort to expand the availability of broadband nationwide. Biden's plan includes making broadband more affordable for millions of low-income Americans.“

notice that letter didn't spell out anything specific that went wrong or was messed up or caused delays

because this is basically the timeline written into the legislation

federal money takes a long time to spend...there's a NOFO process, an application process, an application review process, a planning document process, a planning document review and approval process, an implementation/construction application process, an implementation/construction review and evironmental analysis process, then things actually get built

none of that can be effected or changed in any way by a vice president
They literally tell you in the links and provide quotes from the POTUS & VPOTUS.

“In 2021, you were specifically tasked by President Biden to lead the administration's efforts to expand broadband services to unserved Americans.2 And at the time, you stated, "we can bring broadband to rural America today."3”

Remarks by President Biden in Address to a Joint Session of Congress (Apr. 28, 2021) (discussing the broadband infrastructure plan that later passed as BEAD in the IIJA and stating *THE PRESIDENT: ... And I am asking the Vice President to lead this effort, if she would - THE VICE PRESIDENT: Of course. THE PRESIDENT: - because I know it will get done."); see also Margeurite Reardon, CNET, President Biden Taps Kamala Harris to Lead Effort to Close Digital Divide (Apr. 29, 2021).

During his first address to a joint session of Congress, Biden said Wednesday that the vice president would lead his effort to expand the availability of broadband nationwide. Biden's plan includes making broadband more affordable for millions of low-income Americans.“

Another GOP congressional committee writing letters to get on the news and give the GOP some anti-Harris talking points.

Sounds like election interference and a witch hunt along with some good old fake news.

At least they aren't talking about eating pets anymore.