Everybody has taken the ones that were high on my list, so i'll go with something a little different.
Creating Angles - We push, push, push. Guys like Ramos, Metcalf, McD pushed also, but man did the pull, pull, pull on the head. Push and pull, create angles. Heavy on the head used to be a saying you heard all the time. I didn't really hear that this year. We complain about stalling (not disagreeing), but that never stopped Metcalf. If the guy just takes being pushed, pull him and hit a duck under, a single, a double, whatever. If someone is trying to stall, pushing harder doesn't help. Push, pull, change the angle, hit a shot, reshot if nothing there, etc. The Brands get put into a corner by saying they were just goers. Watch some old video and they would shot a single, not get it, on the way back up, hit a duck under. No go, snap the guys head through the mat and try to spin around. Still nothing, hit a double as the guy is pulling his head off the mat. Sequence of shots in rapid succession.
Dominant Riding (sorry, guess this is #2) - Of all the guys in the finals, the only ones I would say that were not considered very good or better riders, meaning they could score off of riding were IMAR (he may be good, I just see him as so dominate on his feet I probably forgot), Brown (although he could ride, not a turning machine if I recall), Snyder and Coon. I didn't see all of these guys matches so I could have missed some, but think of the guys that were in the finals.
Tomasello and Moisey - Both rode and turned during the tournament
Clark and Brewer - Yep
Stieber/Port - Two of the best
Houndshelt/Habat - Good - Habat had some of the Port/Schopp in him
Realbuto - Could roll with Ness, enough said
Dearinger/Walsh - Um, yes
Wilps - Honestly don't know
Dean/Brown- Yes
Gadsen - Yes
Gwiz - As good and active HWT on top as I've seen in awhile
Being comfortable in a crab ride, throwing the legs in, cheap tilts, etc. Would love to see us improve there.
I'll stop