Should Joni be court-martialed

Never happen. This is so outdated. Our forefathers only wanted us to own guns forever and ever.
Signing the letter was a stupid, knee jerk reaction. She promised she'd go to DC and be a difference maker. Signing the letter was sheep like. Just following the herd.
I didn't find the actual content to be close to triggering prosecution under the Logan Act or any military rules. It's relatively ague in the wording.
Joni Ernst is going to need to try a lot harder and become productive in order to be re-elected.
Originally posted by lucas80:
Signing the letter was a stupid, knee jerk reaction. She promised she'd go to DC and be a difference maker. Signing the letter was sheep like. Just following the herd.
I didn't find the actual content to be close to triggering prosecution under the Logan Act or any military rules. It's relatively ague in the wording.
Joni Ernst is going to need to try a lot harder and become productive in order to be re-elected.
Signing the letter was a stupid thing to do but it hardly rises to the level of treason. They didn't tell Iran anything that Iran doesn't already know. It's not much of a secret that Obama'd presidency ends in less than two years. Biden claims that Republican threats to rescind any treaties undermines Obama's negotiating power. Were Biden and Obama helping Bush's negotiating power 7 years ago when they threatened to impeach Bush if he used preemptive airstrikes against Iran's nuclear program?

I see the Republican letter as being roughly equivalent to Obama's and Biden's media blitz in 2008 - partisan gamesmanship that was ill-advised but ultimately not a hindrance to national security.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
What a stupid ass thought.

She s not acting on behalf of the military. She did this officially as a senator.

Leave it to commie losers at Daily cksuck to come up with this.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: Should Joni be court-martialed[/URL]jthawk posted on 3/18/2015...

And the Iowa left's war on women continues:)

BAU in this forum.
Originally posted by CarolinaHawkeye:

Maybe she should think before automatically signing her name to something.
If this were President Obama's first term and she became a player to run against him in the next election, do you think campaigning against him for the office could be worthy of court martial as "undermining" POTUS?

If yes and this is enforceable, then effectively no National Guard member can legally run for President. If no, then there's nothing to see here anyway.
Originally posted by CarolinaHawkeye:

Maybe she should think before automatically signing her name to something.
She is a Senator now. The law and rules do not apply to her anymore.
You can't court martial a person in the reserves/guard for a crime that was committed outside of military status. You'd think the author of this article would do the required research and understand how the UCMJ works before spouting off wild accusations...
Originally posted by Metuo Accipiter:
You can't court martial a person in the reserves/guard for a crime that was committed outside of military status. You'd think the author of this article would do the required research and understand how the UCMJ works before spouting off wild accusations...
You'd think the same standard would apply to a Senator but apparently not.
Originally posted by hawkifann:
Originally posted by CarolinaHawkeye:

Maybe she should think before automatically signing her name to something.
If this were President Obama's first term and she became a player to run against him in the next election, do you think campaigning against him for the office could be worthy of court martial as "undermining" POTUS?

If yes and this is enforceable, then effectively no National Guard member can legally run for President. If no, then there's nothing to see here anyway.
During the campaign some Democrats claimed she was in violation of the law by criticizing and opposing her commanding officer.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
You'd think the same standard would apply to a Senator but apparently not.
why would anyone think the Uniform code of military justice would apply to a senator?
Originally posted by Lone Clone

During the campaign some Democrats claimed she was in violation of the law by criticizing and opposing her commanding officer.
Whats odd is that there are already a number of people in Congress that are/were in the guard/reserve. Why are some trying to make it an issue now?
Originally posted by Metuo Accipiter:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
You'd think the same standard would apply to a Senator but apparently not.
why would anyone think the Uniform code of military justice would apply to a senator?
You missed the general standard which is: you'd think the author would do the
required research and understand how the law works before spouting off
with wild accusations.