Should Romney be the 2020 Democratic Nominee?

Should Romney be the Dem 2020 POTUS nominee?

  • Yes

  • No

  • You don't have tobe a dick unIowa, we get it, you were right all along

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Probably Democrats. Republicans have nearly all sold their souls to Trump.

Trump runs 95% favorable ratings in the GOP. He would pull way more Democratic votes than Republican...the GOP is Trump - it's a party of national populism
Trump runs 95% favorable ratings in the GOP. He would pull way more Democratic votes than Republican...the GOP is Trump - it's a party of national populism

Although his policies have done nothing but hurt common folk and enriched the elites, despite what the brainwashed deplorables continue to think.
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Mitt Romney was born on 3rd base . He
could never defeat Obama in 2012 and
now wears the tag of "Loser". Since he
buys his dress shirts at Costco he might
do some TV commercials for them.
Although his policies have done nothing but hurt common folk and enriched the elites, despite what the brainwashed deplorables continue to think.

Turn out data from democratic caucuses indicated an increase turn out of college educated upper middle class and a reduction of poor to working class non-college educated voters. Suggesting a Trump re-alignment of middle America-- consistent with his protectionist populism with a sprinkling of xenophobia.
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It appears democrats were super wrong about this guy and in the spirit of fairness I think they should probably nominate him as their 2020 POTUS candidate to run against Trump.

You guys at least owe it to the guy for all of the misguided slander arrows you slung his way. He also probably has the best chance of beating Trump and that is what you guys want...right?

Which facts were they “wrong” on?
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Ah, but there is the no vote at all option. Keep Bernie or Warren out of there or this crap goes on for four more years.
Bernie or Warren are both better options than Trump by orders of magnitude. A true American would do everything possible to get Trump out of office, including voting for Sanders or Warren. People who would vote for Trump under any circumstance are simply not thinking about our nation’s future.
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Bernie of Warren are both better options than Trump by orders of magnitude. A true American would do everything possible to get Trump out of office, including voting for Sanders or Warren. People who would vote for Trump under any circumstance are simply not thinking about our nation’s future.

I wouldn’t vote at all with those choices. Reason being if the Dems win back the senate and go nuclear with Warren or Bernie in office, that’s a huge step towards socialism.

Not gonna happen with my vote.
Trump runs 95% favorable ratings in the GOP. He would pull way more Democratic votes than Republican...the GOP is Trump - it's a party of national populism
I’m not sure that’s the proper label. Populists address the problems of the people. The GOP doesn’t do that. They don’t even try.
When you think that the libtards can't get any more ignorant, they do.
It appears democrats were super wrong about this guy and in the spirit of fairness I think they should probably nominate him as their 2020 POTUS candidate to run against Trump.

You guys at least owe it to the guy for all of the misguided slander arrows you slung his way. He also probably has the best chance of beating Trump and that is what you guys want...right?
Romney is a complete idiot. He wants to be popular in Washington DC with Dems, and the Dems are playing him. In truth Dems hate him like they hate any republican. Now Romney has NO friends in DC. What a f#cking idiot.
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Romney is a complete idiot. He wants to be popular in Washington DC with Dems, and the Dems are playing him. In truth Dems hate him like they hate any republican. Now Romney has NO friends in DC. What a f#cking idiot.

Simpleton. You, not Romney.
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Bernie of Warren are both better options than Trump by orders of magnitude. A true American would do everything possible to get Trump out of office, including voting for Sanders or Warren. People who would vote for Trump under any circumstance are simply not thinking about our nation’s future.
I have news for you. A great deal of Americans don’t think much of the country.
No. He's still a conservative and would promote a conservative legislative agenda if elected, but he (and nearly anyone else in the world) would be light years better than the Liar in Chief currently polluting the Oval Office.

A long cry from “the most dangerous candidate in history” as you once called Romney. Which is why no one listens now when the same things are said about Trump. They probably should be, but you do that with every candidate and Republican so...yeah.
From the deplorables who gave us DJ Trump:

"Hey! Why don't YOU guys clean up this fvcking mess?!?! We'll loan you one of our mops!!"

Gonna have to
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A long cry from “the most dangerous candidate in history” as you once called Romney. Which is why no one listens now when the same things are said about Trump. They probably should be, but you do that with every candidate and Republican so...yeah.
You can stow that shit. I suppose it was YOU calling Obama a Kenyan Muslim terrorist?

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You can stow that shit. I suppose it was YOU calling Obama a Kenyan Muslim terrorist?


Yeah...because reality is meaningless to you. I get that. Am I supposed to forget all of the threads and conversations had with ciggy saying that shit and me calling him crazy when he said it?

Nah...forgetting uncomfortable realities and making up new ones is your thing, not mine.
As Trump’s emerging dementia becomes apparent to all and if the Democrats nominate Bernie, I could see Mitt as a viable Independent candidate.
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Yeah...because reality is meaningless to you. I get that. Am I supposed to forget all of the threads and conversations had with ciggy saying that shit and me calling him crazy when he said it?

Nah...forgetting uncomfortable realities and making up new ones is your thing, not mine.
My sincere apologies. I took your response as a general statement as to how Romney was portrayed rather than specific to ciggy. Mea culpa.
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You apparently don’t understand the definition of socialism, only what Fox Mews tells you what to believe.

The bold above, that's just you being lazy.

And I do understand it. I said a huge step towards Socialism. And Bernie has been all about Socialism for pretty much his entire existence.

And why do you folks always throw out Fox News if someone says something you disagree with? I listen to what Bernie, and to some extent, what Warren are proposing, and I make up my own mind.

I've already said repeatedly on here that the only thing I watch on Fox News is The Greg Gutfeld Show on Saturday night. More for the comedic parts. I watch the Newsy Channel to get my news and obviously here on HROT. But on here you have to sift through the garbage and figure out what's real and what partisan opinion news.
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The bold above, that's just you being lazy.

And I do understand it. I said a huge step towards Socialism. And Bernie has been all about Socialism for pretty much his entire existence.

And why do you folks always throw out Fox News if someone says something you disagree with? I listen to what Bernie, and to some extent, what Warren are proposing, and I make up my own mind.

I've already said repeatedly on here that the only thing I watch on Fox News is The Greg Gutfeld Show on Saturday night. More for the comedic parts. I watch the Newsy Channel to get my news and obviously here on HROT. But on here you have to sift through the garbage and figure out what's real and what partisan opinion news.
I was using my phone while walking my dog, hence the egregious (and humorous) spelling error.

Back to the point, socialism would entail that society owns the means of production. His philosophy is based on taxing the wealthy owners; not taking ownership away. I'm not saying I agree with it, but just want to be accurate in our characterizations of him.

Sanders' and Warren's beliefs on a large number of social issues far outweigh their economic philosophies as far as I'm concerned. Trump and his GOP want to take away a woman's right to choose, they want a healthcare system that can exclude pre-existing conditions, they want to do away with regulations that can help the environment.

Trump has made a mockery of the White House. We are the laughing stock of the world because of his buffoonery, and even more troubling he's made our nation less safe. He openly mocks the Constitution, believing that he is above the law. Trump has purposely created further divisions in this country such that I'm not sure we'll ever be united.

There is one certainty if Sanders or Warren were president, they both would be a leader who would actually govern with dignity.
It's ok to have individual opinions. I wish more would
The bold above, that's just you being lazy.

And I do understand it. I said a huge step towards Socialism. And Bernie has been all about Socialism for pretty much his entire existence.

And why do you folks always throw out Fox News if someone says something you disagree with? I listen to what Bernie, and to some extent, what Warren are proposing, and I make up my own mind.

I've already said repeatedly on here that the only thing I watch on Fox News is The Greg Gutfeld Show on Saturday night. More for the comedic parts. I watch the Newsy Channel to get my news and obviously here on HROT. But on here you have to sift through the garbage and figure out what's real and what partisan opinion news.
Forming your own opinions?!? Blasphemy!!!
I was using my phone while walking my dog, hence the egregious (and humorous) spelling error.

Back to the point, socialism would entail that society owns the means of production. His philosophy is based on taxing the wealthy owners; not taking ownership away. I'm not saying I agree with it, but just want to be accurate in our characterizations of him.

Sanders' and Warren's beliefs on a large number of social issues far outweigh their economic philosophies as far as I'm concerned. Trump and his GOP want to take away a woman's right to choose, they want a healthcare system that can exclude pre-existing conditions, they want to do away with regulations that can help the environment.

Trump has made a mockery of the White House. We are the laughing stock of the world because of his buffoonery, and even more troubling he's made our nation less safe. He openly mocks the Constitution, believing that he is above the law. Trump has purposely created further divisions in this country such that I'm not sure we'll ever be united.

There is one certainty if Sanders or Warren were president, they both would be a leader who would actually govern with dignity.

No argument on a lot of that, including the governing with dignity. But I do not want to see our country take that step towards socialism, but I also don't want Trump for another four years.

So why don't you guys/gals nominate Pete or Amy..........
No argument on a lot of that, including the governing with dignity. But I do not want to see our country take that step towards socialism, but I also don't want Trump for another four years.

So why don't you guys/gals nominate Pete or Amy..........
Don't ask me, I'm not registered with a party. Either of those would be far superior to Sanders/Warren as far as I'm concerned from a fiscal standpoint. I'll just be voting for the 'main' candidate going against Trump, whomever that may be.
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I definitely think it hurts the GOP more. Guys like my dad - who loathe Trump, but have always voted GOP and generally dislike most Democrat policies - would absolutely vote for Romney over Trump.

I think most independents would also vote Romney over Sanders or Warren. So he picks off 30% of republicans, gets 70% of independents and swipes 15-25% of democrats (with a self branded socialist on the ticket)...JFC if there was ever a scenario for a 3rd party candidate to make a huge dent this could be it.

Then again one could say the same thing about 2016 when TurdSandwich and GiantDouche were running.
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I think most independents would also vote Romney over Sanders or Warren. So he picks off 30% of republicans, gets 70% of independents and swipes 15-25% of democrats (with a self branded socialist on the ticket)...JFC if there was ever a scenario for a 3rd party candidate to make a huge dent this could be it.

Then again one could say the same thing about 2016 when TurdSandwich and GiantDouche were running.
I honestly think Romney could very well be a candidate who helps bring together left-center to right-center folks. I believe, in reality, this constitutes a majority of the nation.
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Don't ask me, I'm not registered with a party. Either of those would be far superior to Sanders/Warren as far as I'm concerned from a fiscal standpoint. I'll just be voting for the 'main' candidate going against Trump, whomever that may be.

I live in Arizona now. I'll have to look into whether registered Independents can vote in a Democratic Primary.
I honestly think Romney could very well be a candidate who helps bring together left-center to right-center folks. I believe, in reality, this constitutes a majority of the nation.

I wonder how Romney would have fared in the GOP Primaries in 2016. Would he have just been another pile of road kill under the Trump bus?
I wonder how Romney would have fared in the GOP Primaries in 2016. Would he have just been another pile of road kill under the Trump bus?
Hard to say. I liked Jeb Bush, but like the Clintons, the nation was tired of the Bush's. I could have been happy with Christie, too, but he had very little traction. I know about his malfeasance, but I think beneath it all there is something about him where he would be willing to work with the democrats.

I wasn't a fan of Cruz or Rubio, but truly believe they would have been more circumspect in their rhetoric than Trump.

The one I wanted, and said so before he even entered the race, was John Kasich. I understand he's socially conservative, but not fanatical about it. His ability to govern effectively in a somewhat purple state like Ohio always impressed me.

I wonder if Romney's loss in 2012 was still too fresh for a lot of GOPers.
Hard to say. I liked Jeb Bush, but like the Clintons, the nation was tired of the Bush's. I could have been happy with Christie, too, but he had very little traction. I know about his malfeasance, but I think beneath it all there is something about him where he would be willing to work with the democrats.

I wasn't a fan of Cruz or Rubio, but truly believe they would have been more circumspect in their rhetoric than Trump.

The one I wanted, and said so before he even entered the race, was John Kasich. I understand he's socially conservative, but not fanatical about it. His ability to govern effectively in a somewhat purple state like Ohio always impressed me.

I wonder if Romney's loss in 2012 was still too fresh for a lot of GOPers.

I was a big fan of Kasich as well (of the choices available).
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