SIAP- DOGE Staffer Known as ‘Big Balls’ Reportedly the Grandkid of a KGB Spy

It’s pretty obvious Putin is pulling the strings of Musk who pulls the strings of Trump.

Further, I would argue the biggest evidence that Trump is being told by the true boss, Putin, to let Elon run things is that Trump so far has allowed himself to be literally upstaged at rallies and even that surreal moment in Oval Office.

It also explains the completely reckless and ludicrous things that are happening.

Putin controls Musk who controls Trump and when we accept this, it truly explains the last five weeks. Putin is getting his henchmen to massively destabilize the US, destroy its healthy economy, and break up NATO / side with Russia in Ukraine.

Putin is also being very aggressive and over the top with making these guys do this so aggressively because he is very much running out of time himself militarily and economically due to war, and he also believes (sadly, maybe correctly so) that the US citizens and media are too dumb to figure it out or care or stop it.

To me, Putin controlling all of this with a combination of money and kompromat on two massively narcissistic individuals is the Occam’s razor solution to all of what is happening.
"Reportedly",.. amazing how flexible the English language can be.