SIAP: Former Capt Sully Sellenberger called Trump's air crash statements "disgusting", "expected"


HB Heisman
Nov 17, 2021
Sullenberger just finished 4 years in the Biden Admin as an envoy to some Intl air transportation group. LIfelong pilot, a much better man that the dumpster.

The dumpster showed no sympathy today about the dead but instead attacked blaming some unknown people hired because of some nebulous diversity claim he says.

Trump has to be the first PRez who is expert at plane crash investigations to make the stupid announcements he made, because he is stupid and a sorry ass
Can you imagine the makeup and fatsuit that is going to be involved for the title role in Trump: The Movie

Who would watch it? Count the Orange Turd banners hanging around the neighborhoods and farms. It sure as hell wouldn't be released at popular sites. His unfavourability is increasing.
Who would watch it? Count the Orange Turd banners hanging around the neighborhoods and farms. It sure as hell wouldn't be released at popular sites. His unfavourability is increasing.
Will it drop below Bidens 33% approval rating? Probably if you have the same meat heads that thought Obama and Biden were 7th and 14th best presidents respectively.