SIAP: Podcast: Tyler Kluver, Drake Kulick, and Kevin Ward


HB Legend
Jun 27, 2002
These three have released a podcast called Washed Up Walk-ons and it's on iTunes. If you liked the Drew Tate/Anton Narinsky podcast of a few years ago, you'll enjoy this one too. Interesting to hear things from a player's perspective.
These three have released a podcast called Washed Up Walk-ons and it's on iTunes. If you liked the Drew Tate/Anton Narinsky podcast of a few years ago, you'll enjoy this one too. Interesting to hear things from a player's perspective.
I’ve listened to all 3 of their episodes today. Pretty good and they are just getting their legs. I subscribed as well.

As for the Iowa Huddlecast, I really liked when Drew and Anton told stories and had guests on like the lunatic, Tom Busch
At the 37 minute mark on episode 3 you'll hear one of the best Nebraska rants ever.
Yeah, there was not much love for nebraska there. The one guy is going to get in trouble with his fiance's family...
I tried to look for it on Stitcher and Google Play where I listen to the other podcasts and I cannot locate it. Anyone?
Just to tag on here, this podcast is great. Part Hawkeye inside football talk, part straight comedy, all around good listening. Really enjoy their unfiltered, honest answers to questions about stadium atmospheres, opposing players, fellow Hawks, etc. Just good stuff.

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