Smoke Filled Rooms need a comeback: Let the parties pick the leadership


HB King
Jul 9, 2003
Our country is badly served by the primary/caucus system that leads to demagogues and candidates picked by the extremes of both parties, the large middle is ignored until the main election at which point its too late.

We need less democracy.
Yeah, I used to have an ashtray on my office desk that would hold a whole carton of butts.

Those were the days....
I'm not entirely convinced that this idea will yield better results over the long run.

Most people don't trust politicians. And you are basically saying that we need to pick between 2 politicians who won a popularity contest among other politicians. The politicians politician so to speak.

Honestly if I had to blame one group for the mess we are in it's the 24 hour news networks. Your 30 minute and 1 hour news programs for the most part just have time to report news.

24 hour news programs have time to have long winded circle jerks between a bunch of people on their side about how insanely evil the other side is and how their side is the only side for good.

That's what leads to the extremists because no one wants to vote for a guy that's going to be a good negotiator with the evil people.

Honestly if someone would have came in 2008 and talked about negotiating with Bin Laden about ending the violence . . . how many votes would he have gotten from ANYONE? People for the most part don't believe in negotiating with evil and if you assume the other side is evil then they just can't be negotiated with.
There are good people who should run for the Presidency.
Many of them despise the financial fund raising it requires.

To alleviate this problem we need to have free TV advertising
for candidates. Candidates who are polling over 10% would
be entitled to free ads on TV. They would be allowed one
ad per week .

Primaries should be held on the same day in each region.
One for Eastern States, Southern States, Midwest States,
South West States, and Western States. On the first Tuesday
of February, March, April, May, and June. There would be
only 5 primaries.