So FOX is now further fracturing the GOP?


HB King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
FOX is pushing "the Establisment" wing of the GOP....and you have the Tea Party wing of the GOP and the Cruz wing and the Trump wing........and now Marco Rubio is praying for Jeb Bush and his family? Plus they are trumping the fact that Kasich will stay in the race thru Ohio and turn the election for Marco by winning Ohio and ending Trump's run.

Marco sounds like Nixon more and more every day. May God have mercy on our collective national soul.
FOX is pushing "the Establisment" wing of the GOP....and you have the Tea Party wing of the GOP and the Cruz wing and the Trump wing........and now Marco Rubio is praying for Jeb Bush and his family? Plus they are trumping the fact that Kasich will stay in the race thru Ohio and turn the election for Marco by winning Ohio and ending Trump's run.

Marco sounds like Nixon more and more every day. May God have mercy on our collective national soul.

Is there a "Babble to English" feature on HROT?
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Rubio is too slick.
Hillary is a disgusting liar with 0 morals.
Bernie is a whack job.
Cruz is a slim ball.
Carson just doesn't matter.
John who?

Trump is a narcissistic ego maniac, but as of this moment, I'd love to see him start calling out congress. I admit he's dangerous, but we are screwed anyway. The establishment (which soundly includes both sides) needs to be dismembered. Trump has the ego to do this. I don't trust him. I don't like him. But WTF, I'm pulling for him.

And I know he's a crook, but he does still have his first Bible. :confused:
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Rubio is too slick.
Hillary is a disgusting liar with 0 morals.
Bernie is a whack job.
Cruz is a slim ball.
Carson just doesn't matter.
John who?

Trump is a narcissistic ego maniac, but as of this moment, I'd love to seem him start calling out congress. I admit he's dangerous, but we screwed anyway. The establishment (which soundly includes both sides) needs to be dismembered. Trump has the ego to do this. I don't trust him. I don't like him. But WTF, I'm pulling for him.

And I know he's a crook, but he does still have his first Bible. :confused:

How much worse could he be than the last sixteen years?
Rubio is too slick.
Hillary is a disgusting liar with 0 morals.
Bernie is a whack job.
Cruz is a slim ball.
Carson just doesn't matter.
John who?

Trump is a narcissistic ego maniac, but as of this moment, I'd love to seem him start calling out congress. I admit he's dangerous, but we screwed anyway. The establishment (which soundly includes both sides) needs to be dismembered. Trump has the ego to do this. I don't trust him. I don't like him. But WTF, I'm pulling for him.

And I know he's a crook, but he does still have his first Bible. :confused:
It's gonna be an interesting Fall, for sure. But I have maintained for a number of years, the problem with this nation's government id not its executive branch. The legislative branch of government has been a huge, giant failure for the past 12 years. Congress has been a miserable failure. We'ze (as in "we the people") in it up to our necks. As I age none to delicately, I have realized that a vast majority of this nation's citizens are nothing more than blithering idiots incapable of making a correct decision.
Fox is going thru their primary system but they will support the Republican nominee. You don't have to worry about them going independent in the general election.
It's gonna be an interesting Fall, for sure. But I have maintained for a number of years, the problem with this nation's government id not its executive branch. The legislative branch of government has been a huge, giant failure for the past 12 years. Congress has been a miserable failure. We'ze (as in "we the people") in it up to our necks. As I age none to delicately, I have realized that a vast majority of this nation's citizens are nothing more than blithering idiots incapable of making a correct decision.

Agree 100%. And I think Trump will call out members of Congress one by one. I think he has Washington shook. That is more my hope than common sense.
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I help my retired Uncle out 2 days a week. He has his radio tuned to Conservative Talk Radio ALL THE TIME! Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt, et al. Anyway... it is VERY clear that those guys do NOT want Donald Trump as the GOP nominee.

Now, I despise this whole charade. It's nearly impossible to know who to trust. Trump is NYC connected, too. He's too rich to be trusted. Trump has displayed some of the most heinous attitudes and ideals that has come out of the GOP in a while. He's way too abrasive and uncouth. He's direct, and I like that. I just don't care for his paranoia and fear-based tactics. He's not very liberty-minded at all. All that aside, he scares some of this left/right duopoly. I like that part.

Hillary and Ted are just like getting Bush/Obama. Those two are CFR shills. They are so mired in the global corruption that they're protected from anything. That's why Hillary CLinton will never be indicted, let alone see a jail cell. Her GOP buddies will make sure of that just as much as the Democrats. They are a team. It would help Americans to realize that these "teams" you think you're on are not the same "teams" these bought-off politicians are on. They merely create the illusion of 2 teams. They do it so well. They have been doing it for so long, too. I think people almost expect it and need it. They like being lied to and bullshitted. It's like George Carlin said "If honesty were suddenly thrown into American politics, it would throw everything off!" All of these Bernie supporters will vote for Hillary and you'll get f*cked just as hard as if Ted or Marco, or any other DC flunkie. This D & R circus is a distraction. Always has been, always will be... as long as people agree to watch it and participate in it.
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I help my retired Uncle out 2 days a week. He has his radio tuned to Conservative Talk Radio ALL THE TIME! Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt, et al. Anyway... it is VERY clear that those guys do NOT want Donald Trump as the GOP nominee.

Now, I despise this whole charade. It's nearly impossible to know who to trust. Trump is NYC connected, too. He's too rich to be trusted. Trump has displayed some of the most heinous attitudes and ideals that has come out of the GOP in a while. He's way too abrasive and uncouth. He's direct, and I like that. I just don't care for his paranoia and fear-based tactics. He's not very liberty-minded at all. All that aside, he scares some of this left/right duopoly. I like that part.

Hillary and Ted are just like getting Bush/Obama. Those two are CFR shills. They are so mired in the global corruption that they're protected from anything. That's why Hillary CLinton will never be indicted, let alone see a jail cell. Her GOP buddies will make sure of that just as much as the Democrats. They are a team. It would help Americans to realize that these "teams" you think you're on are not the same "teams" these bought-off politicians are on. They merely create the illusion of 2 teams. They do it so well. They have been doing it for so long, too. I think people almost expect it and need it. They like being lied to and bullshitted. It's like George Carlin said "If honesty were suddenly thrown into American politics, it would throw everything off!" All of these Bernie supporters will vote for Hillary and you'll get f*cked just as hard as if Ted or Marco, or any other DC flunkie. This D & R circus is a distraction. Always has been, always will be... as long as people agree to watch it and participate in it.
The reason talk radio is so anti Trump is that the guy is hijacking what should be a layup election for the conservative cause. Trump is most likely a Clinton plant and he is about as Conservative as Ciggy.
The reason talk radio is so anti Trump is that the guy is hijacking what should be a layup election for the conservative cause.
I've never seen anybody really try and turn 3rd place, 5th place, and 2nd place into them having momentum. I give the establishment credit, they are on their heels and really pulling out all the stops for the establishment guys.
It's gonna be an interesting Fall, for sure. But I have maintained for a number of years, the problem with this nation's government id not its executive branch. The legislative branch of government has been a huge, giant failure for the past 12 years. Congress has been a miserable failure. We'ze (as in "we the people") in it up to our necks. As I age none to delicately, I have realized that a vast majority of this nation's citizens are nothing more than blithering idiots incapable of making a correct decision.

No, Obama has been a miserable failure. No leadership...demeaning...disrespectful...stubborn...a dictator...disgusting...big you want to replace him with a criminal?
No, Obama has been a miserable failure. No leadership...demeaning...disrespectful...stubborn...a dictator...disgusting...big you want to replace him with a criminal?
You forgot Muslim.
FOX is pushing "the Establisment" wing of the GOP....and you have the Tea Party wing of the GOP and the Cruz wing and the Trump wing........and now Marco Rubio is praying for Jeb Bush and his family? Plus they are trumping the fact that Kasich will stay in the race thru Ohio and turn the election for Marco by winning Ohio and ending Trump's run.

Marco sounds like Nixon more and more every day. May God have mercy on our collective national soul.
FOX killed Jeb by making the race about Trump.

I wonder who they will kill off next?
Jeb came off like a privileged snot nosed little boy. Not a leader. Trump made him look even worse. I think he killed himself and if not for W and his family he would have never run. And certainly would not have had any cash.
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If repubs can't stand the thought of another bush, why are dems ok with the clinton crime family? Dems are really screwing the pooch lately
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Now, I despise this whole charade. It's nearly impossible to know who to trust. Trump is NYC connected, too. He's too rich to be trusted. Trump has displayed some of the most heinous attitudes and ideals that has come out of the GOP in a while. He's way too abrasive and uncouth. He's direct, and I like that. I just don't care for his paranoia and fear-based tactics. He's not very liberty-minded at all. All that aside, he scares some of this left/right duopoly. I like that part.

Hillary and Ted are just like getting Bush/Obama. Those two are CFR shills. They are so mired in the global corruption that they're protected from anything. That's why Hillary CLinton will never be indicted, let alone see a jail cell. Her GOP buddies will make sure of that just as much as the Democrats. They are a team. It would help Americans to realize that these "teams" you think you're on are not the same "teams" these bought-off politicians are on. They merely create the illusion of 2 teams. They do it so well. They have been doing it for so long, too. I think people almost expect it and need it. They like being lied to and bullshitted. It's like George Carlin said "If honesty were suddenly thrown into American politics, it would throw everything off!" All of these Bernie supporters will vote for Hillary and you'll get f*cked just as hard as if Ted or Marco, or any other DC flunkie. This D & R circus is a distraction. Always has been, always will be... as long as people agree to watch it and participate in it.
And your solution is...?

I don't meant to be negative but you say something like this several times a week. And there's certainly some truth to what you say - if not quite as much as you make out. But what do you think we can do about it?

We are being asked to pick among several choices. The MAIN choices are to have the government run by Republican-aligned oligarchs, plutocrats and mega-corporations or run by Democratic-aligned oligarchs, plutocrats and mega-corporations. Lesser alternatives include Donald Trump - pro corporation but not sold to a particular trust. And Bernie Sanders - who rejects control by corporations, oligarchs and plutocrats. The list previously included Rand Paul - maybe ... depending on how close you think he was to the Kochs and other libertarian wackjob plutocrats.

The argument against Trump on this measure is that he will probably align with the plutocrats, oligarchs and mega-corporations once in office if not sooner. But he may not align with the GOP or Dem trusts, but rather form his own, or mix and match. And if you think that, then you look at his often unclear statements to see if his policies might be different. I think they would be. Just as 2 examples, he's not a free trade zealot and not an anti-PP zealot.

The argument against Bernie is that if it looks like he has a shot, both trusts will gang up on him to crush his chances with an unrestrained assault of propaganda.

That action against Bernie started at a low level a while back. As an example, I'm watching MSNBC at the moment. After complimenting Hillary for doing so well in NH (a bigger-than-expected 22 point loss), they are now complimenting Hillary on her huge, impressive win in NV (a much-smaller-than-expected 5 point win). That's a mild distortion. But it's the message the MSNBC viewers are getting. And I'm sure the public is getting that same message from other left-leaning corporate media who are unofficially endorsing Hillary and skewing their reporting to make her look good. And the same is happening with the right-leaning corporate media like FOX and the Murdoch rags, who are struggling to anoint an establishment candidate (mainly Rubio).
Jeb came off like a privileged snot nosed little boy. Not a leader. Trump made him look even worse. I think he killed himself and if not for W and his family he would have never run. And certainly would not have had any cash.
FOX made the first debate about Trump and that narrative hasn't changed even though they have recently tried to knock Trump out. The debates have been driving the polls. Bush isn't a great debater and is simply awful in a combative debate setting. Even when Trump boycotted a debate, others rushed to fill the vacuum.

Absolutely NONE of that shows Jeb to be a bad choice for president. But that's why he is no longer in the running.

It's sort of like dismissing comments from Hawking because he takes too long to get his answer out. Not that I'm crediting Jeb with being in Hawking's league. Just pointing out that the criterion that sunk Jeb's chances isn't really a good measure of presidential capability.
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Rubio is desperately trying to convince everybody that it's a 3 man race with him being one of the 3. The media are equally desperately trying to make that into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Except that it wouldn't be a self-fulfilling prophecy, would it? It would be a media-fulfilled prophecy.

The joys of the corporate media.
Rubio is desperately trying to convince everybody that it's a 3 man race with him being one of the 3. The media are equally desperately trying to make that into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Except that it wouldn't be a self-fulfilling prophecy, would it? It would be a media-fulfilled prophecy.

The joys of the corporate media.

He placed #2 last night. That firmly seats him in the top 3.
I think the media in general did this. Personally I would not blame Fox.
Suppose the first GOP debate had been hosted by PBS. Or had been a more genial town hall setting or a sequential interview format.

If Trump doesn't get the provocation and the soapbox where his attack style flourishes and he can make himself the center of attention with outrageous comments, I'm betting the entire race looks a lot different. And that's why I blame FOX more than just the media in general.

They tried to take down Trump, and Trump owned them. They couldn't even undo the damage when Trump boycotted their 2nd debate.

Sure, Trump would still have done his thing. And it's possible that we would have ended up the same place. But FOX made it easy for him.
Suppose the first GOP debate had been hosted by PBS. Or had been a more genial town hall setting or a sequential interview format.

If Trump doesn't get the provocation and the soapbox where his attack style flourishes and he can make himself the center of attention with outrageous comments, I'm betting the entire race looks a lot different. And that's why I blame FOX more than just the media in general.

They tried to take down Trump, and Trump owned them. They couldn't even undo the damage when Trump boycotted their 2nd debate.

Sure, Trump would still have done his thing. And it's possible that we would have ended up the same place. But FOX made it easy for him.

I can see your point but I would not agree. I believe Trump's surge was inevitable. He's a walking talking side show.

I am a bit shocked at the talking heads giving him the nomination. I don't feel this way. I think Trump is at the fork in the road now. If his game doesn't change I think he's doomed.
FOX is pushing "the Establisment" wing of the GOP....and you have the Tea Party wing of the GOP and the Cruz wing and the Trump wing........and now Marco Rubio is praying for Jeb Bush and his family? Plus they are trumping the fact that Kasich will stay in the race thru Ohio and turn the election for Marco by winning Ohio and ending Trump's run.

Marco sounds like Nixon more and more every day. May God have mercy on our collective national soul.

Domestic accomplishments of President Nixon:
  • Launched initiatives to fight cancer and illegal drugs, imposed wage and price controls, enforced desegregation of Southern schools, and introduced legislation to reform healthcare and welfare
  • Established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and signed into law the Clean Air Act and National Environmental Policy Act

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