So, I heard the entire team is kneeling during the national anthem

To be fair Merriweather did back track his comments.
As he should have. They can do what they want, but he'd be wise not to make those kind of comments, it doesn't help the situation to poke the fans with a stick....
Those people that fought for this country did so to give them the right to free speech and to kneel. They aren't disrespecting the flag or the anthem, but they are protesting injustice/inequality in this country. What gives you the right to say they can't do this? I work with several veterans and they don't view it as disrespect at all, but rather quite the opposite. Maybe the national anthem would unite us all if we didn't have the biggest piece of shit in history in the white house that has done nothing but divide the country.
They have a right to kneel - just not during the game or on the field. The field is owned by the University (tax payers). Can I walk out onto the field before the game and salute the flag? I don't think so. Wait, isn't that my right? Same for the players.
In college football teams remain in the locker room until after the anthem and pregame ceremonies.
I support and defended our Hawkeye Football team. You responded with a verbose, foaming-at-the mouth, ad hominem attack on me. That’s telling on who wins on the substance of the ideas.

You deserve every attack you get. And you know why? You are a clown, that's why.

At the end of this post I quote your crazy ass post and my response, in case anybody missed it. As everyone can see:

* A poster assumed the race of another poster and you say he nailed it.

* You used the divisive Nazi words "goose-step" for those who disagree with your view on this topic. And you say those who disagree with you are misguided???? Unbelievable.

* You clearly are not smart enough to realize that your family military history is not relevant. Obviously, not all military members & vets agree with kneeling during the anthem.

So, Menace, there is no doubt who wins on the substance of the ideas. Hint: it's not you.

Again, Menace, you should keep your very divisive, racist, & Nazi "goose-step" comments to HROT.
I am sure the HROT left wing echo chamber misses you and your crazy ass comments and eagerly await your return.

For those who missed it, here is your crazy ass post and my response:

712 and STC nailed it. I come from a five consecutive generations military. I am the direct descendant of soldiers who fought to preserve the Union, fought in the Spanish-America War, and two grandfathers who served overseas in WW2. My Dad served in as an officer on the Korean DMZ. I have an older sibling one-star General in the family today. They all fought to live in a nation where you weren’t forced to salute the flag in the way the society or government told you that you must. One of the foundational rights our nation’s forefathers gave us was the right to peaceful protest. These peaceful demonstrations are more American than those who would force their fellow Americans to goose-step to their own misguided view of what patriotism looks like.

Give me a break.

* 712 assumed the race of another poster and you say he nailed it????

* You used the divisive Nazi words "goose-step" for those who disagree with your view on this topic. And you say those who disagree with you are misguided???? Unbelievable.

* Why are you not smart enough to realize that your family military history is not relevant? Obviously, not all military members & vets agree with kneeling during the anthem.

All the kneeling issue has done is further divide this country. This country, many years ago, used to be able to bring people who had differences together & find common ground. NOW? There is no compromise and no listening to the "other side."

Why are you not smart enough to realize that this, TOO, is an issue where compromise can be found?

As I stated before, here's the deal: Basketball and football players know they are gonna piss people off when they kneel during the anthem so why not COMPROMISE?

* As the basketball players come on the court for the opening tip, the ref could hold the ball & all of the basketball players could kneel. Once the PA says "thank you," the players stand and the refs and the players line up for the opening tip. ALL EYES WOULD BE ON THAT MOMENT. And it would not be divisive.

* As the football players come on the field for the opening kick off, the ref could hold the ball and all of the football players could kneel. Once the PA says 'thank you," the players stand and the refs and the players line up for the start of the game. ALL EYES WOULD BE ON THAT MOMENT. And it would not be divisive.

Menace, you should keep your very divisive, racist, & Nazi "goose-step" comments to HROT. I am sure the HROT left wing echo chamber misses you and your crazy ass comments and eagerly await your return.
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They have every right to peaceful protest. Its in our constitution.
But why during our national anthem? It has been made clear over the last couple of years that it clearly creates a further divide. So why do it. Why not do something that unites everyone? Something like Fran suggested. Why create more anger, especially among those very fans that support your team.
I'm not sure any of you can answer these questions intelligently. You seem to just want to further the divide.
How about a thoughtful answer to my legitimate, not trying to fuel the fire questions? I really want to know why.

Look at the discussion that has been generated simply by the mention of something that might happen.

Do you believe that systemic racism is a problem and that police tactics must change? If not, unity becomes impossible.

Why should protestors have to protest in a manner chosen by someone else? If you believe everyone has the right to peacefully protest, shouldn't you also believe they have the right to choose how and when they protest?

What about the divide systemic racism creates? Shouldn't that be as important as the divide you perceive?

why should the players be responsible for your emotions? How is it their fault that you are angry?
They have a right to kneel - just not during the game or on the field. The field is owned by the University (tax payers). Can I walk out onto the field before the game and salute the flag? I don't think so. Wait, isn't that my right? Same for the players.

The players are allowed on the field, you are not unless you have some special team or media pass. The players are legally allowed to stand, sit, kneel or whatever the heck they want to do during the national anthem. Kneeling is a respectful posture. They are guaranteed the right to do it and you can feel free to dislike them. This isn't North Korea and we aren't going to line people up and shoot them if they don't stand tall enough for the dear leader.

When you watch the game at a bar, your living room, or in the stands you are free to assume whatever posture you would like during the national anthem.
The president made it this way. If you don't want to be divided anymore vote him out.
I’ll ask you the same thing I asked someone else and haven’t received a response yet. What actions has the current administration taken to further the divide? What actions, not words?
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Why does it matter. They are American and they have the right to free speech. Let them do it if they want to.
This argument is hilarious. Umm yeah, it’s America they can protest the anthem. They have freedom of speech. I don’t have to like what someone is saying either. They don’t even know what the hell they are protesting but apparently being an ass during the anthem is the thing to do. Have fun losing half your fan base.
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You deserve every attack you get. And you know why? You are a clown, that's why.

At the end of this post I quote your crazy ass post and my response, in case anybody missed it. As everyone can see:

* A poster assumed the race of another poster and you say he nailed it.

* You used the divisive Nazi words "goose-step" for those who disagree with your view on this topic. And you say those who disagree with you are misguided???? Unbelievable.

* You clearly are not smart enough to realize that your family military history is not relevant. Obviously, not all military members & vets agree with kneeling during the anthem.

So, Menace, there is no doubt who wins on the substance of the ideas. Hint: it's not you.

Again, Menace, you should keep your very divisive, racist, & Nazi "goose-step" comments to HROT.
I am sure the HROT left wing echo chamber misses you and your crazy ass comments and eagerly await your return.

For those who missed it, here is your crazy ass post and my response:
Politics has clearly made you completely unhinged. We used to have all sorts of cool sports discussions on here, you and me. We both clearly love Hawkeye sports and have each started threads tracking the professional accomplishments of our former Hawkeye athletes. You are a pretty cool dude except when you melt down into these lunatic, name-calling, political rants. It’s sad that you have no other recourse other than to try and demean your opponents. It’s only because you lack the intellect to have a reasonable discussion on these matters.
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What actions has the current administration taken to further divide the country? Not words, actions.

Actions, ok, well in just the past few weeks he banned federal entities and contractors from providing employees with training on issues related to race and gender discrimination, and he withheld federal aid to California for victims of wildfires because California isn't nice to him.
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I don’t think even close to 1/4 of the fan base really even cares what they do in regards to the anthem.
You’re definitely right if it’s a one time thing. If it turns into something even close to the nba you will see an issue. Nba rating were awful and the average nba fan is a lot less patriotic than the average Iowa fan.
Oh my? What will the players do without you?

Take out half the fan base, support and donors then the administration and players will see... This won't help anything other than the players thinking they are making a difference
What do you think of the "entire team kneels or doesn't"?

Do you think it's complete horseshit players will be forced to crap on the anthem even if they don't want to? I think it is disgusting...
I sure hope it doesn't happen, sickening!!
The players that don't want to kneel should have the option. This all or nothing bs by the Captain is just that and what separated the players in the S&C programming in the first place. Every player should do what they want and not be punished for it. Players should be mature enough to respect one another for whatever they choose.
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Actions, ok, well in just the past few weeks he banned federal entities and contractors from providing employees with training on issues related to race and gender discrimination, and he withheld federal aid to California for victims of wildfires because California isn't nice to him.
Yeah he banned critical race theory which is garbage. I’m with the orange man on that one
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Yeah he banned critical race theory which is garbage. I’m with the orange man on that one

And you have every right to agree with him on that. The other poster wanted examples of actions... "Not words, actions."... that this administration has taken to further divide the country. So there you go.
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Take out half the fan base, support and donors then the administration and players will see... This won't help anything other than the players thinking they are making a difference

The players that don't want to kneel should have the option. This all or nothing bs by the Captain is just that and what separated the players in the S&C programming in the first place. Every player should do what they want and not be punished for it. Players should be mature enough to respect one another for whatever they choose.

So if each player individually decided he wanted to kneel, you would be fine with that?
I sent an email to athletic dept months ago informing them I would never set foot in Kinnick if there was going to be any political statement. If you cant do sports correctly, Im out

Ok. I support the football team because I like the football. Don't care one way another about the politics.
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They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.

Can you keep your whiney ass protest of these players off the football board? Go post on OT if you're so enraged and quit being a pussy.
Politics has clearly made you completely unhinged. We used to have all sorts of cool sports discussions on here, you and me. We both clearly love Hawkeye sports and have each started threads tracking the professional accomplishments of our former Hawkeye athletes. You are a pretty cool dude except when you melt down into these lunatic, name-calling, political rants. It’s sad that you have no other recourse other than to try and demean your opponents. It’s only because you lack the intellect to have a reasonable discussion on these matters.

Calling you a clown does not make me unhinged. It makes me a person who is telling the truth.

Once you said that people who disagree with you on this issue are Nazi Goose steppers, I completely lost all respect for you. And I am sure I am not the only one.

Words matter. And you chose to use the words Nazi Goose stepper. It's sad that you lack the intellect to understand such a simple concept.
Take out half the fan base, support and donors then the administration and players will see... This won't help anything other than the players thinking they are making a difference

The players that don't want to kneel should have the option. This all or nothing bs by the Captain is just that and what separated the players in the S&C programming in the first place. Every player should do what they want and not be punished for it. Players should be mature enough to respect one another for whatever they choose.
I agree, but seeing the reaction to drew brees, I'm not sure that would happen.
so refreshing to see such an adult conversation. I guarantee everyone all riled up about the kneeling has been moving to their seat, in the concourse, yapping to the neighbor, etc when the anthem has been playing inside Kinnick. Isn’t that disrespectful? I better see all 70,585 standing, stationary, and silent the next time I’m in Kinnick or all of you dingbats are hypocrites.
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Actions, ok, well in just the past few weeks he banned federal entities and contractors from providing employees with training on issues related to race and gender discrimination, and he withheld federal aid to California for victims of wildfires because California isn't nice to him.
California got their aid. And did you read anything about the training?
California got their aid. And did you read anything about the training?

Yeah, they got their aid after Trump took the action of first withholding it. And it makes no difference what the details of the EO are. You asked for "actions" the administration has taken to further divide the country. The EO was an action. Are you saying it didn't or won't further divide the country?
Yeah, they got their aid after Trump took the action of first withholding it. And it makes no difference what the details of the EO are. You asked for "actions" the administration has taken to further divide the country. The EO was an action. Are you saying it didn't or won't further divide the country?
You saying the garbage training being pushed didn’t cause division? People are sick of this crap.
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Yeah, they got their aid after Trump took the action of first withholding it. And it makes no difference what the details of the EO are. You asked for "actions" the administration has taken to further divide the country. The EO was an action. Are you saying it didn't or won't further divide the country?
No it won’t. Congress’ lack of governing does more to divide compared to Trump. That includes both sides.
You saying the garbage training being pushed didn’t cause division? People are sick of this crap.

You're arguing with yourself. Makes no difference what I think about it. The other poster was trying to make the point that only Trump's words have been divisive and challenged someone to give an example of a divisive action. I gave an example of his divisive action. This isn't that hard.

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