So our national mainstream media is officially tabloid fodder


HB Heisman
Feb 26, 2013
Not sure if there is a difference between the National Enquirer and 'real' media outlets anymore after these reports were released by Buzzfeed with no verification whatsoever. Even strong line liberals like David Korn and Chris Hayes are saying this is a black eye for news media everywhere.
No one takes BuzzFeed as an actual news source.
Not sure if there is a difference between the National Enquirer and 'real' media outlets anymore after these reports were released by Buzzfeed with no verification whatsoever. Even strong line liberals like David Korn and Chris Hayes are saying this is a black eye for news media everywhere.

So you consider Buzzfeed a "real" media outlet?
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Not sure if there is a difference between the National Enquirer and 'real' media outlets anymore after these reports were released by Buzzfeed with no verification whatsoever. Even strong line liberals like David Korn and Chris Hayes are saying this is a black eye for news media everywhere.

Stories with this sort of impact are going to get out. It's a race.
Not sure if there is a difference between the National Enquirer and 'real' media outlets anymore after these reports were released by Buzzfeed with no verification whatsoever. Even strong line liberals like David Korn and Chris Hayes are saying this is a black eye for news media everywhere.
bUZZFEED is real media?
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Not sure if there is a difference between the National Enquirer and 'real' media outlets anymore after these reports were released by Buzzfeed with no verification whatsoever. Even strong line liberals like David Korn and Chris Hayes are saying this is a black eye for news media everywhere.
Unless something has changed, CNN anyway was reporting of the investigation, not the dirty details that can't be confirmed at the moment. The investigation is fact.
What part is fake? Are you saying it wasn't in the briefing? Are you saying what was in the briefing is fake? Or?
The claims made are fake. Please tell me which claims have been proved true, or even corroborated by a real source. Everyone had this for months but no one ran with it because they couldn't verify any of it, including whether the people it claimed as sources actually exist. Plus, parts have now been proved false. This is a prime example of fake news and the suckers who fall for it.
The claims made are fake. Please tell me which claims have been proved true, or even corroborated by a real source. Everyone had this for months but no one ran with it because they couldn't verify any of it, including whether the people it claimed as sources actually exist. Plus, parts have now been proved false. This is a prime example of fake news and the suckers who fall for it.
They are being investigated. I don't think we, the public, have that information yet. Which parts have been proven false? I don't even know what all the parts are...
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The one guy claims that Russia has been on Trump for 5 years.

CNN will do anything to hurt Trump as will the USATODAY and the Washington Post

You act as this will be a difficult effort for the next 4 years. We voted him in, not the fault of a journalist.
The claims made are fake. Please tell me which claims have been proved true, or even corroborated by a real source. Everyone had this for months but no one ran with it because they couldn't verify any of it, including whether the people it claimed as sources actually exist. Plus, parts have now been proved false. This is a prime example of fake news and the suckers who fall for it.

They very well may be fake, but you seem to be willing to state they are false as easily as others are willing to be believe them true. What evidence have you seen right now that proves all the claims false?

I think some or all is likely false and everybody should realize nothing has been proven. I am guessing the evidence will show Cohen wasn't in Prague, but that isn't evidence everything is false by itself.
I think most young liberals would consider Buzzfeed to be a legitimate news source unfortunately, just like a lot of conservatives look at Brietbart as a legitimate news source. Neither are.
For those interested in actually exercising the neurons in your head, the contents of the memo and source document have been in the possession of major media outlets since before the election but none of them ran with the story due to the fact that they were unable to verify its contents.

That is completely contrary to the narrative espoused by the Suckers that CNN or MSNBC would do anything to get Clinton elected.

As for whether Russia can exercise undue influence on the administration, there is a very simple method for DT Barnum to gain some credibility. Release the tax returns (like he promised) and show our citizenry some proof that he isn't financially obligated to anyone in Russia.

If he continues to avoid transparency, he will continue to lack credibility.

And, BTW, the Repubs in DC are loving this. They'd like nothing more for DT Barnum to leave office and for Pence to step in. Pence is their wet dream. They can sit back, be quiet, give lip service to supporting DT Barnum and let others try to take him down. It's a freaking win-win for them. You can be damn sure that guys like McConnell, Ryan, Cruz and Graham are flipping giddy behind closed doors.
There is nothing "fake" about the following statement: US Intelligence agencies have distributed memos to Obama, DT Barnum and 8 top governmental leaders in which allegations are contained that Russia claims to have compromising information on the President-elect.

That is 100% true. Not even Kelly Anne Scarecrow can deny it. Why? We can see the memos.

You can completely disregard the contents of the memos or withhold judgment, but you cannot deny their existence; you can't claim that they are "fake."

The irony of this leak is DT Barnum's camp decrying the release of the documents. This is the same person who read private e-mails on the campaign trail, took comments out of context and made outrageous assertions and conclusions from those documents.

What's the old adage? "What's good for the goose is good for the gander?" Or, "Karma is a bitch?"

In his private life, DT Barnum ruled the roost ... he's in for a long four years. He's never been subject to the scrutiny that he will receive while serving in office. I can only imagine what else is sitting out there that folks are investigating. I'd be shocked - absolutely shocked - if tax records aren't leaked within the next two years.

My prediction? He will become a bitter, angry disillusioned man.
There is nothing "fake" about the following statement: US Intelligence agencies have distributed memos to Obama, DT Barnum and 8 top governmental leaders in which allegations are contained that Russia claims to have compromising information on the President-elect.

That is 100% true. Not even Kelly Anne Scarecrow can deny it. Why? We can see the memos.

You can completely disregard the contents of the memos or withhold judgment, but you cannot deny their existence; you can't claim that they are "fake."

The irony of this leak is DT Barnum's camp decrying the release of the documents. This is the same person who read private e-mails on the campaign trail, took comments out of context and made outrageous assertions and conclusions from those documents.

What's the old adage? "What's good for the goose is good for the gander?" Or, "Karma is a bitch?"

In his private life, DT Barnum ruled the roost ... he's in for a long four years. He's never been subject to the scrutiny that he will receive while serving in office. I can only imagine what else is sitting out there that folks are investigating. I'd be shocked - absolutely shocked - if tax records aren't leaked within the next two years.

My prediction? He will become a bitter, angry disillusioned man.

I remember Trump reading claims made from a Russian propaganda website on the campaign trail. If this document was leaked in October and about Clinton, he would be reading it to the audience at every stop.
Even if everything about this is fake, thin-skinned Trump will need to take revenge on Buzzfeed. Possibly breaking laws along the way. I expect Trump to go down somehow along these lines.
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I think most young liberals would consider Buzzfeed to be a legitimate news source unfortunately, just like a lot of conservatives look at Brietbart as a legitimate news source. Neither are.

Tom Brokaw thinks Breitbart is an excellent site. So do millions of Americans.
Why is it all about BuzzFeed and CNN and MSNBC? Those are all just as legitimate of news sources as Fox, Breitbart, Western Journalism, etc. The reason you read/watch multiple sources is so that you can then identify similarities and differences, then picking the truth out and ignoring the spin becomes far easier.

You go by any one (they ALL spin and are wickedly biased) and you will get duped, I don't care which of the above you are watching or reading.
There is nothing "fake" about the following statement: US Intelligence agencies have distributed memos to Obama, DT Barnum and 8 top governmental leaders in which allegations are contained that Russia claims to have compromising information on the President-elect.

That is 100% true. Not even Kelly Anne Scarecrow can deny it. Why? We can see the memos.

You can completely disregard the contents of the memos or withhold judgment, but you cannot deny their existence; you can't claim that they are "fake."

The irony of this leak is DT Barnum's camp decrying the release of the documents. This is the same person who read private e-mails on the campaign trail, took comments out of context and made outrageous assertions and conclusions from those documents.

What's the old adage? "What's good for the goose is good for the gander?" Or, "Karma is a bitch?"

In his private life, DT Barnum ruled the roost ... he's in for a long four years. He's never been subject to the scrutiny that he will receive while serving in office. I can only imagine what else is sitting out there that folks are investigating. I'd be shocked - absolutely shocked - if tax records aren't leaked within the next two years.

My prediction? He will become a bitter, angry disillusioned man.

And DT Barnum insists that only reporters care about his taxes and he isn't releasing them. Zero credibility.

This will inspire a petition signed by thousands, if not more, of US citizens calling for the release of his taxes.

This whole public service gig is going to kill him.
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All one has to do is look at the email list of reporters that went to Hillarys party and you know who not to trust.

Do you honestly believe that Trump has never invited any reporters to a party? Your willingness to believe that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy when it's attached to the name Clinton borders on delusional.
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They very well may be fake, but you seem to be willing to state they are false as easily as others are willing to be believe them true. What evidence have you seen right now that proves all the claims false?

I think some or all is likely false and everybody should realize nothing has been proven. I am guessing the evidence will show Cohen wasn't in Prague, but that isn't evidence everything is false by itself.

There is absolutely no evidence the allegations are true. Many news organizations have been looking into the allegations for months now and none have been able to verify anything. Had there been a shred of evidence it would have been published by now. The fact that nothing has emerged is strong evidence that this crap is made up.

In addition, we know that the claim in the memo that Michael Cohen, Trump's lawyer, was in Prague is false. There is evidence he was elsewhere during the time he was claimed to be there, and it has also been reported elsewhere that it was "another Michael Cohen" in Prague, not Trump's attorney.

There is substantially more evidence that the claims are false, the scales are solidly tipped in that direction. It's fake news, plain and simple.
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There is nothing "fake" about the following statement: US Intelligence agencies have distributed memos to Obama, DT Barnum and 8 top governmental leaders in which allegations are contained that Russia claims to have compromising information on the President-elect.

That is 100% true. Not even Kelly Anne Scarecrow can deny it. Why? We can see the memos.

Are you referring to the two-page addendum?