Surprised this wasn't hashed out more on HROT. It blew up yesterday when several candidates for President used the term anchor baby. Jeb Bush stumbled all over trying to deal with his response. Bush and others were quickly criticized for using a term many consider offensive. It goes to who controls language. Anchor baby isn't offensive to me. It's term descriptive of a circumstance if nothing else. But, some people claim it offends them, so they drape the word over themselves like a cloak.
Maybe I'm just feeling a little conservative today, but, I just couldn't see where the anger over the term comes from.
Is the situation the term referred to over dramatized? Yes. Does it happen as often as some of the candidates claim? No.
Maybe I'm just feeling a little conservative today, but, I just couldn't see where the anger over the term comes from.
Is the situation the term referred to over dramatized? Yes. Does it happen as often as some of the candidates claim? No.