Lots of rules here, let me make sure I have them all.
1. Get there early.
2. Don’t walk by you during play or foot in butt.
3. Stand but not too much - will check with you on more specifics here so as to not result in foot in butt.
4. Some excuses ok, but not everyone gets to use them or will result in rule 2 or 3 punishment.
If you don’t follow all these rules you are rude.
Perhaps here are a few more to add to your Rule Book of Etiquette and Fun for 70,000+.
1. You can clap and cheer, but not above 60 decibels. Might hurt some ears.
2. If you are over 6’2”, back row for you. Can’t affect sight lines.
3. No talking during game. Distracting. Auto-buttfoot.
4. Nobody with jobs who may get contacted via phone during games. You’re on call? Sorry, back to Melrose with you.
5. Don’t even think of taking part in the wave. Think of all of the people without hands - totally rubbing it in their faces.
6. In fact, time to replace all fans with robots. No seat back controversy that way.
Perhaps the barkolounger and big screen are for you if you can’t have 70k + follow marching orders. Should people be nice and respectful? Yup. Should you lose sleep over it if they don’t? Nope.