Some surprisingly strong rebuttals about how good Trump's debate performance actually was from sitting GOP lawmakers . . .


HB King
Gold Member
LOL/JK - bless 'em for trying though 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

“He says a lot of stuff. And he’s said so many things over the years. And if you want to internalize that in a way that you think is any different from the past — my point is, that doesn’t make much difference,” insisted Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind.

“I think the contrast could have been drawn more sharply on what her policies have done over the last three and a half years,” said Republican Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia in a critique of the former president’s approach. “That’s what I would have focused on.”

Florida Sen. Rick Scott was asked about the appropriateness of Trump’s comments, he deferred questions to Hung Cao, the Republican Senate nominee in Virginia. “President Trump is President Trump, and you’ve got to admire him for that,” said Cao.

"Whoever did debate prep for Donald Trump should be fired. He was not good tonight at all," said former
Gov. Chris Christie, who helped Trump with debate preparation in the 2016 election cycle, said on ABC News.
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Christie had the most important take. If Harris can get under Trump’s skin and play him like a fiddle. Don’t you think Putin, Kim, Xi, Iran, and every other two bit dictator will.
Considering it’s already happened, I would say the odds are quite good we would see more of the same.
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President Trump is President Trump, and you’ve got to admire him for that.

This is the kind of thing someone who’s completely full of shit says hoping no one will ask a follow up question. Luckily, he’s talking to republicans, so I’m sure it was met with a lot of smiles and nods.
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Biden approved of trump's performance
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