Someone Explain how someone can think the Ukraine thing is OK?

How in Obama's second term was it going to help him politically?

In the second term, you're looking for legacy points. Something that will get your face on Mount Rushmore and help your political allies maintain the party power structure.
In the second term, you're looking for legacy points. Something that will get your face on Mount Rushmore and help your political allies maintain the party power structure.

So you're going with Obama completed the Iran deal with Mount Rushmore in mind? I wish I could see your face when you make these comments so I knew for sure if you were being serious.
So you're going with Obama completed the Iran deal with Mount Rushmore in mind? I wish I could see your face when you make these comments so I knew for sure if you were being serious.

Well, he failed at bringing peace to Israel failed like it always does, so bribing the Iranians with their own money was all he had left.
This is not opposite of bribery. Bribery means the president gets money for doing something. That's not what happened here.

Presidents withhold foreign aid for political reasons all the time. It's nothing new.

No they dont. That is a lie. A bald faced lie
Uh, huh.

You sound like NPR standing up the strawmen and breaking them down.

I'm sorry, but it's on video. It's incontrovertibly the exact same thing.

It has nothing to do with NPR. Which I dont listen to a whole lot. You are a liar.

How do you stay employed?
Stop with this nonsense. Hunter Biden graduated from Yale Law School, served on the board of directors of a major company (Amtrak, IIRC), worked as the Executive VP of a major bank holding company, worked for the US Department of Commerce, founded a successful lobbying firm, and founded a successful venture capital firm. What else does he need to accomplish to be qualified in your eyes?

You have to be an absolute moron to think that he got that position based on any sort of legitimate qualification.

You have to be totally detached from how the real world works.
You've created your own reality.

The reality is, this crap is going nowhere just like all the other nothing burgers.

BUT, Trump fatigue could get you the win you desire a year from now.

I really wish the Dems would nominate someone reasonable instead of an all-out Marxist. Y'all would win in a landslide.
A lot of people seem to be ignoring WHY trump allegedly did this. I mean wtf was Biden even doing on that board anyways?
You have to be an absolute moron to think that he got that position based on any sort of legitimate qualification.

You have to be totally detached from how the real world works.

Irrelevant. Trad said Biden was unqualified for the position, and many right wingers believe that to be true. It’s not.
Because openly extorting USA Aid for personal political gain is OK in Trumpland where people like u lack any sort of ethics or basic decency

But we both know that's not what happened.

It's what you want to pretend happened.

Prepare to be disappointed.
But we both know that's not what happened.

It's what you want to pretend happened.

Prepare to be disappointed.

That is exactly what happened. You are in denial.

Of course I am disappointed. He should resign, but he wont. People like him and followers like you lack basic decency as human beings.
But we both know that's not what happened.

It's what you want to pretend happened.

Prepare to be disappointed.

Lol...your own attorney general Barr...wont say there is nothing illegal.....too funny....but I am sure you know better, right????
Are you a pothead, Focker? You've been smelling too many of your own farts. Where in effing hell does it say Ukraine is our common defense? How in bloody hell could you come to that determination? Kennedy rightly kicked Krushchev out of our hemisphere during the Cuban missile crisis when Soviet nukes were 1,100 miles from Washington. But, Moscow shouldn't be upset with NATO missiles 735 miles from them? Lay off the farts Dude.

Where in effing hell does it say Ukraine is our common defense?

In the Budapest Memorandum after the fall of the Soviet Union is where. Ukraine had a huge nuclear arsenal (Soviet weapons) which the US wanted them to properly dispose of in order to keep these weapons from disappearing on the black market and falling into the hands of the wrong people. Consequently, we agreed to provide defense for them against any aggression which may have been brought against them. We weren't the only nation which was part of this agreement as the United Kingdom, and the Russian Federation were also signatories. Besides Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus were also disarmed under this agreement. Unfortunately, under Putin, Russia broke their agreement by annexing Crimea and invading Ukraine under the guise that they were liberating Ukrainians who "wanted to become part of Russia". That is why we have levied the sanctions on Russia. Hopefully this will help clear up any confusion on this whole matter.

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994, providing security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1]

The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

As a result, between 1994 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons. Before that, Ukraine had the world's third largest nuclear weapons stockpile,[2][3] of which Ukraine had physical if not operational control.[4][5] The use of the weapons was dependent on Russian-controlled electronic Permissive Action Links and the Russian command and control system.[4][5]

In 2009, the Russian Federation and the United States released a joint statement that the memorandum’s security assurances would still be respected after the expiration of the START Treaty.[6]

Following the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in 2014, the US,[7][8] Canada,[9] the UK,[10] along with other countries,[11] stated that Russian involvement was a breach of its obligations to Ukraine under the Budapest Memorandum, a Memorandum transmitted to the United Nations under the signature of Sergei Lavrov, amongst others,[12] and in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. On 4 March 2014, the Russian president replied to a question on violation of Budapest Memorandum, describing current Ukrainian situation as a revolution, when "a new state arises, but with this state and in respect to this state, we have not signed any obligatory documents".[13] Russia stated it had never been under obligation to "force any part of Ukraine's civilian population to stay in Ukraine against its will." Russia suggested that the US was in violation of the Budapest Memorandum, describing the Euromaidan as a US-instigated coup.[14]
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Oh no...I expect the worst from people like you where the Country is headed. Assuming you are even American.

And I expect regressive statist sheep to keep fighting for more government authoritarian control until you've given the ruling class back all the power they once had prior to this country being formed.
Trad is a 30%er. No point in presenting a logical discussion.

It's amazing that so many liberals will continue to give the benefit of the doubt to garbage people even as they continuously reiterate that they're garbage people.

If you notice, there isn't even any real denial of the crimes....everybody does it, Dems were after Trump from the start and I'm so tired of it...blah blah blah.
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