Someone Explain how someone can think the Ukraine thing is OK?

It's amazing that so many liberals will continue to give the benefit of the doubt to garbage people even as they continuously reiterate that they're garbage people.

If you notice, there isn't even any real denial of the crimes....everybody does it, Dems were after Trump from the start and I'm so tired of it...blah blah blah.
This. They're not even worth engaging. It's not their lack of integrity or basic intellect or common decency or any redeeming quality whatsoever...the most disturbing thing is that there are so many of them.
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I really wish the Dems would nominate someone reasonable instead of an all-out Marxist. Y'all would win in a landslide.
If Trump is doing the job you say he is why would they win in a landslide? I wish for your own sake, you could step back and see how bad you come off in threads like this. Really Trad, you come across as a pure fool.
Honestly, I have a problem with giving other countries our tax money period. We run at a net negative. Its absolutely fuking insane to be borrowing money to give it away. Let them borrow their own money.
I agree with this. Loan them the money, don’t give it away. Iraq should be paying us back for liberating them too.
If Trump is doing the job you say he is why would they win in a landslide? I wish for your own sake, you could step back and see how bad you come off in threads like this. Really Trad, you come across as a pure fool.

I'll agree with you that Trad comes off as a pure fool in most cases, but he is correct that if the Dems would pick a more neutral person then the Dems would win big. It makes sense that if the election is far-right against far-left, then the people in the middle have to make a choice which direction they want to go. To them, both are bad. Whichever party has a more neutral candidate, that's going to be the part to win.

There's real danger in going far-anything. We're seeing it now. Trump is far-dictator and we're seeing how followers are blind to his actions. What used to be crimes against America is now labeled a nothing burger. When people start to care only about themselves then bad things happen. We've seen it throughout history. Combine that with a dictator and the result is disgusting.
How? He asked, if not extorted, a foreign govt to help go after a domestic political opponent.

I dont see why how anyone can defend this. It has ZERO to do with ideology. You sold your soul to this reality show jackass to get judges to keep the gays in line and outlaw abortion. What a sorry pyyhric victory.

I can respect small government as an honest ideological position. I do not agree, but I respect it as an honest intellectual position. This has nothing to do with that.

Finally, I do not want to see my country dragged through an ugly impeachment fight. If he had ANY decency he would resign. If Republican congressional leadership had ANY integrity they would pressure him to resign.

This is a sad sorry chapter in US History. I am sorry to be alive for it, I am glad my WWII Navy Vet grandpa never had to see it. Its shameful....SHAMEFUL.
Unfortunately @cigaretteman nailed it.

They don't care. Damn the constitution, damn the bill of rights, damn the separation of powers and the rule of law. As long as it pisses off liberals it's all good.
Where in effing hell does it say Ukraine is our common defense?

In the Budapest Memorandum after the fall of the Soviet Union is where. Ukraine had a huge nuclear arsenal (Soviet weapons) which the US wanted them to properly dispose of in order to keep these weapons from disappearing on the black market and falling into the hands of the wrong people. Consequently, we agreed to provide defense for them against any aggression which may have been brought against them. We weren't the only nation which was part of this agreement as the United Kingdom, and the Russian Federation were also signatories. Besides Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus were also disarmed under this agreement. Unfortunately, under Putin, Russia broke their agreement by annexing Crimea and invading Ukraine under the guise that they were liberating Ukrainians who "wanted to become part of Russia". That is why we have levied the sanctions on Russia. Hopefully this will help clear up any confusion on this whole matter.

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances refers to three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994, providing security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1]

The memorandum included security assurances against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

As a result, between 1994 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons. Before that, Ukraine had the world's third largest nuclear weapons stockpile,[2][3] of which Ukraine had physical if not operational control.[4][5] The use of the weapons was dependent on Russian-controlled electronic Permissive Action Links and the Russian command and control system.[4][5]

the Euromaidan as a US-instigated coup.[14]

I truly appreciate your honest attempt at civilized discussion on this topic. But, CIA edited Wikipedia, is not where honesty is to be found. Remember Pompeo's admission, "We lied, we stole, we cheated." To that point, It is completely disingenuous and downright deceitful to imply that Russia "annexed" Crimea. They did no such thing. Western polling companies, Gallup and Pew Research document that Crimeans, pre and post Maidan, were overwhelmingly Russian. They were Russian for all but 40 of the past 300 or so years until Krushchev decided, in a drunken stupor, to give back Crimea in 1954. Crimea voted for self-determination and protection from the rabidly anti-Russian, neo-Nazi Stepan Bandera types responsible for the violence on Maidan. 97% voted in favor of rejoining Russia after witnessing the ethnic cleansing in Donbass, Lughansk and Donetsk that voted over 90% in favor of Yanukovych. Tens of millions of Ukrainians and Russians living in Eastern Uk are inter-married and work in Russia.

The reason Yeltsin is as of today, the 3rd most hated man in Russian history is because he A) sold off state's assets to western oligarchs for pennies on the dollar while enriching himself and B) did not a damn thing as NATO marched right up to Russia's borders, encircling them. Russia's most loyal ally, Serbia was bombed for 78 straight days and Yeltsin sat on his hand while the other hand was out collecting cash in brown bags. 13 former Warsaw Pact members were swallowed up by NATO in violation of the 1991 agreement by James Baker on behalf of GHWB, not to move 1 inch to the east if Gorbachev would allow the re-unification of Germany. Shortly thereafter, Clinton was annexing Kosovo. It is crystal clear who is the aggressor. It was spelled out by Halford Mackinder in 1904 before the Royal Geographical Society in London. He who controls the Heartland (central Eurasia) Ukraine-Russia, controls the Asia pivot to China and India. It's where the world's greatest population sits and Russia has $75 TRILLION in natural resources. Our oligarchs want it for themselves. Not for America. Zbigniew Brzezinski (Obama's main foreign policy advisor) was a practitioner of Mackinder. He wrote about this in his book, The Grand Chessboard.

Nor is it honest to say that Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia was already in SE Ukraine under the Kharkiv Accord. It was due to expire in 2017. However, an extension was agreed upon by Yanukovych and Medvedev in 2010, thus tacking on another 25 years onto '17 with a new expiration date of 2042. Russia will NEVER give up their warm water ports in the Sea of Azov-Black Sea. It's absolutely critical to their survival. Witness Napolean and Hitler invading. Nor is the Kremlin willing to take on more pensioners in Ukraine that Putin is struggling to pay for now after their government collapsed twice in the past 100 years.

Washington overthrew a democratically elected government in Kiev and installed their puppet, Yatsenyuk, just as promised by Victoria Nuland (Dick Cheney appointee) only 18 days before the violent coup on Maidan. Nuland also bragged in front of Chevron banners that the USA spent $5 Billion to accomplish this goal. George Soros admitted his role in events achieving this coup to Fareed Zakaria. His TV station, Hromadske, started in November 22nd 2013 and started fomenting violence on Maidan just after Yanukovyck rebuffed Merkel, Obama and the west at Vilnius. He was supposed to sign a European Association Agreement and eventually join NATO. He wanted a tri-party agreement as much business was already done with Russia. George Friedman of the CIA's Stratfor, called it the most blatant coup in history.

So, in closing, the Budapest Memo does not hold up.
I truly appreciate your honest attempt at civilized discussion on this topic. But, CIA edited Wikipedia, is not where honesty is to be found. Remember Pompeo's admission, "We lied, we stole, we cheated." To that point, It is completely disingenuous and downright deceitful to imply that Russia "annexed" Crimea. They did no such thing. Western polling companies, Gallup and Pew Research document that Crimeans, pre and post Maidan, were overwhelmingly Russian. They were Russian for all but 40 of the past 300 or so years until Krushchev decided, in a drunken stupor, to give back Crimea in 1954. Crimea voted for self-determination and protection from the rabidly anti-Russian, neo-Nazi Stepan Bandera types responsible for the violence on Maidan. 97% voted in favor of rejoining Russia after witnessing the ethnic cleansing in Donbass, Lughansk and Donetsk that voted over 90% in favor of Yanukovych. Tens of millions of Ukrainians and Russians living in Eastern Uk are inter-married and work in Russia.

The reason Yeltsin is as of today, the 3rd most hated man in Russian history is because he A) sold off state's assets to western oligarchs for pennies on the dollar while enriching himself and B) did not a damn thing as NATO marched right up to Russia's borders, encircling them. Russia's most loyal ally, Serbia was bombed for 78 straight days and Yeltsin sat on his hand while the other hand was out collecting cash in brown bags. 13 former Warsaw Pact members were swallowed up by NATO in violation of the 1991 agreement by James Baker on behalf of GHWB, not to move 1 inch to the east if Gorbachev would allow the re-unification of Germany. Shortly thereafter, Clinton was annexing Kosovo. It is crystal clear who is the aggressor. It was spelled out by Halford Mackinder in 1904 before the Royal Geographical Society in London. He who controls the Heartland (central Eurasia) Ukraine-Russia, controls the Asia pivot to China and India. It's where the world's greatest population sits and Russia has $75 TRILLION in natural resources. Our oligarchs want it for themselves. Not for America. Zbigniew Brzezinski (Obama's main foreign policy advisor) was a practitioner of Mackinder. He wrote about this in his book, The Grand Chessboard.

Nor is it honest to say that Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia was already in SE Ukraine under the Kharkiv Accord. It was due to expire in 2017. However, an extension was agreed upon by Yanukovych and Medvedev in 2010, thus tacking on another 25 years onto '17 with a new expiration date of 2042. Russia will NEVER give up their warm water ports in the Sea of Azov-Black Sea. It's absolutely critical to their survival. Witness Napolean and Hitler invading. Nor is the Kremlin willing to take on more pensioners in Ukraine that Putin is struggling to pay for now after their government collapsed twice in the past 100 years.

Washington overthrew a democratically elected government in Kiev and installed their puppet, Yatsenyuk, just as promised by Victoria Nuland (Dick Cheney appointee) only 18 days before the violent coup on Maidan. Nuland also bragged in front of Chevron banners that the USA spent $5 Billion to accomplish this goal. George Soros admitted his role in events achieving this coup to Fareed Zakaria. His TV station, Hromadske, started in November 22nd 2013 and started fomenting violence on Maidan just after Yanukovyck rebuffed Merkel, Obama and the west at Vilnius. He was supposed to sign a European Association Agreement and eventually join NATO. He wanted a tri-party agreement as much business was already done with Russia. George Friedman of the CIA's Stratfor, called it the most blatant coup in history.

So, in closing, the Budapest Memo does not hold up.

The Budapest Memo is why we support Ukraine.
The Budapest Memo is why we support Ukraine.
No. Russia possesess $75 Trillion in natural resources (the most on earth. US is 2nd with $45 Trillion) and is the pivot to Asia. Supporting Ukraine allows Washington to place nukes just a few hundred miles from Moscow establishing nuclear primacy. A 1st strike from Washington can evaporate Russia before they can retaliate.

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