Sorry if pepsi

You are about to get peppered by many liberals on here who think it’s okay to shower with your 10 year old children
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They’re gonna have to upgrade their response to, “I’d still rather vote for a child molesting old guy than a felony old guy.”

I hadn't heard that Joe Biden molested her, maybe you can provide a little more info or documentation.
They’re gonna have to upgrade their response to, “I’d still rather vote for a child molesting old guy than a felony old guy.”
Isn't the felony old guy also the one that talked about how bangable his own daughter was, creeped on the contestants in his beauty pageant, and was buddies w Epstein? The felonies are like 34 rotten apples on a whole tree full of bad fruit.

But somehow we, as a country, still can't put up two better candidates than these decrepit pieces of crap...
Ashley Biden, "I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations......."

"misinterpret" surely she wasn't talking about right wingers. BAU
Biden's own doj has determined him mentally unfit to be held legally accountable already
Trump is on record saying he would date his daughter. That's not exactly like showering with her, but with Trump it would be a step in that direction. Trump has no morals.
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Trump is on record saying he would date his daughter. That's not exactly like showering with her, but with Trump it would be a step in that direction. Trump has no morals.
Bidens daughter wrote in her diary that she had to stay up till the late hours of the night to shower without her father. Gross.
Bidens daughter wrote in her diary that she had to stay up till the late hours of the night to shower without her father. Gross.

See 12 post above and then look up "misinterpreted" in the dictionary.
Instead of making this about Trump, who should be nowhere near the WH ever again and is a nut job, can we acknowledge that if these pieces are true, this is really, really, really messed up?
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