South Carolina Pastor’s Dead Wife

TC Nole OX

HB Legend
Mar 29, 2002
Soon to be a topic on all the true crime podcasts. Comments in this video state that he was fired from his pastor job today.

Police probe death of pastor's wife

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Family skeptical of pastor's wife's alleged death by suicide | Morning in America

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Usually not real hard to figure out a suicide, if he killed her I'm sure they'll figure it out.
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WFLA Tampa……JB Biunno

MICA MILLER: Cause of death released? New reports as pastor husband let go from church | #HeyJB Live

"Immorality among church leadership"

Pastor groomed now dead wife when he was married to first wife and she was 14 years old and in church youth group

Husband of another fling of this pastor died under suspicious circumstances

BAU for these MAGA churches

Pastor's wife mystery: Former friends skeptical of alleged suicide | Banfield

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I saw this yesterday but didn't post it because while interesting, and salacious, it appeared to be the sort of thing you see posted somewhere with these cases and then none of it ends up being true.

It is a reddit post under a fake name. So far several of the items are confirmed, Pastor groomed the now dead wife starting at age 14. Husband of past side-piece mysteriously died. I'm curious how much more of this post is accurate.

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Not that I'm trying to defend anyone here because I'm not and I really don't know what happened. But this certainly feels like the public and the media has already determined who did it and pronounced guilt here. And there is a good chance they are right. But if they are wrong they are going to be only adding pain onto more pain.

I just don't think that's a healthy way to approach this situation. Let the cops do their jobs.
Not that I'm trying to defend anyone here because I'm not and I really don't know what happened. But this certainly feels like the public and the media has already determined who did it and pronounced guilt here. And there is a good chance they are right. But if they are wrong they are going to be only adding pain onto more pain.

I just don't think that's a healthy way to approach this situation. Let the cops do their jobs.

"Let the cops do their jobs"

These are rural cops who would be all too happy to close the case as a suicide. Jailing pastors is about as popular with rural cops as are the people who film cops. The public scrutiny in this case is good and needed. This pastor is a confirmed scumbag who groomed this victim starting at age 14.
Not that I'm trying to defend anyone here because I'm not and I really don't know what happened. But this certainly feels like the public and the media has already determined who did it and pronounced guilt here. And there is a good chance they are right. But if they are wrong they are going to be only adding pain onto more pain.

I just don't think that's a healthy way to approach this situation. Let the cops do their jobs.
I'm not sure why this is so hard to do in todays society. Let it play out and our system work.
"Let the cops do their jobs"

These are rural cops who would be all too happy to close the case as a suicide. Jailing pastors is about as popular with rural cops as are the people who film cops. The public scrutiny in this case is good and needed. This pastor is a confirmed scumbag who groomed this victim starting at age 14.

I'm not saying that there shouldn't be some scrutiny. But it doesn't sound to me like the cops said it was suicide, sounds like that's what her husband quickly claimed.

He's sus don't get me wrong but when people are holding protests outside his former church it seems like they made up their minds.
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I'm not sure why this is so hard to do in todays society. Let it play out and our system work.

Dunning-Kruger Effect.

The speed at which you can get initial information on the internet allows you to know just enough to make you feel like you've solved the case.

But the thing is to me is from the limited stuff I saw no one has said what the cause of death actually was. The Pastor says suicide. But suicide by what method? Cops and medical examiners haven't had time to fully do their jobs yet.
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I'm not saying that there shouldn't be some scrutiny. But it doesn't sound to me like the cops said it was suicide, sounds like that's what her husband quickly claimed.

He's sus don't get me wrong but when people are holding protests outside his former church it seems like they made up their minds.

I'm sure some of them have made up their minds. What it says to me, more than anything, is that they don't trust this discredited pastor and they don't trust small town police. I don't blame them.

Small town cop shops are notorious for protecting the powerful and S Carolina had some egregious cases recently, homicides, where the legal system bent over backwards to protect powerful interests.

The more sunlight on this case, the better.
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Dunning-Kruger Effect.

The speed at which you can get initial information on the internet allows you to know just enough to make you feel like you've solved the case.

But the thing is to me is from the limited stuff I saw no one has said what the cause of death actually was. The Pastor says suicide. But suicide by what method? Cops and medical examiners haven't had time to fully do their jobs yet.
Part of the problem is the social media fixation for internet sleuthing, and sometimes they do solve the cases, which just adds to its popularity overall. News infotainment like NBC Dateline, Forensic Files, etc. are wildly popular with certain segments of the populace. Everyone thinks they're a damn detective these days.

The COD was a gunshot wound to the head. I think why this has picked up steam is that the case has crossed state lines and her family was concerned that North Carolina would just treat it as a routine suicide. The now dead wife's body was found in a state park in North Carolina in late April. The local police in South Carolina had numerous documented interactions with the wife, in particular since last October when she filed divorce papers. The papers were served just a few days prior to her death. She reported being followed and shadowed by the same vehicle numerous times since October and had told friends and family she was concerned for her safety. When talking to a local police officer about obtaining a restraining order, the officer observed the stalker's vehicle slowly driving by before quickly speeding away. Her vehicle's tires had been slashed several times (the husband has apparently admitted to doing this) and when the car tires were being repaired the mechanics found a tracking device attached to her car.

The pastor is innocent until proven guilty, hell he may never be charged for anything here, but color me skeptical that the wife who told her sister, "if I end up with a bullet in my head, it was not by me, it was JP," decided to off herself for the sole purpose of swatting her husband from beyond the grave.
Part of the problem is the social media fixation for internet sleuthing, and sometimes they do solve the cases, which just adds to its popularity overall. News infotainment like NBC Dateline, Forensic Files, etc. are wildly popular with certain segments of the populace. Everyone thinks they're a damn detective these days.

The COD was a gunshot wound to the head. I think why this has picked up steam is that the case has crossed state lines and her family was concerned that North Carolina would just treat it as a routine suicide. The now dead wife's body was found in a state park in North Carolina in late April. The local police in South Carolina had numerous documented interactions with the wife, in particular since last October when she filed divorce papers. The papers were served just a few days prior to her death. She reported being followed and shadowed by the same vehicle numerous times since October and had told friends and family she was concerned for her safety. When talking to a local police officer about obtaining a restraining order, the officer observed the stalker's vehicle slowly driving by before quickly speeding away. Her vehicle's tires had been slashed several times (the husband has apparently admitted to doing this) and when the car tires were being repaired the mechanics found a tracking device attached to her car.

The pastor is innocent until proven guilty, hell he may never be charged for anything here, but color me skeptical that the wife who told her sister, "if I end up with a bullet in my head, it was not by me, it was JP," decided to off herself for the sole purpose of swatting her husband from beyond the grave.

Her body was found 11 days ago. I don't know the typical speed of the release of autopsy results but they ruled the first Boeing whistle blower a suicide fairly quickly. I know that isn't the typical case and none of these cases are the same. Nothing I have seen from this case says to me that the cops had much interest in protecting this woman while she was alive or bringing her justice after she died. That may have changed now that locals and then outsiders started making a lot of noise.
Part of the problem is the social media fixation for internet sleuthing, and sometimes they do solve the cases, which just adds to its popularity overall. News infotainment like NBC Dateline, Forensic Files, etc. are wildly popular with certain segments of the populace. Everyone thinks they're a damn detective these days.

The COD was a gunshot wound to the head. I think why this has picked up steam is that the case has crossed state lines and her family was concerned that North Carolina would just treat it as a routine suicide. The now dead wife's body was found in a state park in North Carolina in late April. The local police in South Carolina had numerous documented interactions with the wife, in particular since last October when she filed divorce papers. The papers were served just a few days prior to her death. She reported being followed and shadowed by the same vehicle numerous times since October and had told friends and family she was concerned for her safety. When talking to a local police officer about obtaining a restraining order, the officer observed the stalker's vehicle slowly driving by before quickly speeding away. Her vehicle's tires had been slashed several times (the husband has apparently admitted to doing this) and when the car tires were being repaired the mechanics found a tracking device attached to her car.

The pastor is innocent until proven guilty, hell he may never be charged for anything here, but color me skeptical that the wife who told her sister, "if I end up with a bullet in my head, it was not by me, it was JP," decided to off herself for the sole purpose of swatting her husband from beyond the grave.

How close do they live to the park she was in?

Seems like the first thing you would want to do is find out if she went to that park alone and if someone might have followed her into that park.
Her body was found 11 days ago. I don't know the typical speed of the release of autopsy results but they ruled the first Boeing whistle blower a suicide fairly quickly. I know that isn't the typical case and none of these cases are the same. Nothing I have seen from this case says to me that the cops had much interest in protecting this woman while she was alive or bringing her justice after she died. That may have changed now that locals and then outsiders started making a lot of noise.
Well now apparently the Robeson County NC ME has released information regarding the autopsy. Self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
I'm not sure why this is so hard to do in todays society. Let it play out and our system work.

The issue is that "our system" and by that I think you mean the justice system does not always work as intended because the people executing processes defined by the system can be corrupt, biased, innocently blind to certain facts and rules or just plain make mistakes.

Another part of "our system" is that is supposed to largely transparent so that other systems can hold it accountable.

How about "let is play out while the transparency provided by solid reporting and public awareness holds the system accountable for the results"
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Well now apparently the Robeson County NC ME has released information regarding the autopsy. Self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

I hope they release some supporting evidence and allow for a second autopsy by an outside independent medical examiner. They should also be digging up camera footage along route. I’m guessing they won’t and the internet detectives will have to do the legwork.
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Cause of death revealed for South Carolina pastor’s wife | Morning in America

Dunning-Kruger Effect.

The speed at which you can get initial information on the internet allows you to know just enough to make you feel like you've solved the case.

But the thing is to me is from the limited stuff I saw no one has said what the cause of death actually was. The Pastor says suicide. But suicide by what method? Cops and medical examiners haven't had time to fully do their jobs yet.
This has been going on for 100's if not 1,000's of year. Lynch mobs? In the 1800's if they thought you were a horse thief they just rounded up the pose and came looking for you and shot you dead. If society things you did something criminal they are going to come after you. Right or wrong. Just in a different way these days.
I hope they release some supporting evidence and allow for a second autopsy…

It appears they have a 911 call from the victim saying she was going to commit suicide and that she wanted them to know where to find her.

Also another woman has come forward saying that she too had been groomed by this pastor starting at age 14.

At worst the pastor was a murderer. At best he was an abusive husband. But at least he wasn't trans, amirite?

I’m listening to a YT crime blogger. The amount of mental abuse he heaped on this woman is staggering. Unfortunately, it is likely that he will soon be back to pastoring BAU because that’s how things are done.
911 call….really sad

Law Enforcement Releases 911 Call Revealing Mica Miller's Cause Of Death

I’m listening to a YT crime blogger. The amount of mental abuse he heaped on this woman is staggering. Unfortunately, it is likely that he will soon be back to pastoring BAU because that’s how things are done.
if this is such general knowledge for a crime blogger to already have details a week later it's really to bad no one was able or whiling to step in and help more while she was alive.
911 call….really sad

Law Enforcement Releases 911 Call Revealing Mica Miller's Cause Of Death

That was difficult to listen to. What a crazy story. I figured maybe he had a gun to her head and forced her to make the call but she didn’t seem disgruntled at all really.

Husband is obviously a pos regardless.
What church has a divorced pastor who was remarried to a woman who met the pastor when she was a 14 year old member? Gross.

I don't know the whole story, perhaps many members didn't know his past, but how gullible do you have to be to become a member of a church like that.

Lady: I'm going to kill myself and wanted to make sure my family can find me.

Dispatcher: ok we're all set. You're good to go.

Why on earth would she want her family to find her? Wouldn't she want the authorities to find her instead? If I ever offed myself I absolutely would NOT want my family finding me.
What church has a divorced pastor who was remarried to a woman who met the pastor when she was a 14 year old member? Gross.

I don't know the whole story, perhaps many members didn't know his past, but how gullible do you have to be to become a member of a church like that.

Generally speaking unless his first wife cheated on him he should have been ousted no matter what age he met her.

911 call….really sad

Law Enforcement Releases 911 Call Revealing Mica Miller's Cause Of Death

Husband may be a POS bit it sounds like he is not a murderer. So everyone got all riled up and decided he was guilty for nothing.

This is why we let the cops do their jobs.

That was difficult to listen to. What a crazy story. I figured maybe he had a gun to her head and forced her to make the call but she didn’t seem disgruntled at all really.

Husband is obviously a pos regardless.

Ehh if someone was holding a gun to my head telling me to tell 911 I was killing myself and to come find me, I most certainly wouldn't be saying that. I would be saying the name of the person who was going to kill me.

I mean if she said "my husband" and then there was a loud bang he would have a really hard time explaining that one.
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What church has a divorced pastor who was remarried to a woman who met the pastor when she was a 14 year old member? Gross.

I don't know the whole story, perhaps many members didn't know his past, but how gullible do you have to be to become a member of a church like that.
The cult kind?
Age 10

Mica Miller accused estranged husband of 'grooming' her at church from age 10