Speaker Johnson predicts legal battles if Biden replaced


HB All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) predicted that there could be legal challenges in some states if President Biden is not Democrats’ presidential nominee, setting up potential ballot access conflicts if the president chooses to leave the campaign.

A rising number of Democrats have called on Biden to leave the campaign and make way for a different presidential nominee. While many in the party appear to have coalesced around Vice President Kamala Harris, it’s unclear if a new ticket would easily make the ballot in all 50 states.

“[Democrats] have real problems, I mean, every state has their own election system. That’s our constitutional system,” Johnson said in a CNN “State of the Union” interview with Jake Tapper on Sunday. “That’s the way it’s done. And in some of these states, it’s a real hurdle.”

“Joe Biden was chosen after a long, small-d democratic process by 14 million people emerging through that primary,” he continued. “It will be very interesting to see if the so-called party of democracy, the Democrats, go into a backroom somewhere and switch it out and put someone else at the top of the ticket.”

Sen. Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.) joined the chorus of voices in and around the Democratic Party urging Biden to leave the race, concerned that he will not be able to defeat former President Trump in November.

But Biden and his campaign have remained adamant that the president will be the Democratic nominee despite the rising calls.

“Joe Biden has made it more than clear: he’s in this race and he’s in it to win it. Moreover, he’s the presumptive nominee, there is no plan for an alternative nominee,” Dan Kanninen, Biden campaign battleground states director, wrote in a memo released after the Republican National Convention.

The presidential race remains neck-and-neck but has widened in recent days. Trump holds a 2.5 percent lead over Biden in national polls, according to The Hill/Decision Desk HQ average.

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What happened to people voting? Maga scared now?
What happened to letting demoklans vote for candidates? I think you forgetting who forced only Joe and left RFK out and not able to be on ballot. So now you going to lose and want to just swap and then say well now let’s let the people decide? What what about the 14 million that already decided?
The democrats went through the primaries and biden won the nomination. To now just disenfranchise voters because the party leaders decided he needed to step down is bizarre.
The democrats need to pay for a state by state ballot because Joe stepped down. If he is unfit to be the nominee do to health reasons a different scenario emerges.
A brokered convention with just delegates voting is disenfranchisement. Will be interesting to watch this unfold and listen to the democrats explain away how Joe can't run but is fit to serve. Kamala is going to get a run for her money from 3 or 4 governors who want the nomination
29 days and no anointment of Kamala but will he release his delegates. They are all claiming the delegates are not committed so no big de
Mark Kelly/Whitmer ticket?
Republicans are such a joke - do anything they can to prevent an election that allows all Americans to vote. The Speaker of the House should be doing all he can to make sure the election is fair but instead still shills for trump.
The democrats went through the primaries and biden won the nomination. To now just disenfranchise voters because the party leaders decided he needed to step down is bizarre.
The democrats need to pay for a state by state ballot because Joe stepped down. If he is unfit to be the nominee do to health reasons a different scenario emerges.
A brokered convention with just delegates voting is disenfranchisement. Will be interesting to watch this unfold and listen to the democrats explain away how Joe can't run but is fit to serve. Kamala is going to get a run for her money from 3 or 4 governors who want the nomination
29 days and no anointment of Kamala but will he release his delegates. They are all claiming the delegates are not committed so no big de
Mark Kelly/Whitmer ticket?
House Speaker Mike Johnson reiterated Sunday that any attempt by Democrats to sub in a new candidate in place of President Joe Biden is likely to be met by legal challenges.

Speaking on ABC's "This Week," Johnson said, "Every state has its own system, and in some of these, it's not possible to simply just switch out a candidate."

Johnson's assertion, which echoed remarks he made during the Republican National Convention, suggests a strategy Republicans could be looking toward should Biden decides to withdraw from the presidential election. "I think in states where it can be contested, I expect that it will be, and they'll have an interesting battle on their hands,” the Louisiana Republican said Thursday of a possible switch.

Johnson said there might be grounds for a challenge, given that Biden was the overwhelming winner of the party's primaries. "I think they would run into some legal impediments in at least a few of these jurisdictions," he told host Martha Raddatz. "We'll see how it plays out."
House Speaker Mike Johnson reiterated Sunday that any attempt by Democrats to sub in a new candidate in place of President Joe Biden is likely to be met by legal challenges.

Speaking on ABC's "This Week," Johnson said, "Every state has its own system, and in some of these, it's not possible to simply just switch out a candidate."

Johnson's assertion, which echoed remarks he made during the Republican National Convention, suggests a strategy Republicans could be looking toward should Biden decides to withdraw from the presidential election. "I think in states where it can be contested, I expect that it will be, and they'll have an interesting battle on their hands,” the Louisiana Republican said Thursday of a possible switch.

Johnson said there might be grounds for a challenge, given that Biden was the overwhelming winner of the party's primaries. "I think they would run into some legal impediments in at least a few of these jurisdictions," he told host Martha Raddatz. "We'll see how it plays out."
Democrats are already claiming the delegates are not committed to Joe and they can amend the rules at the convention.
Democrats are already claiming the delegates are not committed to Joe and they can amend the rules at the convention.
Why couldn’t they? States like Ohio have already said the nominee isn’t official until delegates actually nominate a president. Thats why the Democrats were holding a phone roll call. Now republicans are saying the nominee has already been set.
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Republicans are such a joke - do anything they can to prevent an election that allows all Americans to vote. The Speaker of the House should be doing all he can to make sure the election is fair but instead still shills for trump.
Demoklans gave you 1 option. Look in the mirror and reevaluate democracy. I remember very clearly the demoklans shutting out RFkjr who asked to be on those primaries. Democracy was on the ballot just not other candidates and now the elite get to make the choice who they want on it. You’ll fall lock step key in line with whomever they drop like the dip sheep followers you are
It would be bad if they try, which is probably why they might.

Is it up to each state? or a federal election issue?
I’m not saying they should keep anyone off but serious question.

Why isn’t ok for a candidate to just drop out?
Democrats are already claiming the delegates are not committed to Joe and they can amend the rules at the convention.
Plus……Biden is NOT officially the Dem’s candidate…..,.,How phuquin’ stupid are you M AGAt morons? Biden has NOT been nominated to run in 2024. Jeeeeebus keeeeerist………was Civics never a requirement for you guys in Jr. High and High School?
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Republicans are such a joke - do anything they can to prevent an election that allows all Americans to vote. The Speaker of the House should be doing all he can to make sure the election is fair but instead still shills for trump.
we let them vote and they voted for biden. well"we" didn't let them but, they did
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Plus……Biden is NOT officially the Dem’s candidate…..,.,How phuquin’ stupid are you M AGAt morons? Biden has NOT been nominated to run in 2024. Jeeeeebus keeeeerist………was Civics never a requirement for you guys in Jr. High and High School?
yeah but he was going to be, in the convention. and the money was meant for him. and the votes. he should have done this last year.
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yeah but they were going to be, in the convention. and the money was meant for him. and the votes. he should have done this last year.
$$ money schmunney…..You gonna tell me about how money is supposed to be spent? Refer to the
Charities” run by your boy, who only takes up to 90% to defer his legal fees……THose soldiers dont really need that money.
Johnson's comments show they're now worried.

Certainly lessens the probability that the GOP wins the WH, Senate, AND the House.

That's what the Speaker fears the most. He's going to be the Minority leader next January.

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