Perhaps the libtards are right and this thing should spend the rest of its days in a 6 x 6 sweatbox with no AC on Gitmo! Christ, its too ****ing stupid to go rape kids up in Minisoduh where it could get away with such behavior! >
Who did he pardon {for} the crime of rape? Please never answer a summons for jury duty!!!So far several of the J6 criminals have been killed in shootouts with police or been rearrested for violent crimes. Some of those trumpty pardoned are rapists. The police say Trump never backed the blue, he just lied. He has here 4 a day on his side because he’s a moron and a criminal as well. Why does frump pardon rapists? Because he is one too.
Do you even read the shit you post, Jackass? 🤣 >
I did. So why did he pardon them? How about limit it to those with clean records if he’s going to do it? And why are so many of his little patriots criminals? Oh yeah, birds of a feather.Do you even read the shit you post, Jackass? 🤣 >
"But Trump's pardons and commutations for people he has called "patriots" did not wipe away certain defendants' extensive criminal records or any other criminal charges they may be facing."
Read this really slooooooooooow: They were pardoned for charges related to their political persecution related to the events on liberal Christmas [J6] ONLY...ONLY!I did. So why did he pardon them? How about limit it to those with clean records if he’s going to do it? And why are so many of his little patriots criminals? Oh yeah, birds of a feather.
"Truth is a distraction"
Speaking of distractions — I wonder how distracted the PGA professionals were when Arnold Palmer walked out of the shower."Truth is a distraction"