Special Council Jack Smith's 1st Volume of Trump's crimes

Jack kicks SCOTUS right in the nuts to boot.
Is that the guy who just resigned in total disgrace? Why yes, it is.. weird.
Damn. You really are sort of a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Special Councils work until the case is over and their report has been submitted.

And this report? It isn't disgracing Smith.

He isn't accused of crimes in it.

But, you know who is? The same guy who is a 34 time convicted felon.
Damn. You really are sort of a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Special Councils work until the case is over and their report has been submitted.

And this report? It isn't disgracing Smith.

He isn't accused of crimes in it.

But, you know who is? The same guy who is a 34 time convicted felon.
Check from the DNC must of finally cleared.

Jack Smith was one of many factors to help elect President Trump.
For the moron brigade, that might be true but it isn’t something to brag about. MAGA voters aren’t what most would consider critical thinkers.
riiiiiight and how many of the poison jabs have you had? Do you know what a woman is? Let's not go down the road of critical thinking, you guys can't even do common sense.
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Oh what could have been... but Teflon Don strikes again.
They tried to get him on a phone call with Ukraine - Fail
They tried to get him with Russian Pee Tapes - Fail
They tried to get him for banging a porn star - Fail
They tried to get him with J6 - Fail
They tried to shoot him - Fail
They tried to shoot him again- Fail

Now they're gonna swear him in to be President for the next 4 years.

Oh what could have been... but Teflon Don strikes again.
They tried to get him on a phone call with Ukraine - Fail
They tried to get him with Russian Pee Tapes - Fail
They tried to get him for banging a porn star - Fail
They tried to get him with J6 - Fail
They tried to shoot him - Fail
They tried to shoot him again- Fail

Now they're gonna swear him in to be President for the next 4 years.

I can't understand how today's democrats liked Gabbard, Kennedy, Musk and Trump when they were democrats but now that the democratic party doesn't rep them they despise them because of an initial next to their name. They are the same people. Talk about a brainwashed society. I hate both parties and they are both evil but don't let a little letter fool you! The diehards will continue their rhetoric on whatever side they lean.

There was a post on this board about who extremist are... If you have never voted for someone from the other side then you are part of the problem.
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I can't understand how today's democrats liked Gabbard, Kennedy, Musk and Trump when they were democrats but now that the democratic party doesn't rep them they despise them because of an initial next to their name. They are the same people. Talk about a brainwashed society. I hate both parties and they are both evil but don't let a little letter fool you! The diehards will continue their rhetoric on whatever side they lean.

There was a post on this board about who extremist are... If you have never voted for someone from the other side then you are part of the problem.
It’s quite simple - we learned more about them.

Tulsi was a virtual unknown politically 15 years ago, then her pro-Russia stances became known.

RFK was a good environmental lawyer, then his anti-vax, conspiracy theories and generally odd behavior became known.

Elon Musk was a highly successful businessman; then his political stances became known.

Trump - is there anything else that needs to be said? Prior to his run on the Apprentice; he was at best a regional celebrity; not relevant politically at all. Then he pushed the birthed conspiracy crap, eventually went down the escalator and republicans fell in love with him.
Jack Smith........ who could have seen that one coming.......

Just wait, he has the next bombshell, he just needs more time...... meanwhile sit in the corner while he just ravish ****ed the justice system.

Translation: Jack Smith is going to Jail. You don't get to bring evidence to a crime scene. The dems were ok with him playing in the gray areas as long as he got Trump. He never got Trump.
vax me harder daddy! As your on your third bout with Covid and 6'th booster... But it would have been sooooo much worse LOL. I got the china virus once, no vaccine and no regrets.

You know you just sound really stupid with that, right?

I'm no Brian. I had one booster and one bout with Covid. I never felt like I was "poisoned". You're an idiot.
I cant remember what all the charges were but I think there were several and one was Trump defrauding the American people.

From some additional items I heard for the first time today it really seems that Trump is was guilty of that. He had plans all along to dispute the election, he was heard numerous times after the election that he said he lost, so you put those things together with his lies about Pence agreeing with him, and his encouraging the crowd to fight to stop the process and you have Trump lying to americans to carry out his already discussed plan to stop and overthrow the transition of power.
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That and your child like propensity for saying things like "poison jab".
Does the truth bother you? You guys like indictments and special counsels and Grand Jury reports...

Here's an excerpt from the Florida Grand Jury's report on Covid-19 and the "vaccines"

To see the truth of this, one needs look no further than the COVID-19 vaccines, all three of which were associated with safety issues necessitating FDA intervention. Janssen's AD26.COV2.S vaccine was granted Emergency Use Authorization on February 27, 2021, but was subsequently connected via pharmacovigilance to a rare event known as cerebral venous sinus -60-thrombosis. This SAE, which-as of April 2021-had been reported just six times after the administration of 6.8 million doses of AD26.COV2.S, was much too rare to have been seen in Janssen's 43,000 clinical trial participants. Once the signal was uncovered, the FDA and CDC promptly issued a joint statement recommending a "pause" in the marketing of AD26.COV2.S and informing the public of the SAE's existence and its tendency to occur in women-to that point, exclusively in women aged 18-48. The FDA also promptly commenced an emergency meeting of the ACIP to decide the best way forward. The ACIP examined the available data and chose to reaffirm its prior recommendation. The marketing of AD26.COV2.S resumed with a warning regarding the "danger of rare blood clots after vaccination." In July of 2021, AD26.COV2.S was associated with a second SAE, Guillain-Barre syndrome. This time, pharmacovigilance uncovered 100 preliminary reports-including one death-from a denominator of approximately 12.5 million administered doses. After examining the issue, the FDA announced "revisions to the vaccine recipient and vaccination provider fact sheets for the Janssen (Janssen) COVID-19 Vaccine to include information pertaining to an observed increased risk of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) following vaccination." Janssen's vaccine may have been the first to uncover unexpected safety events via pharmacovigilance, but Pfizer's BNT162b2 and Moderna's MRNA-1273 were not far behind. In July of 2021, both vaccines were formally associated by the ACIP with rare instances of myocarditis and pericarditis (which we will explore in detail below). This serves to underscore the central thesis of the 2017 research study: The discovery of new SAEs after pharmacovigilance of biologics-including vaccines-that have already been found to be "safe and effective" by the FDA is unfortunate; to some extent, it is unavoidable, but it is not uncommon. Ordinarily, post-approval pharmacovigilance will have two primary dimensions: (1) A set of required "postmarketing studies," which often involve specific questions or issues that arise from either the clinical trials or from some prior form of licensure (like an EUA); and (2) a more generalized obligation for a sponsor to conduct "postmarketing surveillance," gathering outcome data from a variety of sources to develop a robust safety profile on its product and uncover infrequent safety events that may represent significant health risks.

To make this easy:

Pharma admits to these: Blood Clots, Guillain-Barre, myocarditis and pericarditis.

If I were to inject you with something like a chemical, and the result is blood clots, or GBS, or myocarditis, would you say that I poisoned you?