Spencer Lee article in local PA Paper

Coe college is a very well respected liberal arts school. I should know I attended and played football. Pre Ostendorph days. We weren't very good in wrestling those days.

My two girls have aspirations of playing college softball and I have gone on record multiple times saying that I would move wherever they end up. As long as I can get a job in reliability why wouldn't I want to follow my kids while they are still competitive? They are only kids once and I only get to be their dad once. I'm taking it all in as much as I'm able to. I would imagine Spencers family feels the same way.

Yea...I would too. Lee has been on plenty of trips around and outside the U.S. I imagine his Dad wasn't there for all of them. Also, his Dad played a big role in recruiting IAW Spencer but it was more separating the wheat from the chaff giving information to Spencer when he asked for it. Spencer choosing Iowa was all Spencer....he has said that on plenty of occasions. Helicopter parents would probably have him at Stanford or Princeton (had had the grades).
"Not necessarily thrilled about that. See a lot of parents, especially in this sport, live vicariously through their kids. Hope we don't have a case of helicopter parenting here"

I have met Mr. Lee--- trust me on this we are lucky to have him here. He is a far from a helicopter parent as you can get. Look up his and his wifes background while you are at it... Impressive.

There have been and will be parents that I wish would "stay" away-- this is the complete opposite. Mr. and Mrs Lee conduct themselves as I would want to if I had a child that was a high level athlete.

TnT are thrilled they are planning on Iowa as their home!

Yep, I agree with this. I do not know much about his parents personally, but Spencer is the most excited I've ever been about a recruit and not just for his wrestling ability. He speaks with great maturity, respectfulness, and intelligence. This is a sign of great parenting, and family. These are the kind of people we should be thrilled to have moving to Iowa. (It's not like Iowa is getting many migrants in general).

I am hoping to have him around the program and IC for much longer than 5 years. If things go well, he'll be on the HWC and Olympic team as a Hawkeye, and then the coaching staff down the road. As a fan and alumnus, I think he's the perfect representative of the Hawkeyes.

His parents moving here is just one more sign that he's fully committed to the program. I don't see how anyone could take this as a negative.
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That in state tuition is very nice. Easy on the 9.9 allotment.
Wonder if they've moved already to start that year of residency...
Either way, the Lees sound like great people. Welcome to Iowa!

As far as I'm aware, in state tuition has no effect on the amount of full ride scholarships that a team is able to offer. Lee's full-ride would count as 1 regardless of if it was in-state or out of state. So the team is left with 8.9 even if he moves in state.
As far as I'm aware, in state tuition has no effect on the amount of full ride scholarships that a team is able to offer. Lee's full-ride would count as 1 regardless of if it was in-state or out of state. So the team is left with 8.9 even if he moves in state.

That sounds logical and is probably correct.

However where the in-state vs.out of state tuittion comes into play is when you get less than a Full Scholarship which is the norm.

So the next question and guess is if he is getting a full ride or not.
Yep, I agree with this. I do not know much about his parents personally, but Spencer is the most excited I've ever been about a recruit and not just for his wrestling ability. He speaks with great maturity, and respectfulness, and intelligence. This is a sign of great parenting, and family. These are the kind of people we should be thrilled to have moving to Iowa. (It's not like Iowa is getting many migrants in general).

I am hoping to have him around the program and IC for much longer than 5 years. If things go well, he'll be on the HWC and Olympic team as a Hawkeye, and then the coaching staff down the road. As a fan and alumnus, I think he's the perfect representative of the Hawkeyes.

His parents moving here is just one more sign that he's fully committed to the program. I don't see how anyone could take this as a negative.
Outstanding post! Couldn't agree more.

As for Mr. Lee's post, definitely a "mic-drop" moment. Very well stated. Beyond his first-hand account of Spencer's situation, I especially like his suggestion that message boards get rid of the anonymity. I suppose it would still be difficult to prevent posters from using fake names, but the wrestling community (and many others, for that matter) would be much better off if we all used our actual names on message boards.
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Outstanding post! Couldn't agree more.

As for Mr. Lee's post, definitely a "mic-drop" moment. Very well stated. Beyond his first-hand account of Spencer's situation, I especially like his suggestion that message boards get rid of the anonymity. I suppose it would still be difficult to prevent posters from using fake names, but the wrestling community (and many others, for that matter) would be much better off if we all used our actual names on message boards.

That's a sound reasonable idea.........

I'll go first.............

My real name is James Gobblin...........

Middle name is Tarp...........
Welp...I'm really Dan Gabl.....

::This is Azchief's wife...he was just typing on the phone when he got hit by lightening and is now muttering insane apologies in the hospital bed. Are you the pinche cabrons that he is typing to all the time when he can be getting work done around the house? I almost would be more happy if I found porn on the computer than some useless fan site. Gotta go, he's mumbling about flying to the state of Washington to take a bat to some guy named Owings legs. Losers!!::
Welp...I'm really Dan Gabl.....

::This is Azchief's wife...he was just typing on the phone when he got hit by lightening and is now muttering insane apologies in the hospital bed. Are you the pinche cabrons that he is typing to all the time when he can be getting work done around the house? I almost would be more happy if I found porn on the computer than some useless fan site. Gotta go, he's mumbling about flying to the state of Washington to take a bat to some guy named Owings legs. Losers!!::
Sounds like Az is in the doghouse haha Things will be better once you get her to Iowa!

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