Spoof Elizabeth Warren Endorsement - Free Speech or Too Far?

Nov 28, 2010
Fake New York Times Article Claims Elizabeth Warren Endorsed Bernie Sanders

A webpage that masqueraded as a New York Times article and claimed that Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts had endorsed Bernie Sanders for president circulated widely on social media on Monday.

The fake news article, which mimicked The Times’s typefaces and design and included the bylines of two of the newspaper’s political reporters, appeared with the headline “Warren Endorses Sanders, Breaking With Colleagues.”

The story included quotes attributed to Ms. Warren, Senator Barbara Boxer of California and the actress Lena Dunham, and was published at a URL similar to The Times’s.

“An article circulating on social media tonight that is made to resemble a New York Times story and says Elizabeth Warren endorsed Bernie Sanders is a fake and has no connection to The Times,” said Matthew Purdy, a deputy executive editor of The Times.

Ms. Warren has yet to endorse a presidential candidate.

The article appeared to have been created around midday Monday on Clone Zone, a website that allows users to make website “clones” in the guise of well-established sites.

As of Monday night, the fake article had been viewed more than 50,000 times, with 15,000 shares on Facebook, Clone Zone said.

Many readers appeared to be taken in.

The Times has asked Clone Zone, which displays examples of other fake Times articles, to take down the page as well as any others intended to mimic The Times.
The Times might have something if the Satirical article was too closely mimicking their brand.(copy right on logos, fonts etc.)

As for the content? No issues regarding free speech.
Unrelated but back before the caucus I had a Hillary supporter come to my house. He told me Elizabeth Warren had just endorsed Hillary. I said that seemed unlikely and then he backtracked and said Warren had agreed with some of Clinton's ideas on Wall Street. CSB.
And even that backtracked comment probably reverses the truth. Since Warren is a leader on that sort of thing and Clinton a very tardy and timid follower.

That said, I still think a Clinton-Warren ticket would be very strong. Adding Warren might just woo back disaffected Bernie voters. And most of the folks who won't vote for 2 women on a ticket are already voting R.

Then again, Hillary wants to be the one to break the barrier. Would she share any of that glory with another woman?