Interesting inside the numbers I had to look up as I've heard the old narrative 'Iowa's QBs regress as they get older..." Time will tell but Big Nate is doing quite well vs. the gunslinger from Baytown. Two totally different teams based on Iowa having zero running game in '04 with the injuries and much more balanced today. '04 had an NFL defense on it.
Stanley through 8 games as true soph:
131/228, 57.5% comp rate, 1703 yards, 17 TD's and 4 INTs
Tate through 8 games as true soph:
150/235, 66% comp rate, 1710 yards, 11 TD's and 8 INTs
Stanzi through 8 games as true soph:
88/138, 63.7% comp rate, 1120 yards, 8 TD's and 4 INTs
What's crazy is check out Iowa's schedule through those same 8 games in 2004, it included Mich, Mich State, Penn State, OSU and a road game at ASU. Stanzi played against Wisky, Sparty and @PITT for comparison. Tate threw almost 100 more passes in his games, which makes sense as Brownlee was the RB. Stanley isn't far behind.
Stanley through 8 games as true soph:
131/228, 57.5% comp rate, 1703 yards, 17 TD's and 4 INTs
Tate through 8 games as true soph:
150/235, 66% comp rate, 1710 yards, 11 TD's and 8 INTs
Stanzi through 8 games as true soph:
88/138, 63.7% comp rate, 1120 yards, 8 TD's and 4 INTs
What's crazy is check out Iowa's schedule through those same 8 games in 2004, it included Mich, Mich State, Penn State, OSU and a road game at ASU. Stanzi played against Wisky, Sparty and @PITT for comparison. Tate threw almost 100 more passes in his games, which makes sense as Brownlee was the RB. Stanley isn't far behind.