Someone needs to run a 30 second ad of nothing but scrolling black text on a white background of all trumps indictments and convictions. If it would be too fast of scrolling to fit, buy a 60 second slot.
Yes, always the victim. He should win an Oscar for that role, wait, that voting is rigged, tooEverything is rigged against me- signed trump or his cultists or a loser
Ummm…what?Stupid Constitutional freedom of the press.
Glad to see you’re coming to the realization that you are pro-fascist.
Someone needs to run a 30 second ad of nothing but scrolling black text on a white background of all trumps indictments and convictions. If it would be too fast of scrolling to fit, buy a 60 second slot.
This is true. And he has totally acted like an innocent person with his constant obstruction, delays, and pleas that if he actually did commit any crimes then it doesn't matter because he was President and he is immune from all crimes. Including crimes he may have committed when he wasn't President. Because that's what innocent people do.He hasn't been convicted.
How’s this a freedom of the press issue?
It’s a freedom of a corporation to run the ads they want issue 😂😂
If CNN was an unbiased news organization they’d run it.Umm, it’s a First Amendment freedom of press issue. The First Amendment provides CNN with the editorial discretion to reject or accept advertisements.
And OP is a fascist because he wants to force CNN to run it despite its First Amendment rights.
If CNN was an unbiased news organization they’d run it.
Since they’re not…they decided not to.
Which is their decision to make.
The decision has nothing to do with “freedom of the press”.
Sorry liable of sexual assault. My badHe hasn't been convicted.
Laugh all you want…it’s a corporate decision, not a “freedom of the press decision”.
If CNN was an unbiased news organization they’d run it.
Since they’re not…they decided not to.
Which is their decision to make.
The decision has nothing to do with “freedom of the press”.
If someone was forcing CNN to run or retract a story/article it’d be a freedom of the press issue.Um, okay. If you say so.
Again, OP wants to force CNN to carry the ad. Which makes him a fascist.
And the reason why CNN doesn’t have to carry the ad is because of the First Amendment which allows news organization to accept or reject ads in their discretion.
Can link you dozens of articles and Court opinions on why the First Amendment protects CNN here but you appear to have made up your mind that it’s some undefined corporate freedom issue.
Rereading “Editorial Discretion”
Laugh all you want…it’s a corporate decision, not a “freedom of the press decision”.
We’re talking about a political advertisement here. CNN has every right to determine what advertisements they run…like every other media outlet.
Not remotely the same thing 😄😂😂😂If you're a non biased poster you'll let me say whatever I want on your account.
Fair enough. They should stfu about being a non biased media source as well.You’re getting there.
Where does that right come from?
The First Amendment editorial discretion or some sort of freedom as a corporation as you suggest?
Here’s what the federal courts think:
“And yet, as the Court has affirmed on multiple occasions, the right to select or not select ads is part of the right to editorial discretion ...”
Fair enough. They should stfu about being a non biased media source as well.
There’s also this…
Ok. You win 😂Yep. Those are the rules that require an over the air station to carry a candidate’s ads and the station cannot edit or refuse them. Part of the deal for the airwaves.
The rules require the candidate be a bona fide candidate for a federal office and from the candidate themselves.
This wouldn’t apply to the ad here as CNN is not over the air and the ad is not from the Trump campaign but Building Americas Futures.
Ok. You win 😂
Not remotely the same thing 😄😂😂😂
I wouldn't use the word "controlled."“State controlled”?
If CNN was an unbiased news organization they’d run it.
Even the “Left” of this show, Democrat strategist Mo Elleithee, disagreed with Greene: “The second you say Donald Trump is anti-democratic, you immediately are going to feed into this narrative” of a biased press. He said just describe what Trump wants to do, and let the voters decide without the Trump Scare lingo.It is hard to earn back credibility, so when you thought the sky was falling with George W. Bush who was a racist, and then McCain, and then Romney, you’ve already lost credibility, and the media did that.When the media hyperventilated in 2016 and 2020, and I’m not even saying that was not well-deserved, but you lose credibility – it’s already gone.