Steven Grace


HB All-American
Aug 1, 2007
Most of you know that Steven Grace is Mark Ironside's broadcast partner. You may have also noticed that he was missing at Nationals. On March 16 his daughter Jaclyn was born prematurely, weighing 1 lb. 1 oz. As you can imagine, the medical expenses are piling up. Mark Ironside has opened an online store to sell "Jaclyn Strong" tee shirts to raise money.

Here's a link to the site.

I'm ordering mine today. Who will join me?
If you've never met Steven and his wife they are two of the nicest people I've come across. Genuinely pleasant and fun to talk to.

GG is there a gofundme type of thing going on as well?

I'll check.
There is no gofundme account at this time. I contacted Steven and if you choose you may write him a check directly and mail it to 134 Scott Dr, West Branch, IA 52358. If you want to donate online you could donate on the Wrestling for Life site and I'll write a check and send it to him. Just type "for Steven Grace" on the notes section, so I know it's for them.
Steven posted on Facebook that Jaclyn is having a spinal tap today (Sunday) to see if she has meningitis. To those who donated on the Wrestling for Life site: your gifts have been forwarded.