Student Attendance


HB Legend
Oct 7, 2003
Something I've seen pop up over here several times is that students don't come to events. I know when I was in college I bought season student guest tickets (I went to UNI) for $125. I think now those tickets are somewhere in the neighborhood of $250. I'm not for sure, but I think student basketball tickets are like $100. Do you think ticket price is impacting attendance? I saw a promo for Minnesota where they're offering all season student tickets for $260. Seems to me that if prices were to be lowered we might see more butts in the seats? Thoughts?
I think it's a culmination of several factors. First, the team isn't very good. When I was at school in 1999, student attendance then was pretty lousy. There was one game against Illinois where at least 50% of the student section was wearing orange. Keep in mind that we're talking about 18-21 year olds, people that don't have an innate loyalty to the program built up over decades of continual involvement. My dad was a student in the late 1960s when the team was particularly horrible and he said students only went to Kinnick because it was an open air drug market. The team starts playing competent football again and more students will attend.

Second, the game day environment leaves quite a bit to be desired, particularly the abolishment of effectively all student tailgating compared to what was available ten-fifteen years ago.

Third is cost. Student tickets, like all seats at Kinnick, have gotten exponentially more expensive over the past fifteen years. Ultimately that's going to have an impact on people's willingness to attend.
1. Tailgating crackdown
2. Poor coach and product on the field. End/thread

I think they should lower the prices and do whatever it takes to get the students there but don't expect that to happen.
This post was edited on 3/31 10:00 AM by hawkeyesports92
Originally posted by BleedingBlack-Gold:

I think it's a culmination of several factors. First, the team isn't very good. When I was at school in 1999, student attendance then was pretty lousy. There was one game against Illinois where at least 50% of the student section was wearing orange. Keep in mind that we're talking about 18-21 year olds, people that don't have an innate loyalty to the program built up over decades of continual involvement. My dad was a student in the late 1960s when the team was particularly horrible and he said students only went to Kinnick because it was an open air drug market. The team starts playing competent football again and more students will attend.

Second, the game day environment leaves quite a bit to be desired, particularly the abolishment of effectively all student tailgating compared to what was available ten-fifteen years ago.

Third is cost. Student tickets, like all seats at Kinnick, have gotten exponentially more expensive over the past fifteen years. Ultimately that's going to have an impact on people's willingness to attend.
This is a good post. Main thing, winning cures all. Also very important are cost and gameday environment. You also have a younger demographic that makes you take other things (electronics and wifi access) into account.
Originally posted by hawkeyesports92:
1. Tailgating crackdown

2. Poor coach and product on the field. End/thread

I think they should lower the prices and do whatever it takes to get the students there but don't expect that to happen.

This post was edited on 3/31 10:00 AM by hawkeyesports92

They lowered the prices already. No idea if it has helped.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The problem with students not attending games isn't just at Iowa. It is happening all over the country. Maybe some of them would rather sit down in front a big screen high definition TV to watch the game?
In my opinion, it is very specific to price vs. perceived value. And I think this is also applicable across the country and why we're seeing it all over. As more athletic programs feel the tighter and tighter squeeze of finances on non-profitable sports due to several things, the reliance on on god football (and to a lesser degree men's basketball) to bring in more and more money is increasing at an increasing rate. This is not sustainable. What has happened over the last 10 years is not surprising. The same thing happens in several businesses when they are asked to immediately increase sales in a highly competitive environment: they sacrifice long-term profitability for the short-term boost (and bonuses) and take their eye off providing value and driving innovation. The easiest thing in the world to do is to raise prices. Many people, including the University of Iowa Marketing Department, fall into this trap. It takes zero brain power to comprehend "raise prices = raise revenue." Except, it only works in the short term. Then market dynamics take over and you eventually lose. THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING. They have continued to increasing prices and adding corporate sponsorship spots, little by little, while concurrently decreasing the perceived value via over-corrections in the tailgating and game day experience scenes and a decreasingly successful on-the-field product. To the students, to the casual fan, to the small to mid donor, to the high donor. All these groups are now starting to push back with their wallets on the value proposition. Students checked out a while ago. The casual fan figured out they could buy tickets on the street for 1/3 of the face value or watch on TV without the hassle a short while ago. The small to mid donor started questioning things when they had to choose between getting bumped down a seating section or increase their donation due to the additional donor levels that came with the reseating. The high donors are just now questioning what they get out of their investment. Now that it has reached that level ... I would expect some kind of correction within the next 5 years, but only after a major downturn to open eyes. People are not happy about several things, but I know first hand that donors are now complaining out loud to the Athletic Department and Foundation about the combination of increased ticket prices and decreased tailgating & game day atmosphere/options. The whole splitting up of the Kinnick Lot last year combined with banning tents in that lot is going to end up being the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. That's my prediction. I also expect things to get a lot worse before they get better.
It's a problem thoughout the country, it's not an Iowa problem. Alabama has problems getting students to come to the game.

Younger kids aren't as in to sports as they used to be because they have so many other options now then they did in the past. Thats my opinion anyway.
Originally posted by hawkeyesports92:
1. Tailgating crackdown
2. Poor coach and product on the field. End/thread

I think they should lower the prices and do whatever it takes to get the students there but don't expect that to happen.

This post was edited on 3/31 10:00 AM by hawkeyesports92
3. Kids today have the attention span of an ant. Three hours in once place with no alcohol is a lot to as for a large portion of those kids.
Originally posted by heat_dawg:
It's a problem thoughout the country, it's not an Iowa problem. Alabama has problems getting students to come to the game.

Younger kids aren't as in to sports as they used to be because they have so many other options now then they did in the past. Thats my opinion anyway.
Seems to be quite a large problem with all ages. I know quite a few older guys who miss games because of fishing and decide to watch them on the DVR later if the outcome is to their liking. They then question other Hawkeye fans fandom.

Pretty scary stuff for Iowa's football future...
Why go to the game, sit through numerous boring times and watching average football when you can continue to party with your friends at a bar or at the tailgate. Or go watch the game at a house nearby on big screen tv and be comfortable and able to go to the bathroom and able to continue drinking.
Originally posted by LarryMullenJr.:
3. Kids today have the attention span of an ant. Three hours in once place with no alcohol is a lot to as for a large portion of those kids.
What I want to know is why students are there without alcohol? Because there are rules? Jesus cribes, many of them can't legally drink outside of the stadium...why would they start listening inside? What has happened to the student section since I left? Pathetic.
With all the money from TV, they should be giving tickets away. Everything's done for TV. I've said before that given the demographics, within 10 or 15 years, stadiums will be downsizing like crazy. If you don't go to your college's games when you're a student, exactly why would you do that as an adult?

Sports, both pro and college, will have TV studio "stadiums" and "arenas" that will seat a few thousand. Sports are nothing more than TV programming, just like your favorite reality show, game show, or sit-com. It's a brave new world, and this is only the beginning.
Originally posted by LarryMullenJr.:
Originally posted by hawkeyesports92:
1. Tailgating crackdown (Not in the way you're thinking. i.e. police presence)
2. Poor coach and product on the field. End/thread

I think they should lower the prices and do whatever it takes to get the students there but don't expect that to happen.

This post was edited on 3/31 10:00 AM by hawkeyesports92
3. Kids today have the attention span of an ant. Three hours in once place with no alcohol is a lot to as for a large portion of those kids.

And as another poster mentioned, it has a lot to do with the areas in which students can tailgate near the stadium. The further you drive them away, the less likely they are to make the drunken walk to the stadium and rather just stay at their friends or the house party they're at...or if they're more invested in getting drunk than attending the game, they'll spend money on a cab to go back downtown and watch the game at a bar.

Funny side story but an Alabama fan tried to tell me that he didn't think virtually anyone (or at least only a small portion) of fans go to bars to watch a live football game of their favorite team. I think this stemmed from an argument about more people watching soccer games at bars than football, at least where he's been (in this country).

I laughed at him. /side story
Originally posted by hawkeyesports92:
1. Tailgating crackdown
2. Poor coach and product on the field. End/thread

I think they should lower the prices and do whatever it takes to get the students there but don't expect that to happen.

This post was edited on 3/31 10:00 AM by hawkeyesports92
#3 HD tv.
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by LarryMullenJr.:
3. Kids today have the attention span of an ant. Three hours in once place with no alcohol is a lot to as for a large portion of those kids.
What I want to know is why students are there without alcohol? Because there are rules? Jesus cribes, many of them can't legally drink outside of the stadium...why would they start listening inside? What has happened to the student section since I left? Pathetic.
I'm a recent graduate and we would sneak flasks into the student section when I would go. I think the main thing is the mediocre football lately. There really isn't a lot of hope in the program right now. Nothing to look forward to. Combine that with pretty pedestrian home schedules and the opportunity to hang out with your friends at a bar/house while watching the game and you get low attendance.
Everyone keeps saying that poor results on the field lead to this. What about Alabama? Nick Saban publically lambasted the students last year. It wasn't because they weren't good, nor up to 'par'. It's not a results deal. Could be that it's not the social norm, for sure, but not a results norm. Just like the Nick Swardson 80's party joke. Doesn't matter who is throwing the party, if it's an 80's party, the girls will come. If Iowa football turns into the students' "80's party", the students will come.

Marketing is the issue, in my opinion. Got to drive up the value of the game.

EDIT: Yes, I understand that winning will help drive up the value of the game.
This post was edited on 4/4 12:10 PM by Cougar63
Originally posted by Cougar63:

Everyone keeps saying that poor results on the field lead to this. What about Alabama? Nick Saban publically lambasted the students last year. It wasn't because they weren't good, nor up to 'par'. It's not a results deal. Could be that it's not the social norm, for sure, but not a results norm. Just like the Nick Swardson 80's party joke. Doesn't matter who is throwing the party, if it's an 80's party, the girls will come. If Iowa football turns into the students' "80's party", the students will come.

Marketing is the issue, in my opinion. Got to drive up the value of the game.

EDIT: Yes, I understand that winning will help drive up the value of the game.
This post was edited on 4/4 12:10 PM by Cougar63
Could be wrong but think Saban was more upset they weren't showing up to the early season games where Bama played some easy non conf team or that they were leaving the games at half early 2nd during blow outs.
Re: Sports Overexposure

I I can remember there was not that much sports too watch on TV. Iowa was the focus of people in Iowa, and people could care less what was going on in Alabama football or hold there breath what Urban Meyer says on twitter. Iowa had some bad football teams, but those coaches had it better than Kirk Ferenz as there was no brutal criticism in the media or internet for those coaches to hear, The tailgating atmosphere for students needs to be upgraded and it is hard to party at 9 AM in the morning. Iowa's has nerdy students from out of state and foreign countries that don't support Iowa atheletics. rather be in the library.
Re: Sports Overexposure

Originally posted by Iowa Hog:
The tailgating atmosphere for students needs to be upgraded

Originally posted by Iowa Hog:
it is hard to party at 9 AM in the morning.
Disagree. really isn't depending on your age, motivation, and general level of fitness/health. Just sayin.

Iowa fans used to pride themselves for already going full force by 6 AM for tailgates. I guess when your program is losing though, that makes tailgating seem more difficult, huh..........
Thoughts and Suggestions
Success can sometimes make you lazy. When I went it Iowa, Student section was on the west side, north end...and the student section went up to the 20 yard line for seniors. Freshmen got the endzone to 0 yard line...and with each succesive year, your seats DID get better. Now the students get the endzone corner, and have to fight for their seat. If you want to have future alumni and more importantly, donors, you better start planting the seed for the future. It seems like the strategy is to milk it today, and go to the television themed(as previous posters suggested) revenue stream. 2nd, tailgating has to be rejuvenated.KF's boring football mantra needs to change, or be replaced. Hopefully, CJB and company can do that this year.And maybe they do need to create some game by game silly/fun themes. Students want to be entertained. Have a Halloween style of excitement each game. War paint Illini day. Mad Hatter northwestern day. Hillybilly Cornholer day for Nebraska. I don't know, but let's make the day a drunken fun day for the students to look forward to. Make it an event. Beer and Brat Saturday for Wisconsin. Watch the media pick up on it, and get the excitement back in Iowa City.
The Alabama student attendance would hold water if it were anywhere near Iowa's attendance problem. It's not. Alabama still has an average of around 13,000 students show up per game.

Yes student attendance is down across the country, but Iowa's is still significant. Price is a huge factor for students. Why? Because of perceived return on investment. If going to a game just to watch Iowa lose, the price a student is willing to pay for that ticket decreases significantly. Winning, exciting football and game day atmosphere all add value to a ticket for a student.

Right now, students would much rather study, hangout with friends or work than go to Iowa football games.
Originally posted by HoustonHawkeye:

And maybe they do need to create some game by game silly/fun themes. Students want to be entertained. Have a Halloween style of excitement each game. War paint Illini day. Mad Hatter northwestern day. Hillybilly Cornholer day for Nebraska. I don't know, but let's make the day a drunken fun day for the students to look forward to. Make it an event. Beer and Brat Saturday for Wisconsin. Watch the media pick up on it, and get the excitement back in Iowa City.
Why don't the students just do this by themselves? Don't need some lame Iowa sports dept person to come up with some stupid theme and then force it upon the students. Just need a group of students come up with themes on their own and then push the crap out of the ideas on social media. Seems it should be easier to do these days than the days prior to social media. Something cheap, funny, and stupid, maybe not even related to the game. Toga day, the entire student section dresses up in a toga costume. Stupid hat day. Bunny ears day. Dress like a hobo day. Rock star/pop star saturday. Just anything that is insanely stupid (while not getting in trouble with the PC police) that will take the event to another level.
Originally posted by TailgateTom:
Something I've seen pop up over here several times is that students don't come to events. I know when I was in college I bought season student guest tickets (I went to UNI) for $125. I think now those tickets are somewhere in the neighborhood of $250. I'm not for sure, but I think student basketball tickets are like $100. Do you think ticket price is impacting attendance? I saw a promo for Minnesota where they're offering all season student tickets for $260. Seems to me that if prices were to be lowered we might see more butts in the seats? Thoughts?
Iowa has the worst student following in the B1G, the athletic department should be paying the students to stay away so that the real fans can attend, it was downright embarrassing to see the student sections this year in both FB and BB.
Originally posted by LarryMullenJr.:
Originally posted by hawkeyesports92:
1. Tailgating crackdown
2. Poor coach and product on the field. End/thread

I think they should lower the prices and do whatever it takes to get the students there but don't expect that to happen.

This post was edited on 3/31 10:00 AM by hawkeyesports92
3. Kids today have the attention span of an ant. Three hours in once place with no alcohol is a lot to as for a large portion of those kids.
Tell them to get off your lawn
Originally posted by BleedingBlack-Gold:

I think it's a culmination of several factors. First, the team isn't very good. When I was at school in 1999, student attendance then was pretty lousy. There was one game against Illinois where at least 50% of the student section was wearing orange. Keep in mind that we're talking about 18-21 year olds, people that don't have an innate loyalty to the program built up over decades of continual involvement. My dad was a student in the late 1960s when the team was particularly horrible and he said students only went to Kinnick because it was an open air drug market. The team starts playing competent football again and more students will attend.

Second, the game day environment leaves quite a bit to be desired, particularly the abolishment of effectively all student tailgating compared to what was available ten-fifteen years ago.

Third is cost. Student tickets, like all seats at Kinnick, have gotten exponentially more expensive over the past fifteen years. Ultimately that's going to have an impact on people's willingness to attend.
Really? I've had season tickets since mid 80's when I was a student and don't ever recall seeing a student section with 1/2 the students in orange for an Illini game. Pretty confident this is bs.

If the team is good you will see an increase in student attendance. In the late 80's the teams were good and it was the place to be for tailgating and the game. Tailgating is not the same and students have a lot of other options. UofI marketing needs to step it up with the students to entice them to attend games and then hold their interest during the game. Again a better team will help but some sizzle from marketing would also help. When Kinnick has been a great environment it's been because of the fans not the UofI - it's time for them to step up their game and realize times have changed and they need to create some buzz as the fans did their part for a long time and they got fat, happy and lazy with out much effort.
Originally posted by Hawkirish:

Really? I've had season tickets since mid 80's when I was a student and don't ever recall seeing a student section with 1/2 the students in orange for an Illini game. Pretty confident this is bs.

If the team is good you will see an increase in student attendance. In the late 80's the teams were good and it was the place to be for tailgating and the game. Tailgating is not the same and students have a lot of other options. UofI marketing needs to step it up with the students to entice them to attend games and then hold their interest during the game. Again a better team will help but some sizzle from marketing would also help. When Kinnick has been a great environment it's been because of the fans not the UofI - it's time for them to step up their game and realize times have changed and they need to create some buzz as the fans did their part for a long time and they got fat, happy and lazy with out much effort.
Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Originally posted by TailgateTom:
Something I've seen pop up over here several times is that students don't come to events. I know when I was in college I bought season student guest tickets (I went to UNI) for $125. I think now those tickets are somewhere in the neighborhood of $250. I'm not for sure, but I think student basketball tickets are like $100. Do you think ticket price is impacting attendance? I saw a promo for Minnesota where they're offering all season student tickets for $260. Seems to me that if prices were to be lowered we might see more butts in the seats? Thoughts?
Iowa has the worst student following in the B1G, the athletic department should be paying the students to stay away so that the real fans can attend, it was downright embarrassing to see the student sections this year in both FB and BB.
Is out athletic department also going to pay those "real fans" to attend? Because I don't know about you, but I've been noticing that we are coming up short on what you call "real fans" to pack empty seats at Kinnick, let alone after the students are paid to not attend.
Originally posted by ThatsFootball:

Originally posted by heat_dawg:
It's a problem thoughout the country, it's not an Iowa problem. Alabama has problems getting students to come to the game.

Younger kids aren't as in to sports as they used to be because they have so many other options now then they did in the past. Thats my opinion anyway.
Seems to be quite a large problem with all ages. I know quite a few older guys who miss games because of fishing and decide to watch them on the DVR later if the outcome is to their liking. They then question other Hawkeye fans fandom.

Pretty scary stuff for Iowa's football future...
I have a son at ND. The coaches (FB/MBB/WBB) visit the dorms before/during the season in order to generate enthusiasm and make the students feel like they are part of the program. I understand that ND is only 8,000 while Iowa is 30,000 but it seems to me more could be done to encourage kids to attend.
Obviously winning cures all but besides that right now there is no more Magic Bus, Olive Ct or Hospital Parking lot where students use to tailgate all the time with in last 10 yrs that were a reasonable walk to Kinnick. Plus tix use to be so easy to sell to anyone and get in with out an ID. Not anymore so lot more students tailgating farther away more likely to stay at tailgate or go to bar and eat the tix price instead of sell or give it away.
Originally posted by SoFla-Hawkeye:
I have a son at ND. The coaches (FB/MBB/WBB) visit the dorms before/during the season in order to generate enthusiasm and make the students feel like they are part of the program. I understand that ND is only 8,000 while Iowa is 30,000 but it seems to me more could be done to encourage kids to attend.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh don't give anyone there any good ideas.
Originally posted by TailgateTom:
Something I've seen pop up over here several times is that students don't come to events. I know when I was in college I bought season student guest tickets (I went to UNI) for $125. I think now those tickets are somewhere in the neighborhood of $250. I'm not for sure, but I think student basketball tickets are like $100. Do you think ticket price is impacting attendance? I saw a promo for Minnesota where they're offering all season student tickets for $260. Seems to me that if prices were to be lowered we might see more butts in the seats? Thoughts?
Not that this will help attendance but back in the days, the student guest ticket was $35. I believe now it is full price or close to it. I always get a guest ticket and if it wasn't being used, I could sell it easily for over $100 per game (Hayden Fry hey days!).

I think once they got greedy and delegated the students to the endzone, attendance started dropping.
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by TailgateTom:
Something I've seen pop up over here several times is that students don't come to events. I know when I was in college I bought season student guest tickets (I went to UNI) for $125. I think now those tickets are somewhere in the neighborhood of $250. I'm not for sure, but I think student basketball tickets are like $100. Do you think ticket price is impacting attendance? I saw a promo for Minnesota where they're offering all season student tickets for $260. Seems to me that if prices were to be lowered we might see more butts in the seats? Thoughts?
Not that this will help attendance but back in the days, the student guest ticket was $35. I believe now it is full price or close to it. I always get a guest ticket and if it wasn't being used, I could sell it easily for over $100 per game (Hayden Fry hey days!).

I think once they got greedy and delegated the students to the endzone, attendance started dropping.
I don't think that is the case, they got moved and attendance didn't least until other factors (losing) came in. Regardless, it happened, and, imo, even if they were moved back they wouldn't increase attendance.

I've long advocated two things that need to happen to get them back:
1. Win
2. Graduate - This current crop of seniors (students, not players) haven't seen much to bring them back, but winning will get it back, as well as sloughing off the newly lackadaisical. Just to flush that our, here is my claim: Say Iowa wins 10 games next year, 10 the next, that does two very important things, it immediately brings back a lot of students who will pass on the excitement to their friends, but it also excites the fanbase in general, which filters down to high school kids....and then those h.s. kids replace the juniors and seniors.

I'm not sure I "blame" the current crop of seniors, they didn't get to enjoy the same winning experience I did.
Re: Students in End Zone

Never heard this before, but is a very good point. The students used to be on the sideline, this needs to be fixed.
Give the game ball to the student/fan who offers the best selfie during the game.

Let's let them know they are important and helping to better life for all...
It's all nonsense! Students aren't worried about what it costs. And since when did a college students ever make a decision on value? Spring break is a good example. College kids want to go where they can party, be with friends, act crazy, yell and cuss at the opposing teams fans and generally act like nuts. It's more fun (hip to use an old word) if the team kicks ass. Iowa students will attend games when the team becomes relevant. It's not a cerebral thing. It's an emotional thing. When a student section presents these things students will go.
Originally posted by theIowaHawk:
Originally posted by FG86:

Originally posted by TailgateTom:
Something I've seen pop up over here several times is that students don't come to events. I know when I was in college I bought season student guest tickets (I went to UNI) for $125. I think now those tickets are somewhere in the neighborhood of $250. I'm not for sure, but I think student basketball tickets are like $100. Do you think ticket price is impacting attendance? I saw a promo for Minnesota where they're offering all season student tickets for $260. Seems to me that if prices were to be lowered we might see more butts in the seats? Thoughts?
Not that this will help attendance but back in the days, the student guest ticket was $35. I believe now it is full price or close to it. I always get a guest ticket and if it wasn't being used, I could sell it easily for over $100 per game (Hayden Fry hey days!).

I think once they got greedy and delegated the students to the endzone, attendance started dropping.
I don't think that is the case, they got moved and attendance didn't least until other factors (losing) came in. Regardless, it happened, and, imo, even if they were moved back they wouldn't increase attendance.

I've long advocated two things that need to happen to get them back:
1. Win
2. Graduate - This current crop of seniors (students, not players) haven't seen much to bring them back, but winning will get it back, as well as sloughing off the newly lackadaisical. Just to flush that our, here is my claim: Say Iowa wins 10 games next year, 10 the next, that does two very important things, it immediately brings back a lot of students who will pass on the excitement to their friends, but it also excites the fanbase in general, which filters down to high school kids....and then those h.s. kids replace the juniors and seniors.

I'm not sure I "blame" the current crop of seniors, they didn't get to enjoy the same winning experience I did.
Attendance hasn't dropped from students? When students were on the side, their tickets were sold out. I am not saying that is the only issue but hasn't helped either.

I was saying that attendance didn't drop when the switch in location was made.

It wasn't the switch that led to current attendance issues.

Do you think they would still be sold out had they stayed on the sideline? Evidence across the nation screams no. And those claiming that regular attendance will drop...would it be worse if students still had those seats? Per your belief you'd have to say yes.
Student attendance is poor because the product is boring and the stadium security and environment oppressive and very expensive. [/B]

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