Stupid, unforced blunder by Hillary Clinton


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
Nice dangle but I hope the gop doesn't take the bait. This is a non issue and there are a heck of a lot bigger issues with HRC than how she reacts to some moron's comments.
You know, we're not far off from people being able to reach through TVs and pull something like this off. So she really should have denounced this.
The bigger question is what the heck is Hillary going to do about it?? Or the government?? Stuff happens you just do your best to move on.
Nice dangle but I hope the gop doesn't take the bait. This is a non issue and there are a heck of a lot bigger issues with HRC than how she reacts to some moron's comments.
Agreed, this is small fries and like many other things that often capture the attention of media and those they serve, it should be ignored.