Super concerning stuff from QC area hospital networks and health departments....

I had mentioned it in another thread, but never said how things ended up.

My fully vaccinated uncle had a heart attack on December 10th and went to a small hospital in SE Iowa. He needed a cardiac unit and theirs was full, or they didn’t have one, I’m not sure which.

He was put on a waiting list for Iowa City and was 15th on the list.

They called over 50 hospitals in 5(or 6?) states for one, all full.

He passed away on Wednesday the 15th.
Sorry to hear that.
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Actually, the impact of unwanted children has a much much larger impact.

Particularly into poorer households.
Yeah, I agree, funny how nuanced the arguments are on both sides. I will counter that it could be argued that there are more single parent households due to birth control and abortion, so more impoverished families, kind of a Catch 22. Both sides have good points. Nothing is black and white. This is what makes it so frustrating to discuss anything with people who will not engage and just stonewall with name calling such as Trumpster or Libtard.
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This response doesn't even make sense for what I wrote. Can you English? You sure as hell can't science or think critically. Don't bother answering.
You're such a bundle of joy, aren't you? I bet you're such an awesome Doc. No wonder why people get turned off to the medical establishment.

Here let me help you. There are 2 different nurses at play here. The one I responded to in the post you quoted (which may not be a "she" but the majority are), and the one in the vid I posted which you responded to directly. Both nurses with supposedly completely different viewpoints and experiences. Now, you said "she's ridiculously full of shit with an agenda" and I said "which one", meaning which nurse, the one I was responding to or the one in the vid I posted. You claim all those years of med school and yet can't follow a simple conversation? Or, you're trying too hard to go out of your way just to be an a-hole.
You're such a bundle of joy, aren't you? I bet you're such an awesome Doc. No wonder why people get turned off to the medical establishment.

Here let me help you. There are 2 different nurses at play here. The one I responded to in the post you quoted (which may not be a "she" but the majority are), and the one in the vid I posted which you responded to directly. Both nurses with supposedly completely different viewpoints and experiences. Now, you said "she's ridiculously full of shit with an agenda" and I said "which one", meaning which nurse, the one I was responding to or the one in the vid I posted. You claim all those years of med school and yet can't follow a simple conversation? Or, you're trying too hard to go out of your way just to be an a-hole.
So typical that you use someone who you acknowledge is lying about deaths and uses Vaers as their data support. LOL. Compete idiocy.
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So typical that you use someone who you acknowledge is lying about deaths and uses Vaers as their data support. LOL. Compete idiocy.
I never acknowledged the one I "used" is lying about "deaths and uses Vaers as their data support". I said "which one" which then deflects the one that I'M questioning back to the (supposed) Nurse HROT poster. Man, you guys suck at this.
You're such a bundle of joy, aren't you? I bet you're such an awesome Doc. No wonder why people get turned off to the medical establishment.

Here let me help you. There are 2 different nurses at play here. The one I responded to in the post you quoted (which may not be a "she" but the majority are), and the one in the vid I posted which you responded to directly. Both nurses with supposedly completely different viewpoints and experiences. Now, you said "she's ridiculously full of shit with an agenda" and I said "which one", meaning which nurse, the one I was responding to or the one in the vid I posted. You claim all those years of med school and yet can't follow a simple conversation? Or, you're trying too hard to go out of your way just to be an a-hole.
My post was in response to the nonsense you posted. If I wanted to reply to what the other poster said, I would have replied to them directly.

Bad at science, English, basic conversational structure, and message boards. Is there anything you excel at?
My post was in response to the nonsense you posted. If I wanted to reply to what the other poster said, I would have replied to them directly.

Bad at science, English, basic conversational structure, and message boards. Is there anything you excel at?
It's not my f'n problem you can't follow the f'n flow of the conversation.
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My only point, which I don't think that I am missing at all, is that many illnesses that result in hospitalization have a strong correlation, even causation, to choices that the person makes...or doesn't make. If we start denying care to non-vaxxed Covid patients, then who else are we also going to deny?

I don't think people are seeing that. Not previously mentioned, but also applicable to me...what about people in the hospital for flu related illness that for whatever reason chose not to get a flu shot. Should they be denied? Would not they be considered unvaxxed?

And there have been many times in the past, pre-Covid, where flu related patients have led to capacity concerns. I don't recall anyone calling for them to be denied.
Always like thinking like this.

If you let you kid have on pixi stick do you let them eat whatever for the rest of their live. Or do you have the ability to say no...even if you said yes to the same thing or something similar earlier?

Same concept here. We can say unvaxxed isn't covered and all the obesity and smokers are. Cause we said so. I doesn't have to be an all or nothing situation.

It amazes me how many people have just thrown both complex thoughts and common sense out the window in the last 4 years.
It’s truly baffling how little you know about science vaccines and logic. It is really hard to be wrong as often and as badly as you are.
I'm certainly not an expert and never claimed to be. I really think it's a mistake to ignore expert alternative viewpoints and tend to have a much more open mind than most others here seem to have. Especially given that history will indicate many examples of new (eventually discovered to be correct) alternative viewpoint ridicule.
Always like thinking like this.

If you let you kid have on pixi stick do you let them eat whatever for the rest of their live. Or do you have the ability to say no...even if you said yes to the same thing or something similar earlier?

Same concept here. We can say unvaxxed isn't covered and all the obesity and smokers are. Cause we said so. I doesn't have to be an all or nothing situation.

It amazes me how many people have just thrown both complex thoughts and common sense out the window in the last 4 years.
Who's "we"? Here's a complex thought for you...who gets to determine who receives treatment and who doesn't?
Who's "we"? Here's a complex thought for you...who gets to determine who receives treatment and who doesn't?
The collective world and common sense. Clearly things you've left behind long ago.

The same we that decided we shouldn't be allowed to kill each other. Or the we that decided iowa state sucks.

Seriously do you all take stupid pills?
As the song goes "It's *beginning* to look a lot like fascism". Although I have to give a shout out to @shank hawk as most of the old vaccine threads had several posts of him warning others about it long before COVID was even a thing. To that end, I came across a nice FB meme that hits on what I'm getting at.

Congrats on being even stupider than Skankhawk. Didn't think it was humanly possible.
The collective world and common sense. Clearly things you've left behind long ago.

The same we that decided we shouldn't be allowed to kill each other. Or the we that decided iowa state sucks.

Seriously do you all take stupid pills? you don't know who you are going to entrust with the solemn responsibility of denying medical care for some, but not all, conditions. Federal government, state government, each hospital or healthcare provider/facility...or each individual physician or nurse? Tell us...who is going to make that call?

How are you defining unvaxxed? Current on boosters? Etc. Are you one that thinks that healthcare is a human right? If so, what are your creds to deny someone their right(s)?

Tell me, how is an individual caregiver supposed to make the determination and inform a patient, or relative, that they will not be receiving care? On what authority? What happens when the prospective patient doesn't concur with the determination to deny them care? Is there an appeal process, etc?

Can you define ANYTHING...whatsoever? What happens when two different people don't share the same "common sense"? Can you provide a phone number or an email for the "collective world" in case someone needs to contact them to get answers to these or other pertinent questions? Or is it your expectation that everyone is just going to "know" and comply willingly?

It is just LOLOLOL reading your "deep" thoughts on how stupid you think I am when you cannot answer even the most basic question(s) of how to implement and/or enforce your policy thoughts.

If you had even a fraction of the actual intelligence that it appears that you think you have you would be able to articulate how something like this would actually work in practice. That you, and others, cannot reveals very clearly the untenable notion of withholding medical care from someone else. you don't know who you are going to entrust with the solemn responsibility of denying medical care for some, but not all, conditions. Federal government, state government, each hospital or healthcare provider/facility...or each individual physician or nurse? Tell us...who is going to make that call?

How are you defining unvaxxed? Current on boosters? Etc. Are you one that thinks that healthcare is a human right? If so, what are your creds to deny someone their right(s)?

Tell me, how is an individual caregiver supposed to make the determination and inform a patient, or relative, that they will not be receiving care? On what authority? What happens when the prospective patient doesn't concur with the determination to deny them care? Is there an appeal process, etc?

Can you define ANYTHING...whatsoever? What happens when two different people don't share the same "common sense"? Can you provide a phone number or an email for the "collective world" in case someone needs to contact them to get answers to these or other pertinent questions? Or is it your expectation that everyone is just going to "know" and comply willingly?

It is just LOLOLOL reading your "deep" thoughts on how stupid you think I am when you cannot answer even the most basic question(s) of how to implement and/or enforce your policy thoughts.

If you had even a fraction of the actual intelligence that it appears that you think you have you would be able to articulate how something like this would actually work in practice. That you, and others, cannot reveals very clearly the untenable notion of withholding medical care from someone else.
Vaccine card. Booster if appropriate. Not any different than id to get into a bar.

I'm not suggesting it should be done but it's stupid to think it would be too complex to do so.

Do you support universal health care?

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