Supreme Court Set to Rule on Assault Weapon Ban!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


HB Heisman
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
Supreme Court Set to Rule on Assault Weapon Ban
The fight for and against firearms in the United States has been going on for centuries. Ever since the Second Amendment was written giving Americans the right to bear arms, many have wondered exactly how far that liberty should reach.
The fight continues right now as Illinois and several other states have attempted to ban assault weapons, such as AR-15s. But the Supreme Court may have to intervene and overturn the legislation if they believe the states are violating their citizens’ constitutional rights.

The Firearm Debate USA

It has been almost 250 years since the Second Amendment was ratified, and things have drastically changed for both Americans and the firearms available to them. Over the past few decades, the debate as to whether this right should remain as it was written has gained considerable traction.
There are millions of Americans who believe wholeheartedly that all firearms are included within the Second Amendment right, which should be held in perpetuity.

What Is an Assault Weapon?
The state-dictated bans on assault weapons are exceptionally complicated as there is no clear or consistent definition for which kind of firearms are considered “assault weapons.”
In 1994, the US Department of Justice defined assault weapons as “semi automatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use.” However, each state has taken that definition and adjusted it, so now, no two states with an assault weapon ban have the same rules.

The National Rifle Associate Claims Certain Banned Guns Aren’t Really Assault Weapons
Now, in 2024, as several more states have decided to ban assault weapons, advocates for the Second Amendment are fighting back. And they are using the confusing and lackluster definitions of assault weapons to do so.
Organizations such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) and ArmedScholar have specifically called out the government of Illinois for including AR-15s in their weapons ban: a firearm which most gun supporters argue is in no way an assault weapon.

What Is an AR-15?
AR-15s are well known among gun enthusiasts and even anti-gun advocates. Because they are easy to use and semi-automatic, they have become one of the most popular firearms in America. The NRA even calls the AR-15 “America’s rifle,” and there are more than 15 million in circulation throughout the country.
But because the user has to pull the trigger between every shot, gun advocates say that it is not an automatic assault weapon, and, therefore, cannot and should not be banned in any state.

Gun Rights Activists Are Taking Their Case to the Supreme Court
Gun rights supporters are now taking their case against the government of Illinois to the Supreme Court. They are arguing that banning the AR-15 is an infringement against their Second Amendment rights and should be overturned by the federal government.
The Supreme Court has yet to agree to even hear their case, let alone pass judgment on it. But they’re decision, one way or the other, could change the future of guns in America.

If the Supreme Court Sides with Gun Rights Activists

If the Supreme Court does take the case, sides with the gun rights activists, and overturns Illinois’ ban on AR-15s, that would mean no other state could ban the popular rifle.
This, of course, would change the course of history as a Supreme Court decision is the final say in the American judiciary system.

If the Supreme Court Sides With Illinois
On the other hand, if the Supreme Court doesn’t take the case or does and then sides with the government of Illinois and allows the ban of AR-15s, that would mean every other state has the right to do so as well.
That decision could and likely would lead to far stricter gun laws throughout the country over the coming years. Which is certainly what gun reform supporters are hoping for.

Will Guns Always Be Legal in America?
The situation in Illinois and the fight to keep AR-15s legal is an important moment in United States’ history; what comes of this fight will dictate the future of gun laws throughout the nation.
That being said, those who are fighting for the complete prohibition of guns in the United States still have a long way to go. For now, it seems nearly impossible that all firearms will ever be made illegal in America.