Ted Cruz blatantly lying to Iowa people to get them out...

Sent out a mailer saying if they don't go, it's a voter violation and their score is made public. Iowa secretary of state has slammed this move as it's a completely lie.

Stay classy Cruz campaign

I am amused at so many people who claim they couldn't possibly vote for Hillary because she is such a pathological liar, who then support people like Cruz and (even more astonishingly) Trump. At least support Jeb, Christie, Rubio -- somebody who you can make a plausible argument is more honest than Clinton.
I am amused at so many people who claim they couldn't possibly vote for Hillary because she is such a pathological liar, who then support people like Cruz and (even more astonishingly) Trump. At least support Jeb, Christie, Rubio -- somebody who you can make a plausible argument is more honest than Clinton.

HAHA @ support Jeb or Rubio? Not happening

Christie I could tolerate because he is somewhat more of an outsider.
Christie is a commie leftist Obama supporter
Many GOP seem to think the aftermath of "Sandy" where Christie praised Obama helped get him reelected. Maybe that's true, maybe not.

Christie is a moderate that many Dems would vote for. Not sure there are any other GOP that could draw Dem support.

My take on the GOP is that they seem resigned to the fact that no one will overtake Trump. So they support him because they don't want another Dem in the WH. That's a piss-poor reason to support your Party candidate.

The Republican field is left wavering. Cruz can't win a National election. Bush... nuff said. Marco has been exposed by the Bush superpac and is losing credibility every day. He says what his audience wants to hear.

If it's Trump vs any Dem... the Republican base is in a lose/lose situation. Eight more years of gridlock and fighting EVERYTHING from the WH.

It's a horrible time to identify as a Republican.
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I am amused at so many people who claim they couldn't possibly vote for Hillary because she is such a pathological liar, who then support people like Cruz and (even more astonishingly) Trump. At least support Jeb, Christie, Rubio -- somebody who you can make a plausible argument is more honest than Clinton.
Disagree with Bush. If there's one candidate with as much secretive baggage as Hillary, it's Jeb. But Rubes and Christie have been more honest than average.
I am amused at so many people who claim they couldn't possibly vote for Hillary because she is such a pathological liar, who then support people like Cruz and (even more astonishingly) Trump. At least support Jeb, Christie, Rubio -- somebody who you can make a plausible argument is more honest than Clinton.

LOL @ Christie being more honest or trustworthy than anyone else. Didn't he strand thousands of motorists for hours on end because of a petty political squabble?

Plus he's really fat.
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Just take a look at this face. Now tell me, would you rather a) vote for it, or b) punch it.
I rest my case.
Scary thing is that many Cruz voters probably believe this.
I am pretty certain most Cruz supporters are A. Not eligible to vote because they're felons or B. Not old enough to vote.

Cruz has appeal to the far, far, right, and not many others. He could win the nomination and lose the General by 55/45 or so. He's Steve King at the national level. He'll get trounced in NH and SC, but he's hoping the redneck States puff him back up.

And by the looks of it... his daughter isn't a fan!
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