The left's inability to differentiate between what makes America great and what doesn't is interesting to say the least. Anyone thinking our current immigration policy is positive is a joke. It's almost sad that we didn't lock the borders the night of the attack in Paris like France did to anyone that isn't an American citizen.The right's inability to differentiate between immigrants and terrorists is interesting to say the least.
This is another one of those weird political issues in America. It seems to run counter to the base positions of the groups that argue for and against it. Cons who like to think of themselves as pro individual liberty, champion assimilation into the collective. While liberals defend remaining free outside of the community. Like abortion, it would seem the parties should really swap positions on this belief to remain consistent. I find it interesting.
and it is "the liberals" who have held up any meaningful immigration law updates? Methinks the "stall" in immigration law changes lies with a certain minority section of the majority party in power. But then, I bet I'm wrong and you're right, correct?The left's inability to differentiate between what makes America great and what doesn't is interesting to say the least. Anyone thinking our current immigration policy is positive is a joke. It's almost sad that we didn't lock the borders the night of the attack in Paris like France did to anyone that isn't an American citizen.