Iowa Govenator Terry "Teflon" Branstad, Iowa's Governor for Life, has had quite a year this year. The successor to Chet "the big lug" Culver ran on his previous record of following the mantra of the Iowa Farm Bureau to the letter and his admonition of "the Big Lug" that the role of government is not to choose 'WINNERS AND LOSERS."
Since the ending of the Iowa Iowa Legislature session, Teflon has decided that Iowa move its administration of its MedicAid program from state administration to the private sector. Iowa's administrative costs for this program typically ran 4-6% annually. By contract, the "private administrators" will garner anywhere from 12-16% of the slightly more than $4B. The budget for MedicAid recipients will not increase.....the added administrative costs will be denying services for mental health and physical health programs for Iowa's poorest, most indigent and mentally impaired citizens.
Then, Teflon decided the bipartisan compromise worked out by the Iowa Legislature was not in his interests, so he (with no prior warning) line item vetoed the compromise from the new budget. This loss of funds will result in fewer teachers and lower wages and a further compromised education system for Iowa's youth.
Teflon, not happy he had done enough to undermine the state's education system, decided to subterfuge the U of I faculty and designed an unusual, at best unique, search methodology in his search for a new President. He lined the ducks up, allowed favoritism and a endorsed a flawed system to accomplish his goal.
Now, Teflon has decided he can write and enact tax legislation without the help of the General Assmbly. He has decided to cut $46M from the state's coffers by rewriting the state's tax code on its manufacturers with NO debate or referendum of the citizens of the State.
And the people of Iowa say nothing. No outrage. No anger. No indignance. I understand Teflon is immensely popular. But does Iowa have a democratically elected government or does it endorse a dictatorship? God knows the reaction if the big lug would have done anything even close to approaching this.
One also understands why back in the day, Iowa went to holding its Governor's elections in "off year" periods of time when voter turn-outs are lower.
Since the ending of the Iowa Iowa Legislature session, Teflon has decided that Iowa move its administration of its MedicAid program from state administration to the private sector. Iowa's administrative costs for this program typically ran 4-6% annually. By contract, the "private administrators" will garner anywhere from 12-16% of the slightly more than $4B. The budget for MedicAid recipients will not increase.....the added administrative costs will be denying services for mental health and physical health programs for Iowa's poorest, most indigent and mentally impaired citizens.
Then, Teflon decided the bipartisan compromise worked out by the Iowa Legislature was not in his interests, so he (with no prior warning) line item vetoed the compromise from the new budget. This loss of funds will result in fewer teachers and lower wages and a further compromised education system for Iowa's youth.
Teflon, not happy he had done enough to undermine the state's education system, decided to subterfuge the U of I faculty and designed an unusual, at best unique, search methodology in his search for a new President. He lined the ducks up, allowed favoritism and a endorsed a flawed system to accomplish his goal.
Now, Teflon has decided he can write and enact tax legislation without the help of the General Assmbly. He has decided to cut $46M from the state's coffers by rewriting the state's tax code on its manufacturers with NO debate or referendum of the citizens of the State.
And the people of Iowa say nothing. No outrage. No anger. No indignance. I understand Teflon is immensely popular. But does Iowa have a democratically elected government or does it endorse a dictatorship? God knows the reaction if the big lug would have done anything even close to approaching this.
One also understands why back in the day, Iowa went to holding its Governor's elections in "off year" periods of time when voter turn-outs are lower.