Tehran Tom says BHO undermining negotiations


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
On the Senate floor yesterday, freshman Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) - who two weeks ago sent a letter to the Iranian government warning it that Republicans might not honor a treaty signed by President Barack Obama - claimed that recent statements made by a State Department spokesman are "worrisome" because they undermine foreign officials currently in negotiations, Steve Benen reports[/URL].
Cotton was not speaking about President Obama's negotiations, however, but of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attempt to form a coalition government.
Earlier that day, State Department spokesman Jen Psaki told reporters that the administration is "currently evaluating our approach" to the recently reelected Netanyahu, a statement that Cotton found "worrisome."
"While Prime Minister Netanyahu won a decisive victory," Cotton said, "he still has just started assembling a governing majority coalition. These kinds of quotes from Israel's most important ally could very well startle some of the smaller parties and their leaders with whom Prime Minister Netanyahu is currently in negotiations."
"This raises the question," he continued, "if the administration intends to undermine Prime Minister Netanyahu's efforts to assemble a coalition by suggesting a change to our longstanding policy of supporting Israel's position with the United Nations."
As Benen noted, two weeks ago Cotton sent a letter to Iranian leaders, "the point of the correspondence, by Cotton's own admission, was to target international diplomacy, undermine American foreign policy, and disrupt officials during their ongoing negotiations."[/B]
But yesterday, Cotton took to the Senate floor to announce that an innocuous statement made by a State Department official in the wake of an election in a foreign country is "worrisome."
Or, in Benen's words, "is this intended as some kind of performance-art statement on the power of irony?"

Is this guy Tom Cotton suffering from PTSD?
Muslim Obama IS interfering. Hell, he just called the Ayatollah to wish him a grand holiday. Did he have good wishes for Israel or was he too busy praying five times a day? Just sayin'……...
As I suggested before the election, Bibi may soon learn that his efforts to undermine and embarrass the President of the United States have consequences.

Those thinking about a coalition government with Bibi may want to think about that.

Israel would be well-advised to let Herzog form the government, if he can.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
As I suggested before the election, Bibi may soon learn that his efforts to undermine and embarrass the President of the United States have consequences.

Those thinking about a coalition government with Bibi may want to think about that.

Israel would be well-advised to let Herzog form the government, if he can.
His problem will be the US might decide to block every UN motion against Israel. And, Western Europe isn't happy with Bibi.
However, Bibi was in full denial yesterday and today. Interviews with anyone who would listen saying that he didn't really say he is against a two state solution. He knows he overreached.
I wish Netanyahu was our president. It's nice to see decisiveness and a true leader. January 2017 can't come fast enough.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
As I suggested before the election, Bibi may soon learn that his efforts to undermine and embarrass the President of the United States have consequences.

Those thinking about a coalition government with Bibi may want to think about that.

Israel would be well-advised to let Herzog form the government, if he can.
If BHO stupidly decides to punish Bibi at the UN it will the biggest mistake he has made yet and there have been some whoppers. In addition it will further show BHO to be a small man who cannot stand to have some one actually not jump when he says jump.
Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
As I suggested before the election, Bibi may soon learn that his efforts to undermine and embarrass the President of the United States have consequences.

Those thinking about a coalition government with Bibi may want to think about that.

Israel would be well-advised to let Herzog form the government, if he can.
If BHO stupidly decides to punish Bibi at the UN it will the biggest mistake he has made yet and there have been some whoppers. In addition it will further show BHO to be a small man who cannot stand to have some one actually not jump when he says jump.
IF he does this, how can any Jew vote Democrat in the next election?
Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
As I suggested before the election, Bibi may soon learn that his efforts to undermine and embarrass the President of the United States have consequences. 

Those thinking about a coalition government with Bibi may want to think about that.

Israel would be well-advised to let Herzog form the government, if he can.
If BHO stupidly decides to punish Bibi at the UN it will the biggest mistake he has made yet and there have been some whoppers.  In addition it will further show BHO to be a small man who cannot stand to have some one actually not jump when he says jump.

+1000. As I have said many times, our President is a thin-skinned petulant little man when things don't go his way.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by IMCC965:
Muslim Obama IS interfering. Hell, he just called the Ayatollah to wish him a grand holiday. Did he have good wishes for Israel or was he too busy praying five times a day?  Just sayin'……...

Move to Israel, since you appear to have sworn allegiance to them. You'll love your new leader. Problem solved.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by jthawk:
Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
As I suggested before the election, Bibi may soon learn that his efforts to undermine and embarrass the President of the United States have consequences. 

Those thinking about a coalition government with Bibi may want to think about that.

Israel would be well-advised to let Herzog form the government, if he can.
If BHO stupidly decides to punish Bibi at the UN it will the biggest mistake he has made yet and there have been some whoppers.  In addition it will further show BHO to be a small man who cannot stand to have some one actually not jump when he says jump.

+1000. As I have said many times, our President is a thin-skinned petulant little man when things don't go his way.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Sound like you and your pals in this thread....except I'd call you petulant little children, not "men".

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by jthawk:
Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
As I suggested before the election, Bibi may soon learn that his efforts to undermine and embarrass the President of the United States have consequences. 

Those thinking about a coalition government with Bibi may want to think about that.

Israel would be well-advised to let Herzog form the government, if he can.
If BHO stupidly decides to punish Bibi at the UN it will the biggest mistake he has made yet and there have been some whoppers.  In addition it will further show BHO to be a small man who cannot stand to have some one actually not jump when he says jump.

+1000. As I have said many times, our President is a thin-skinned petulant little man when things don't go his way.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Sound like you and your pals in this thread....except I'd call you petulant little children, not "men".

Posted from Rivals Mobile

Gotten under your skin have we?:)
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by jthawk:
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
Originally posted by jthawk:
Originally posted by aflachawk:

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
As I suggested before the election, Bibi may soon learn that his efforts to undermine and embarrass the President of the United States have consequences. 

Those thinking about a coalition government with Bibi may want to think about that.

Israel would be well-advised to let Herzog form the government, if he can.
If BHO stupidly decides to punish Bibi at the UN it will the biggest mistake he has made yet and there have been some whoppers.  In addition it will further show BHO to be a small man who cannot stand to have some one actually not jump when he says jump.

+1000. As I have said many times, our President is a thin-skinned petulant little man when things don't go his way.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Sound like you and your pals in this thread....except I'd call you petulant little children, not "men".

Posted from Rivals Mobile

Gotten under your skin have we?:)
Posted from Rivals Mobile

No, I just responded too quickly to the first one and had to come back for more.. :)

Posted from Rivals Mobile