thanks for the responses as well.
if you're asking the latitude to 'see how this appeared' i'm asking the latitude to not immediately jump to a conclusion that 'flo is biased'.
yes, i can see how that would appear. the problem lies in what we saw and when we saw it.
initially, we thought Gilman was just getting chippy....once again. You have to admit that Gilman is tough and brash, and heated and animated. he does it all the time, and (if you pay attention) I defend him all the time.
'antics' have a bad connotation. but i'm not sure why. i love what Gilman does and i wish more people did it. what's it hurt? i said the same thing after Minny dual, after flapgate, etc.
so if we ran a headline eluding to 'Gilman's Antics' (i honestly don't know what the headline was, CP obviously changed it and he's been asleep since Golden Girls ended) - so what?
(original vid is here under title "Terao Gets Gilman's Blood Boiling"
so here's the timeline:
Gilman-Terao match gets chopped and uploaded
We run a title (based off what we saw)
We realize there was more to the story
We run the additional footage
We change the original headline
as for our contributor - kid is a stud. he made the poor judgement of not using the crossfaces - idk why - but there's no way he did that to paint Gilman in a bad light.
as to having a contributor there 'absolving us' i didn't say that at all. i said it was a mistake. the point is, it wasn't a premeditated angle to smear iowa. i mean, get real.