Amazing how this country has devolved and on a constant "Terror threat." Reap what you sow, I guess.
We're definitely a pins and needles society at the moment. Unless a person just doesn't give a crap, it's prudent to over analyze every social interaction you have. I suppose that's one benefit to my random periods of extreme introversion.
Making a post to social media, whether in jest or not? Better vet it so you don't offend the thousands of people out there just looking for something to be outraged by. Innocuous post leads to death threats.
Want to bring something to school that you tinkered with? Better analyze how it might be misconstrued into being a bomb. Screw it, I'll just bring a banana. Damnit, a banana is phallic - might offend some group against penises. YOU'RE ASSERTING YOUR MALE DOMINANCE BY PROMOTING PHALLIC FRUIT (phallic fruit should be the name of a band, would go great with opening for Pussy Riot).
Go out and have a few drinks, have consensual sex with another person who is also tipsy? Uh oh, apparently in some areas consent can be taken back after the fact. Now we have to have consent forms before getting it on to protect your figurative ass. (this is a real thing, believe it or not). Can you honestly imagine having to sign a form before having sex just in case the other person regrets it later and tries to bury you. It's hard enough keeping a female in the mood, now we might have to do it while she's filling out documents in triplicate.
What a bizarre culture that is formulating right now. We are far too comfy as a society. A little real, in your face strife at a large scale level might do us some good so we stop squabbling over such trivial bullshit.
Actually, I should probably change my avatar to not be a picture of myself as it could honestly come to bite me in the ass someday. But I won't, because I happen to be one of those people who doesn't give a crap. YOU CAN'T SLAY ME SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS.
Apologies for the tangent, my brain has a tendency to float from topic to topic.