Texas Republicans Reserve the Right to Secede

Thanks for the history lesson on Texas utilities. I have lived in Texas for 18 years now and in the same house for 12. I just checked and our highest bill in the last 12 months was 316 and lowest was around $90. 3500 sq ft house 3 AC units and a pool.
I lived in Far North Dallas off Preston and Hillcrest and I’m sure the units we had then in the late 90’s weren’t as efficient as the ones now. I know the two I have now here in Florida ate. We had a two story which causes higher usage too and it was also before utilities were deregulated.
Pool, sauna, four fireplaces and a ton of windows.
Glad to hear the rates (and efficiency) is better.
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Why does it bother you guys so much that some states decide to live differently than you?

They treat anyone who isn’t a white, christian, millionaire as a subhuman.

It isn’t a debate about ideas with the modern day GQP. It is how many centuries back in time must we go before right wingers are satisfied. Alito was quoting writings from the 1200s. I don’t think that is far enough in the past to please the base.
They treat anyone who isn’t a white, christian, millionaire as a subhuman.

It isn’t a debate about ideas with the modern day GQP. It is how many centuries back in time must we go before right wingers are satisfied. Alito was quoting writings from the 1200s. I don’t think that is far enough in the past to please the base.
So how long did you live there and witness this?
Build a wall around Texas, that’s something I can fully support.
I have a SIL living and he is working in Waco and i told him, if you want to see us you are welcome up here anytime, but i'm not putting one step in Texass. There is not one thing i miss about the state.
Why does it bother you guys so much that some states decide to live differently than you?
Why does it bother the greater MAGA movement and Trump cultists so much that some people decide to live differently or just have a different skin color?
They treat anyone who isn’t a white, christian, millionaire as a subhuman.

It isn’t a debate about ideas with the modern day GQP. It is how many centuries back in time must we go before right wingers are satisfied. Alito was quoting writings from the 1200s. I don’t think that is far enough in the past to please the base.

They treat anyone who isn’t a white male, christian millionaire as a subhuman

Key distinction
They treat anyone who isn’t a white male, christian millionaire as a subhuman

Key distinction
Weird. My kids high school was a third Jewish and they were all third and fourth generation Texans.
During the almost 20 years I lived there we had two Jewish mayors (female) and a Black mayor.

“Key distinction” is that I lived there and you’re talking out of your ass again.
Weird. My kids high school was a third Jewish and they were all third and fourth generation Texans.
During the almost 20 years I lived there we had two Jewish mayors (female) and a Black mayor.

“Key distinction” is that I lived there and you’re talking out of your ass again.
Honest question, how long ago was that?
Honest question, how long ago was that?

Annette Strauss - Mayor
Laura Miller - Mayor
Ron Kirk - Mayor

Kay Bailey Hutchinson was a female US Senator
Ann Richards was our female Governor.
Damn uppity women and Black men,

Annette Strauss - Mayor
Laura Miller - Mayor
Ron Kirk - Mayor

Kay Bailey Hutchinson was a female US Senator
Ann Richards was our female Governor.
Damn uppity women and Black men,
Any chance things have changed there in 20 years?
You seem eager to defend a place you haven’t lived in 20 years. I was just trying to present a thought that things might be different there now, you brought up the Stone Age, not me.