Thanks to Joe Biden 8 suspected terrorists with possible ISIS ties crossed through the southern border into the U.S.

Did you read the article in the OP? It is not about getaways or people entering illegally.

These were asylum seekers, they went through a legal entry point and meet with border agents. All eight passed a criminal background and were let into the country.

My comment was about the urgent need to improve our asylum seeker vetting process or stop asylum seekers from entering the US so this type of thing does not happen again.
If only Congress would get off their (t)Rumps and do something.

I know. I know.

That's asking too much.
Did you read the article in the OP? It is not about getaways or people entering illegally.

These were asylum seekers, they went through a legal entry point and meet with border agents. All eight passed a criminal background and were let into the country.

My comment was about the urgent need to improve our asylum seeker vetting process or stop asylum seekers from entering the US so this type of thing does not happen again.
I'm more worried about the millions that Biden just let walk into this country without any background check.
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Undoubtedly there are more than 8. We don't know what we don't know.

The sad part is that Biden, or more likely his successor, will get the blame when the terrorists blow something up.
Why shouldn’t Biden get the blame for letting undocumented/unvetted people into the United States?
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The border is on the Republicans. They had the strongest bill ever on emigration and they refused to vote for it because their Lord And Savior told them not to..
lol…first of all spell “immigration” correctly. Secondly, learn what was all in that “strong” bill before spouting about its perceived strength.
It's almost like congress should pass a bi-partisan border bill to beef up security, increase the number of border personnel, etc.
Your “etc” means also processing more illegals faster, so that, more of them are attracted to come into the United States…no thank you.
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The border is on the Republicans. They had the strongest bill ever on emigration and they refused to vote for it because their Lord And Savior told them not to..
All of those people were cleared by the border guardians BEFORE that bill was ever a thought. Biden spent the years those terrorists came across shouting at us that there was nothing to worry about…after telling those terrorists to surge the border of course. Still nothing to see here for the Dems it seems.

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