The Awesomeness of Mike Huckabee

Nov 28, 2010
Awesomeness, I say.

Mike Huckabee stood on Mt. Carmel overlooking the site of the Bible's (Revelation 16) future Battle of Armageddon, and said,

"I hope that, if called upon, I would be willing to stand all by myself [and] to call fire from Heaven and believe that God will answer even if there are hundreds and hundreds of false prophets on the other side."

This is actually from the Gospel of Luke (9:54): "When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, 'Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?'"

So Huckabee says he is willing to use his own magical ability to call down fire on all those people who refuse to share his religious beliefs. What he doesn't mention is what came next in Luke:

"But Jesus turned and rebuked them."

He hasn't given thought, of course, to the possibility that he might be wrong about what his God wants. He certainly seems never to have heard of a guy named Jesus of Nazareth, who, besides eschewing fire from heaven, preached some very radical things about poor people and the evil nature of rich people, who, like Huckabee, have sold their souls to Satan.

More good stuff here
He's just playing politics. He'll be in the battle for the primary early on, so he has to get the crazy side of his party to stand behind him. If (big if) he makes it through the primary these type of quotes will cease to exist because like all candidates he'll have to move to the center to appease a majority of the GOP and not the fringe members.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Awesomeness, I say.

Mike Huckabee stood on Mt. Carmel overlooking the site of the Bible's (Revelation 16) future Battle of Armageddon, and said,

"I hope that, if called upon, I would be willing to stand all by myself [and] to call fire from Heaven and believe that God will answer even if there are hundreds and hundreds of false prophets on the other side."

This is actually from the Gospel of Luke (9:54): "When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, 'Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?'"

So Huckabee says he is willing to use his own magical ability to call down fire on all those people who refuse to share his religious beliefs. What he doesn't mention is what came next in Luke:

"But Jesus turned and rebuked them."

He hasn't given thought, of course, to the possibility that he might be wrong about what his God wants. He certainly seems never to have heard of a guy named Jesus of Nazareth, who, besides eschewing fire from heaven, preached some very radical things about poor people and the evil nature of rich people, who, like Huckabee, have sold their souls to Satan.
Why libs feel the need to mock others with deeply held faith beliefs different than their own are a constant curiosity to me. Many times if a man is vehemently anti gay, libs say that man has to be secretly gay. Is that the case here with you? Do you have lingering inner doubts about your professed lack of the existence of a God?
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Awesomeness, I say.

Mike Huckabee stood on Mt. Carmel overlooking the site of the Bible's (Revelation 16) future Battle of Armageddon, and said,

"I hope that, if called upon, I would be willing to stand all by myself [and] to call fire from Heaven and believe that God will answer even if there are hundreds and hundreds of false prophets on the other side."

This is actually from the Gospel of Luke (9:54): "When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, 'Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?'"

So Huckabee says he is willing to use his own magical ability to call down fire on all those people who refuse to share his religious beliefs. What he doesn't mention is what came next in Luke:

"But Jesus turned and rebuked them."

He hasn't given thought, of course, to the possibility that he might be wrong about what his God wants. He certainly seems never to have heard of a guy named Jesus of Nazareth, who, besides eschewing fire from heaven, preached some very radical things about poor people and the evil nature of rich people, who, like Huckabee, have sold their souls to Satan.
Why libs feel the need to mock others with deeply held faith beliefs different than their own are a constant curiosity to me. Many times if a man is vehemently anti gay, libs say that man has to be secretly gay. Is that the case here with you? Do you have lingering inner doubts about your professed lack of the existence of a God?
Don't you think that kind of talk is a little scary coming from somebody that wants to be the CIC of the military?
poor people abusing the system =bad
poor people who work hard=good, modest, and worthy
Originally posted by aflachawk:

Why libs feel the need to mock others with deeply held faith beliefs different than their own are a constant curiosity to me.
Many times if a man is vehemently anti gay, libs say that man has to be secretly gay. Is that the case here with you? Do you have lingering inner doubts about your professed lack of the existence of a God?
I know aflachawk...."libs" are just this way. Too bad "libs" aren't as tolerant and understanding of all ideas as cons are. Cons are wonderful and compassionate people. I think I might become a "con". (As soon as I see an example I can follow.)
Mike Huckabee is a college graduate and had
one year of seminary education. He is a Southern
Baptist minister who was a parish pastor for 12
years. However, he is not a theologian who
understands with any depth the Holy Bible.
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Awesomeness, I say.

Mike Huckabee stood on Mt. Carmel overlooking the site of the Bible's (Revelation 16) future Battle of Armageddon, and said,

"I hope that, if called upon, I would be willing to stand all by myself [and] to call fire from Heaven and believe that God will answer even if there are hundreds and hundreds of false prophets on the other side."

This is actually from the Gospel of Luke (9:54): "When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, 'Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?'"

So Huckabee says he is willing to use his own magical ability to call down fire on all those people who refuse to share his religious beliefs. What he doesn't mention is what came next in Luke:

"But Jesus turned and rebuked them."

He hasn't given thought, of course, to the possibility that he might be wrong about what his God wants. He certainly seems never to have heard of a guy named Jesus of Nazareth, who, besides eschewing fire from heaven, preached some very radical things about poor people and the evil nature of rich people, who, like Huckabee, have sold their souls to Satan.
Why libs feel the need to mock others with deeply held faith beliefs different than their own are a constant curiosity to me. Many times if a man is vehemently anti gay, libs say that man has to be secretly gay. Is that the case here with you? Do you have lingering inner doubts about your professed lack of the existence of a God?
Talk about antisemitism. After reading that, how can any Jew be a republican, right?
He was a respectable governor. Since going to Fox he's pandered too much.
Originally posted by gusto79:
Originally posted by aflachawk:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Awesomeness, I say.

Mike Huckabee stood on Mt. Carmel overlooking the site of the Bible's (Revelation 16) future Battle of Armageddon, and said,

"I hope that, if called upon, I would be willing to stand all by myself [and] to call fire from Heaven and believe that God will answer even if there are hundreds and hundreds of false prophets on the other side."

This is actually from the Gospel of Luke (9:54): "When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, 'Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?'"

So Huckabee says he is willing to use his own magical ability to call down fire on all those people who refuse to share his religious beliefs. What he doesn't mention is what came next in Luke:

"But Jesus turned and rebuked them."

He hasn't given thought, of course, to the possibility that he might be wrong about what his God wants. He certainly seems never to have heard of a guy named Jesus of Nazareth, who, besides eschewing fire from heaven, preached some very radical things about poor people and the evil nature of rich people, who, like Huckabee, have sold their souls to Satan.
Why libs feel the need to mock others with deeply held faith beliefs different than their own are a constant curiosity to me. Many times if a man is vehemently anti gay, libs say that man has to be secretly gay. Is that the case here with you? Do you have lingering inner doubts about your professed lack of the existence of a God?
Don't you think that kind of talk is a little scary coming from somebody that wants to be the CIC of the military?
No but having Obama as CIC scare me.

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