The corn harvest is well under way.


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
I'm a little sentimental about this time of year. Iowa is such a seasonal place. There is a rhythm to our year. Now it's time to see the crops coming in. I've been doing a lot of driving around Johnson County the last two days and it's great to see the progress being made with the ideal weather for harvesting. Mrs. Lucas uncle sent a video he shot as he was harvesting corn and transferring it to a truck.
Too bad prices are depressed this year.
Should be a record crop in Iowa. And prices have been holding up a little better than at harvest last year.
Seed quality has gotten to a point where it would take catastrophic weather to NOT have yields of 200+ BPA.

Even though prices may be down, farmers aren't spending nearly as much as usual drying it. My parents' renters were getting 16-17% moisture last week, which is really low.
Well, I hope the corn is too wet or too dry or the price isn't high enough or it's too high, so my rural friends will have something to complain about...or blame Obama. They still get free caps. don't they? ;)

Iowa at this time a year just might be heaven.
My office is on the edge of town. The other day I walked out and could hear a combine going in the distance. Without looking, I smelled the air and knew right away they were combining beans. Love this time of year. You can take the kid off the farm but you can't take the farm out of the kid.